Alright, so the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal saga continues! No, I'm totally kidding... but isn't it funny how these deals are so dramatic? Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that Target has updated their Price Matching Policy. You can check it out here. I would suggest printing it off and keeping it with you every time you shop at Target.
The updated policy does state that you can use a manufacturer coupon and/or Target coupon on an item that's being price matched. There is also a long list of exclusions that you'll want to be aware of. One of the new exclusions states they will not let you price match "Timed events" (e.g., early bird, doorbusters), so I guess all of you that were able to price match the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal got lucky! I do apologize for posting this deal without having all the accurate information regarding price matching. As I've said before, I get so excited about posting great deals, so sometimes the important research part comes after posting--not before! I know that doesn't make much since, but I always like for you all to have the most current deal information and I do apologize when it's not the most accurate!
Now on another note, I received an email from Nikki, letting me know about an amazing deal she scored at Walmart! She was able to find the LeapFrog Alphabet Pal priced at ONLY $9.49! Her local Walmart also accepts competitors store coupons and you know what that means... she was able to score a FREE LeapFrog Alphabet Pal after using the $10 Target coupon! Now please keep in mind not all Walmarts will accept competitor store coupons, but it does seem like quite a few of them will! And it never hurts to try... worst case scenario--they say no.
Walmarts corporate coupon policy is not detailed enough in my opinion. Their policy states Walmart accepts the following types of coupons and one of those coupons listed is "Store Coupons", but then there are no specifics. It doesn't say just Walmart store coupons (which I've never seen before) and it doesn't state competitor store coupons... so I guess the question is what store coupons are they talking about? I've had lots of readers email Walmart regarding this and corporate has emailed them back stating they do accept competitor store coupons, but then when they go in to their local Walmart they're told no! Confusing, huh?
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Every Walmart makes up their own rules, that's why most couponer's can't stand them!
called my Walmart by me and they said yes they match comp. coupons...I am in Michigan...Walmart off of Belleville Rd.
My walmart said they price match but they do not accept competitor coupons in Florida.boo!
Exactly! I hate my local Walmart. Since couponing, I've only been there three times. Once for the Snow White Deal, once for bandaids, and once for the UP/Monsters Inc Disaster!
Even if some of the items are priced lower, I have much better luck at Target and find spending a few more dollars on my total order at Target much more beneficial in my case!!
I call 3 local walmart stores and they all said NO
i called Walmart corporate last night and asked and after quite of bit of explaining on my part & researching on Walmarts part i was told they DO accept Target store q's. she said when i went to the store if i had any problems to ask for the head manager & call corporate on my cell phone so they could explain to them that they DO take them & to process it as a "store match" not as a coupon. haven't tried it yet... was going to wait for all the drama of this 2-day sale to die down.
Now everyone is going to go crazy and run to walmart. I am not sure if I am up to trying this at walmart after running around town for 2 days. Good luck everyone!
I love getting the info ASAP so as far as you doing research first I think it is our job to research every store in every region is different plus each associate is different. I say give us the info and let us do the research. I scored 1 alpha pal(took the last one) and my friend scored 3. No questions asked. Thanks for ALL the tips!
i got 2 of the alphabet pals by price matching at target for .49 cents each. thanks!
Hi Jitterbugs! You and I are neighbors! Good to know our "new" Walmart is accepting competitor coupons.
I tried that deal at Walmart in Spokane, WA and Walmart's supervisor told me that they will only accept competetor's coupons with the same store ad/internet printoff showing the coupon's store's original price. For example they will only let you use the Leapfrog Target coupon off the Target original price which is $19.99 and then the $10 off making the toy $9.99. Right now the toy is $9 at Walmart. I was bummed because I called ahead of time and they told me that yes they do ad match and yes they do take competetor's coupons, but they did not tell me more and I made a wasted trip in the snow.
Well, if WalMart receives a firestorm about this deal, then I'm sure that they'll clarify their policies, too. After all, if they are giving this toy away free, they aren't making any money on it.
But (judging by comments) it seems like people don't fight WalMart like they do Target. I wonder why. Any thoughts?
I went last night to Wags and tried to do the benadryl/sudafed 20/10RR deal and my RR didn't print. I also did a Theraflu and still it didn't print. The mngr told me that I could not use Q's and RR and on RR deals bc they would not print..plse someone help me out!
My walmarts are mean whenit comes to coupons -
They won't take other store coupons without knowing their price.
Which is stupid. I have called corporate so many times ont hem and they are told I am right every single time. So, they do it that one time and then they keep pushing the issue they will still refuse everyone, even me when I come back. Their objective I think is to wear down the couponers - and it has worked. I will not use store coupons there anymore. I only use coupons.
It gets worse, don't even try to price match or use a competitors coupon and a manufacturer Q at the same time. They call it double couponing (they are idiots as they don't knwo what double Q really means or they just say so) anywhays they won't allow it. Again, I call corportate and they are told I am right and they have to do it. This only serves to piss them off royally and they treat me like crap when I return to the store. Like I am some kind of trouble maker who needs to be hushed up and pushed out.
So now I do most of my shopping else where, and I am 9/10 treatedreally awesome as albertsons, walgreens,rite aid cashiers know me and know I am always so nice to them.
Target it's hit or miss as the cashiers seem to change everyday lol.
You ca use manuf Q and still get RR back. You need to keep a wags ad with you. Most of them will actually show you a RR deal and have a little ICON that says check sundays paper for a Q too!
So it is right on their ad you can match a manuf Q and get RR back!
Here is what you need to do:
GO back and get full refund on your transaction. They will have to give you the amount back including the coupon you used, since they cant give you back the coupon. Then have them rering up the transaction. If the RR stil does not print, then the problem is in their system.
You can point that out to them nicely and do one or another:
Have them cancel the order and go to another walgreens so you willg et your RR
Or contact the catalina company to have it issued to you:
Thursday I stopped by TRU to get the doorbuster ad. They said they didn't have it and wouldn't until Friday morning.
Friday DH stopped by TRU and they WOULD NOT GIVE HIM THE AD. Told me he would need to buy whatever he wanted and they would give him the discount at the register -- no ad.
So no Caterpillar for me.
Then I read this this AM and called the WM here and in the nearby town. They will not accept competitors qs.
Access denied. AGAIN. Argh.
I agree with PPs. Target is the way to go. I have had trouble with WM and with TRU.
I am in the Lansing area of Michigan. I called 2 local Walmarts and they said that they would only price match, but not accept a competitors coupon. Bummer!
Mom who Cares,
Thank you so much for answering..
I payed with MQ's and RR and that's why he said I couldn't do it bc I was not paying any money for them, which I did end up paying about 2 or so dollars out pocket. I used filler items for each RR. I told him sorry, but that I would not do it. He voided the transaction, returned all my Q's, refunded my card and gave me my RR's back.
make sure that you are not using a RR that was issued by the same MFG as the deal you are doing - it won't allow you to get the new RR if you do that.
I did make sure that they were not form the same company..
I will try again today..
Thank you for the answers..
I was able to score 1 Alphabet pal at one Target (in Michigan at 15 Mile and Dequindre), then went to a Super Target (12 and Dequindre)and they told me no, later that night went back to the Target at 15 Mile and they had no more in stock, stopped at Toys R Us (at Lakeside Mall) and they gave me 2 of them for .52 each since they accepted the Target coupons! So I was able to score 3 total for under $2, these will make great toys for tots or church giving tree gifts. Thank you so much for all you do on the blog!
Walmart is not to be defended - they take advantage of people all the time. And, they make tons of money off of deals even when they price match - as they spend less per item than other stores do, since the way they are trying to monopolize every industry - heck they are selling coffins now!
They even state they are trying to run many businesses out - SO they can be the prime store and then raise their prices.
Anyways - they have so many issues they do wrong - yes, maybe giving a toy fre with a competior coupon is not making them money. But, they can still price match and use manufactrer Q's and they dont like to do that. They are the worst about being greedy and putting companies out of business and running goood paying jobs down the toilet. But, they do not have to be so mean and even violate their own policies to treat couponers like they are the problem.
I called the Taylor, Michigan, Canton, Michigan and Livonia, Michigan and all said no to comp. coupons...though when I called Livonia's Walmart the lady said yes to comp coupons and I said so you do accept them she said yes just not ones that say like "Kroger or Target on them". LMBO so I said those are comp coupons, so you DO NOT accept them lol...she said yes they do not take those kinds of coupons.
Just an FYI about ToysRus...
My e-mail to ToysRUs:
I read online that as of today, November 13th through the Christmas holiday season you will accept competitors coupons. Is this true?
ToysRUs response:
Thank you for bringing this matter to the attention of the "R" Us Team. We do apologize but at this time we are not accepting competitor's coupons. We still do honor manufacturer's coupons, and "R" Us coupons, but we no longer price match, for a number of reasons, and we do not accept other companies coupons.
Collin, your posts crack me up sometimes.... and the saga continues.... j.k. HAHAHAHA. Thanks for the humor!
As long as Walmart can make money from all the food stamp,why they care about couponers.I don't go to Walmart because they come up with all kind of stupid reasons to not accept coupons and sooo rude!!
My local Walmart's policy (which I have been told the same every time I have tried to price match previously on my different occasions) is that they DO accept competitor coupons, but they will only do so AFTER price matching it to the store they came from. So, for example, if they had the Alphabet pal priced at $9.49, they would accept the Target coupon, but only AFTER matching it to the Target ad price or CALLING Target to get their price. They would adjust it up to whatever Target priced it at, THEN take the coupon. In that way they are truly "price matching." They will not give you the item for a BETTER price than the competition by accepting the coupon on their own, already lower, price. That's the policy at my store in Nampa, ID any way...
my aunt is a store manager and says that ALL walmart do accept other stores coupons a CSM has to over ride it! SO, don't give up until they take your coupon!
Ali Smith-
I went to the Meridian Walmart on Fairview trying to get the Alphabet Pal. Theirs rang up as 9.00 and would not take the coupon. I asked if they could raise the price up then accept the coupon and they told me no. Later I went to customer service at the same store and they told me that they should have taken the coupon and made the item free, not allowing overage which was fine with me. It seems like it depends on who you talk to.
I asked my walmart yesterday, and they price match, but dont take comp. coupons. I am in South Florida.
To the ladies shopping at Belleville, Mi Walmart...did the cashier know right away they accepted comp coupons or did they have to ask the manager?
I have only been couponing for about a month now...I had the worst experience today at Walmart...ugh! I have used internet coupons there before with no problems. So today, I had my buggy full of groceries and a few other items, I have her ring them up, then I hand her the coupons. She seemed to study every coupon I handed her (hello if they don't beep, then they are fine, I got the right item...geez!) Then the chef requested beef one only rang up 1.00 like everyone on here stated....so she proceeded to get a CSM to the register. They lady took the coupon, stayed gone for probably 20 minutes, all the while, the cashier, kept fiddling through all my coupons, reading them...then the CSM came back, she said I couldn't use that coupon for the beef and any coupons for that matter that are sent to Texas for redemption b/c they had been told not to accept such b/c they are not real? Hello...I checked every coupon, I have internet or sunday paper, they are almost all going to TX for redemption! WHat....I told them to give me my coupons back and I proceeded to take all the bags out of my buggy and told them to keep them, I'd take my business elsewhere. While, I was waiting, the cashier told me I couldn't get these products for almost nothing...like the soups for 50cents and the beef for 28cents. HELLO...why do they care, they get reimbursed the full amount plus the 8cents handling fee. GEEZ...made me feel like a criminal..I had all the right items, for all my coupons, they were ligitamately printed coupons...I have several computers, so I had multiples of some of them. I WILL NOT go back to that Walmart. I have already called corporate and reported the incident and was told that someone would be calling me back w/in a few days. WOW...I can't believe I wasted an hour and half shopping to come out w/ nothing!
I am sure we have all been made to feel like we were doing something wrong, in fact I almost stopped couponing because of these experiences. Don't give up, you are doing nothing wrong. I try not to take advantage with coupons, and in the long run, it is me who saves money and gets a lot more bang for my buck!
I have had an almost identical experience as you. But with two annoying kids in my cart. I will never go couponing at wal mart again with kids....although I might try it without them someday.
Mom who cares:
I understand the issues with WalMart; I'm not a fan, either. What I was wondering is why customers seem to fight so much harder for their deals at Target than they do at WalMart (for example, by immediately calling customer service when a deal is denied). This past year alone, Target has made strides in clarifying store policies and putting them in writing. It seems that if everyone gave WalMart such flak, they'd be forced to clarify their policies--and stick to them!
When I talked to them they said they would accept and competitor coupons with a dollar amount. ie: they'd take the $10 off coupon, but would not honor a BOGO or a 50% off coupon. I hope ya'll have a good of luck as I did. I scored 6 of them and plan to give some to the angel trees in my local town :)
First our Store Manager at Walmart said yes, they would take comp. Coupons, but when he saw the Deal (means free Toy) he changed his mind and said, no, he cant do that...
I have tried to contact Wal-Mart and they NEVER respond! Target is much better as responding by e-mail.
Try another WAGS, if you can. I've read that some stores have their registers programmed not to print RR if you use coupons.
Walmart in Antioch, IL will only accept manufacturers coupons, not store coupons.
Well, it didn't work for me.... It ran up at $13 at the register because ALL of the "price checkers" around the store are broken! Then she had 2 call a manager over who explained that they won't take the "high priced" competitor coupons anymore because they don't get paid on them. BUT, they will take the small priced coupons from Walgreens and such...... Oh well!
Mooresville and Statesville, NC Walmarts both said no they will not take Target coupons. I would like to do this deal - was going to dontate extras to Toys for Tots. I am starting to be disappointed that these deals are not for everyone.
I don't fight Walmart because they hold you hostage, like Robin's experience if there is a problem with a coupon, you could stand in line for 15-20 minutes. They don't care. I think you are treated better if you are food stamps/Wic person than a coupon person. I had a girl tell me they get in trouble if they have too many coupons that beep and they push them through. I don't think it is a very nice store to be employed by, people are afraid of loosing their jobs, and so yeah they will make up things right there that have nothing to do with the policy. I think it is fear on the part of the cashiers and I blame management and corporate for the terrible treatment of couponers.
Oh and by the way, I read that Sam Walton's kids who now are in charge of the company are each in the wealthiest 10 people in America. Not the group of kids together, each of them is worth billions. I avoid the place like the plague. I once loved Walmart- it has changed in the last several years. I gladly give my business to any other company!
i tried to do this at my walmart on friday and when i called the lady said yes and i was also told the the ABC pal was $15. well, it rang up $9 and when they realized i would get it for free they so no you can't do that. but they price overrided it to $15 (which is what the shelf said) and THEN used the coupon so i got it for $5. i argued a bit with kids in the cart and like 5 people behind me but then called corporate when i got home and the lady read off the policy to me that they will NOT take percentage off coupons and they will NOT adjust the price if they don't know what the original price was at whatever store the coupon is from. i did have a manager from my local store call me tonight (by the way i worked there for 5 years so i know everybody there, that might have helped) and he said to bring in my receipt and they would reimburse me. i asked him THREE times what the official answer was about using competitor coupons and he said they would call over a cashier manager and then a salaried member of management and to do it all at the customer service desk. so i STILL don't have an official answer. how annoying.
yes,,,I agree I however, have had a great experience with Walmart but, Target is getting on my last nerve...they suck...
Tried the deal today and after much stress and talking amongst lots of managers I was finally told that they treat other store coupons like a "price match" other than a coupon if that makes sense. They do not get a reimbursment on them like they would a manufacturers coupon. I left feeling a bit confused about it all and when it makes more sense I may try and go back to customer service and see what they can do but I thought I would pass the info along. It seems that all stores are not created equal though so "good luck" to all you walmarters. ;) Be prepared is all I have to say. LOL
I tried to get this great deal at Target and of course they were sold out. So I printed the coupon policy off of Walmart's corporate website and took it with me. After feeling like a criminal the manager finally gave me the item because I had written proof that this in fact was Walmart's policy and nowhere did it state the stores got to pick and choose what they would honor. I was not rude at all when trying to get my item but I was not going to be bullied around by someone who wanted to change the rules.
AMEN COLLIN!!! Wal-mart's coupon policy is not clear enough. The Wal-mart 3 miles from home will take ANY competitors coupon, no matter what type. But another walmart 10 miles from my home, won't take any. They even tried to pull a fast one on a friend of mine, and said they couldn't take a M's coupon after a price match........WHAT????!?!?!! The thing that bothers me the most is that I barely have enough time to coupon shop as it is. I definitely don't have time to deal with store's and cashiers changing their minds on coupon policies based on their mood!! ggggrrrrr!
I was going to Walmart anyway so I went ahead and grabbed the Alphabet Pal (on Rollback for $15) and took it to the register along with my Target coupon. The cashier was nice and said he didn't think it would be a problem but he had to double check with the manager. She came over and said that they could not take the coupon but if the price was listed somewhere in the ad they could match it. For $5 I would've saved it for my daughter's first birthday but since it's 8 months away I have plenty of time to find good deals so I ended up leaving without it. But all the employees involved were surprisingly friendly. :)
- This was in Central Florida
after calling corporate 2 times this weekend and printing a copy of an e-mail stating they do take competitors coupons i ventured out to Walmart and after a short discussion with 6 employees i was given $10 off my entire bill. (alphabet pal rang up $9) yay! each employee had a different opinion on the subject but the lead manager said to ring it in as a vendor coupon and type in the $ off. glad someone took a stand and it didn't have to be me! :)
Okay Southern MN Walmart said No to the coupon - said they won't get the $10 back so the deal didn't work for me.
Please tell me the link for the manufacturing coupon so I can try and use that.
Can you create a PDF of that email from corporate stating that they DO take the coupons from other stores? I argued over the phone for 10 minutes about their policy. I asked the manager why their policy would say that they take "store coupons" if wal-mart doesn't issue their own exclusive coupons and he told me that its there in case they ever do decide to produce coupons. Load of bull!
I got the deal to work for me at Wal-Mart but I had to get pushy to make it happen. At first they told me no (hoping I would go away)but when I quoted corporate coupon and price match policy to them and told them to go get home office on the phone that I would be happy to wait they went ahead and put it on through. Wal-Mart banks on the fact that we are all too busy or harried to fight with them.
I had to throw a fit at walmart to get the toy free...The guy in the aisle (employee) said they take the coupons...got him in trouble I think but even when he came up and told the cashier and cashier mgr she walked away and was not going to give it to me.. I made cashier call her back and said wait a minute! He just told you he made a mistake but told me I could use it. She would not give her story straight but let me have it this time...ridiculous
Walmart in Mchenry ILL only had one left today however there wasn't much left of the box or any paperwork not even a barcode to scan . the assoc was willing to discount to 7.50 . When I went up front and politly asked the front mgr she said no they would not accept a Target coupon on that item, I procedded to show her the corp q policy and still no dice.
It seems to me as though if It is a really good deal for us as a consumer they will not grant it...it is ridiculous...their rules changed by person and day...I find something wrong with this!!!
I too would like a copy of that email. I have also emailed them asking for clarification.
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