Origins has yet another great deal available! I love their products, so I'm definitely excited about this one! Thru 11/19, Origins is offering up FREE shipping on every order (no minimum)! Plus, you can use code novbd11 to get $10 off an order of $25 or more (excludes gift sets)! ...And finally, they offer complimentary gift wrapping!
I purchased the Ginger Essence Intensified Fragrance Rollerball priced at $13.50 and I also purchased a Bath Bar for $12.50. Total for both $26--after the coupon code ONLY $17.24 (includes tax) + FREE shipping. That's an excellent deal for Origins products! Also, don't forget about the FREE gift wrapping, which should make it easy to score some nice gifts!
(Thanks, SD!)
fyi - that ginger roller ball is amazing!!!! great choice!!! =)
Thanks so much for the tip! Now I'm really exciting about getting it!
I just ordered the incredible spreadable scrub!! Best scrub ever and it was only $16.00. Thanks!!!
FYI - Ebates is offering 10% rebate on Origins today.
NovFF gets you 25% off your order if you order something $40 or more to get more off!
Im trying to go in through shopathome for % back, but it will only let me use one code. So shipping wont be free?
Thanks! Got the ginger shampoo and cond. for 16 plus I went through ebates for 10% back! This will make a great addition to my mom's Christmas gift!
You know, BBW has another Buy 3 Get 3 Free for its Body Care line.
Thank you for the great deal! I purchased two of the ginger roller balls and checked to have them individually wrapped. Will make great gifts for my co-workers.
Looks like ebates is back to %5 today, but shopathome is 8%! =)
glad to know bath and body works is having that sale again i have a 10 off 30 coupon but i have to wait to use it so i really hope they stay on sale for a little bit!! what a great deal 6 products for $ 3.xx a piece!!
Mrrebates is offering 9% rebate for
I ordered the overnight mositure mask which i've been wanted for so long but hate to pay full retail. Thanks to you I FINALLY get to try it out!
FatWallet is also 8% cash back!
It says free shipping on a purchase of $75...?
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