Here are a few Walmart deals:
Betty Crocker al gratin potatoes $0.78
Use the $0.40 coupon from here
Final cost $0.38!
(Thanks, Jen!)
Campbell's Cream Soups $0.58
Use the $0.40/2 coupon from the 9/13 or 10/4SS
Final cost ONLY $0.38 per can!
**Or you can use the $1/2 coupon from here and score a can for just $0.08!
Bar-S Franks $0.99
Use the $1/2 coupon from here or here
Final cost $0.49!
Kellogg’s Cinnabon Bars $1.89
Use the $1/1 coupon from here
Final cost $0.89!
(Thanks, Cheryl!)
Small jar of Vlasic Relish $0.78
Use the $0.50/1 coupon from here
Final cost $0.28!
(Thanks, Pat!)
Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes $1.08
Use the $1/2 coupon from here
Final cost $0.58!
Coffee-Mate Creamer $1.50
Use the $1/1 coupon from here
Final cost $0.50!
Progresso Bread Crumbs $1.62
Use the $1.10/1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost $0.52!
Rotel $0.98 cents
Use the $0.50/1 coupon from here
(wait until the banner image advertises this coupon)
Final cost $0.48!
(Thanks, DealFindingChic & MoneySavingMadness!)
**Please remember that Walmart's prices do vary a little from region to region.
**You may want to bring along Walmart's corporate coupon policy in case you have any issues. In their policy it states they DO accept Internet Printed Coupons. If a cashier tells you otherwise just whip out their coupon policy!
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I only see 1.50/2 for coffeemate.
Carnation Evaporated Milk is .78 each then use the .50/2 coupon and that's .53 each. Pretty good I think! I was heading over to Walmart today anyway...thanks!
Do you or anyone know of a Stove Top Stuffing coupon?
Or Swanson Chicken Broth?
YAY!! Thank you! I love Walmart deals
I hate shopping at Walmart because our region always has different prices. The potatoes and stuffing are 1.15 and the soups are .70 and the carnation is .82, nothing really to get excited about.
The bigger Walmarts in larger towns usually have the lower prices. The closest one to me is about 15-20 minutes away, and their prices are like between .50 and $2.00 higher than the larger Walmart in a larger town about 40 minutes away.
I go to the larger one. I think the price difference and the savings is worth the gas. And they usually have more on sale/clearance. The M5 Razors I get the $3.00Q's for are only $5.88 at the big store..while they are about $6.92 at the smaller.
It pays to travel a bit more if there is a bigger store in a bigger town. My shoppin' day is tomorrow! I'm soooo excited!
WAY off topic- but I'm starting to see Black Friday ads come out. Do you know if stores that price match (like Target and Meijer) will price match on black Friday too? Thanks!
stove top stuffing was only .79 at walmart yesterday. Also they had glade reed diffusers and the large candels on a sale cart for only 3.00. I used my 3.50 coupon for 2 of them and then my 3.00 coupon from the inserts.
I mentioned this in a older post but thought I'd mention again. =]
Yestreday I found the Huggies Pure & Natural size 4 & 5 Packs for $7.00! Pair with the $3.00 coupons out there. Final price: $4.00!!
Hopefully you guys find them at this price at your local walmarts. I thought it was a great deal so I bought a few since my child does go through alooooot of diapers lol
Aunt Jemima Frozen Pancakes $1.08
Use the $1/2 coupon from here
Final cost $0.58!
Does this mean you can just purchase one item and get $0.50 off of it or because the coupon says $1/2 that you actually have to purchase 2 items and then your final cost would be $0.58 each -- so total out of pocket of $1.16.
ok- I answered my own question- lol! I called Target corporate and they WILL price-match black friday ads! Yeah! Now- to check with Meijer...
if anyone is following my off the topic topic- Meijer is NOT price matching for black Friday ads but they do any other time. :)
where can I see the black friday ads?
where is the coupon for carnation evaporated milk, Bri, Ash and Ty?
you can sign up to recieve an email when each new ad is released
Honestly, I'm not sure where it came from. My mother-in-law handed me a stack of coupon inserts from the last 6 months. It came from somewhere in that stack...
Wal-mart also price matches black fri ads.
I just wanted to say that I have been emailing some of those companies from the post about getting coupons back from them, etc. and I have gotten some really good coupons! Bar-S comped me a $5gift certificate off of their food and also sent coupons with it so I actually got another $1 off at the register even through my products totaled only $4, pretty cool! It's worth a shot to email these companies. Everybody's time is worth something. :)
The carnation coupon was in the red plum inserts in this weeks paper so you can still get them. Also I printed one online this week but don't remember where. At my kroger this week carnation is .50 and the coupon doubles so I get 2 free with each coupon, stocking up!!!
SaraJC - thanks for the info. on the diapers! What a deal!
Bri,Ash and Ty - check out Campbell's website for possible chicken broth coupons. Good luck!
There was a Buy 2 get one free Rotel coupon in All You a month or two ago. Do you think you could use this, plus the )$.50 coupon? That would make 3 cans for $0.96. Not bad, I make rotel dip alot around the holidays.
I found Glade Lasting Impressions at my Wal-Mart for $4 (reg $7/97) Paired it with a $3 off coupon and paid $2! (That is, after I caught $12 of mistakes my loser checker made scanning my coupons; including a $5.79 error from the Bird's Eye B1G1 frozen meal coupon. Ugh!) Worth the hassle, thoug.
Well, yet again, the store prevented me from using my coupons. I went in to buy Bar-S Hot Dogs and the Pillsbury Sweet Rolls.
When I handed over my coupons (internet printables), the cashier said, (WITHOUT TRYING TO SCAN THEM), "Where did you get these?"
"Off of the internet."
"Oh, we don't take internet printables."
I said, "Yes you do."
"No, we don't."
I then asked her to please get a manager (I, of course, had a huge line behind me at this point because they only had TWO registers open).
She heads over to an Area Manager who shakes her head no and they both refuse to take my coupons.
I've contacted corporate but this is just SO frustrating!!
i went to smart source to print me out the 1.00 off/2 Aunt Jiemma frozen pancakes, and how about it printed out advertiments instead of coupons....that sucked...lol
my wally did not have the coffee mate for 1.50, they had some at 2.7? and a few over 3. I will keep looking thoughm, maybe they will go on rollback. They were out of aunt jemima pancakes also. Hopefully I will score with my next shopping trip.
All the Huggies diapers were on roll back for 8.97 but still a pretty good deal on the pure and naturals with $3Q. I have 2 in diapers so we use a lot! I will keep my eyes peeled for the pure and naturals for $7.
I went to walmart last night - holy cow I think all the food stamps persons went too. The lines were long and there was no food on most of the shelves.
THe cream of chicken was all out and I had to buy the generic which cost me more than using my coupons - I was upset - but will go back later this week. I bought the bar s hot dogs and bolonga - we had 10 coupons, so we got 20 for $10!
ANyways - I did get some great deals with what was in stock!
My Walmart was all sold out of cream soups!I hate when that happens...
Can you use a Buy 1/Get 1 free coupon and a money off coupon at the same time? I bought 2 steam fresh meals from Walmart and thought I could use the Buy 1 get 1 coupon & then use a 1.00 off the 2nd one but my cashier said no. Their policy says 1 coupon per item but since the 2nd item is free can you still use one on that??? Thanks!!
I am fairly new to couponing, so when I went to Walmart this afternoon and bought two Betty Crocker al gratin and gave the cashier two coupons, the cashier only took one of the coupon because she said the coupon said 'do not double or triple'. Can someone help specify what 'do not double or triple' mean on the coupon. Thanks.
I went to Walmart tonight and they would not let me use internet coupons. She even called the manager who told me they do not accept them. I suggested they consult their coupon policy because it very clearly states that they do. I am going to complain. It is ridiculous that even a store manager does not have proper information.
I think i'll do all my shopping at my King Sooper [Kroger]they are the only store that does'nt give any problems with coupons.I think we need to give a shout out to all the good stores and name and shame the bad ones My good store is King Sooper 120& Colorado Boulevard Thornton CO.
The Carnation coupon in on the nestle website. There is a link in a post from yesterday I think. Kroger told me they would only take internet coupons that don't beep and none of mine beeped. Took a big stack. They will push through a regular coupon, so I gave them the internet ones first and then the regular ones. You can use two coupons on a BOGO. I just gave them the cents off coupon first and then later in the stack there was the bogo. Went through just fine.
A lot of the deals on the walmart are better at Kroger. The potatos are a money maker, since mine doubles the .40 and right now they are having the buy 10 get 5.00 off. The price comes down to .50 a package and I have a .30 overage.
Also had the Glade, free refill with purchase which was on sale and part of 10 f/5.00 so the price was 1.99. The candle was 2.50 so the total came to 4.50. When I looked at my sales slip the coupon came off at the original price of 3.79. needless to say I went back and stocked up.
For those wanting to price match, Walmart has been known to pull items from the shelves so that you cannot price match to another store.
The coupon policy says "store coupons". Does this mean Walgreens, target, and CVS? What about the % off coupons for Michaels hobby Lobby and Joanns? Walmart doesn't put out store coupons right?
The $ off and a BOGO coupons can go together. I have had it refused once though. The selfcheckout would not accept one of them and the cashier would not push it through. I think it was a machine error and the cashier to decided that how it was. I brought in a CSM and she said the same thing.
Yes I'm posting again. I've been doing the travel size Tide with the $1 coupon and they are beeping after the first. Its happened twice and the cashier pushed it through both times. This worries me. any comments?
I called my local Walmart and asked what 'store coupons' mean. She said that includes Walgreens in-ad coupons and CVS clip-free coupons etc. It does not include Targets current printables.
Does Walmart accept competetors' store coupons--say a Target coupon?
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