Pottery Barn is offering up a really sweet deal! Right now you can snag this Pub Beer Mug with FREE Monogramming & FREE Shipping for just $7! For monogramming, you can use 8 characters PER line--up to 2 lines!
These would make great gifts for people that hard to shop for! Remember when we were discussing all the masculine gift ideas? Well, this would definitely make a great masculine gift!;-)
(Thanks, SD!)
Hello and Happy After Thanksgiving Weekend. I just linked to this offer on Pottery Barn and their webisite says Monogramming Available for an Extra Charge:
May be personalized for an additional charge
I ordered one for my brother. No shipping charge and no charge for the monogramming. Thanks! Just 7 dollars.
Wahoo!! Mine came to like $7.40-something because of tax. I got one for my hubby with his homebrewtalk name on it. =P And then I got some for some homebrewing friends. Only now I have to figure out how to give them their present without my hubby finding out about his. Hahaha!!
Oh, just in case that caused confusion, I placed a second order for our friends. =)
Great for that hard to buy husband. Im gonna fill it with some of his favorite cashews! Great idea! Thanks - Great Find! *Charli
These would be great for a male teacher too (No beer added). They are alway so hard to buy for.
Good Evening to all;
I think this would make for a perfect bridal party gift if anyone knows anyone getting married i would let them know about this offer!!
Awesome! Cost $7.54 shipped. Backordered but only until December 11 so should still be here in time for Christmas. I plan to put a bottle of my husband's favorite beer inside, perfect gift. Thank you!
Yay! I got four for my husband who has been wanting something like this when friends come over! Thanks for pointing out this deal!
Awesome!! My brother's b-day is right before Christmas and I think he'll love this!
Thank you!
Wow! Great deal. Thanks so much for posting this offer. I got one for my husband.$7.48 with tax. No charge on the monogramming. Awesome!!!!!!
Now if only i could be cleaver enough to think of something good to put on it...
Stop coming up with such good deals. hubby is going to be getting too many gifts.
Ha Ha
Thanks! I got this for two people on my list!
Wow! Thanks for the information! $7.44 with tax and I have a great gift :)
lol ~ great minds think alike! I had an idea for this mug ... my hubby puts his spare change in a jar and I was going to monogram this will "vacation fund" or something fun.
AWESOME!!!! Just ordered 2, one for my husband and one for brother in law. Thanks so much!!!! I love your site, I have saved soooooooooooooooo much money since I found out about this site from one of my girlfriends. It's great, thanks so much for putting so much time and effort into it.!!!!
$7.49 with tax! I've been looking for one of these. Thank you!
Wow this is great Collin--I just ordered two: one for my husband and one for his Dad---thanks so much! :-)
They will be thrilled!
FYI -- Just tried to order and received this message when i was ready to check out:
We're sorry, the Pub Beer Mug (9800012) is on backorder until January 04, 2010.
Missed out for Christmas, but still a good gift idea for another time!
I just got 2 for $14.56! Thanks Collin!
Got mine! Thanks for all the great tips.
WOW... right before i checked out it said on backorder until Jan 4!!!!!
Guess it took me too long to think of something clever... :(
Thank you sooo much Collin!! I was actually able to take care of my "hard to shop for" brother in law. It won't come till after Christmas but oh well. He's a grown man so he can wait! Ha! I got one for hubby too. :-)
Yeah! Got 6!
Too bad these will not be hear in time for Christmas. :(
Oh that stinks, it wont be ready to ship until Jan. 4th. Wanted to get one for the hubby for Christmas but his birthday is in Feb. so maybe I will still order it and give it to him for his b-day.
January 25th was the earliest delivery available when I tried to order 4 of them for my husband.. have to keep the cash and still find him something nice for Christmas :) But it was worth a shot... thanks
Awesome deal...thanks. Going to fill with red hershey kisses for Valentines gifts.
WooHoo! My husband brews his own beer, so this will be an awesome gift for him!!!
great deal! Oh well that its not coming til after 1/25, but it will be a great Valentine's Gift!
I just purchased mine but it said it doesn't ship until Jan 25, 2010. Which is fine because Valentine's Day is right after that!
I just ordered one but it said it won't ship until Jan. 25, 2010. Oh well, Valentines is right after that any ways!
yeah, I know - Mine said it wil ship dec 10th, then I decided to change my order and take one off, then confirmed it and it said it wont ship until jan 10th. I was kind of shocked, but it will still make a nice gift :)
Won't ship until 01/25/10 but still a great deal with free shipping and free personalization.
Hmm anony: 10:09 - I noticed you are using your referral number. Are you just trying to earn money from referrals or are they actually great sites.
I just ask since you posted that anonymously, hope you aren't going from blog to blog spamming.
I am already a member to too many survey sites, so I will pass. Thanks anyways
Got a set of 6 for my dad! Won't ship until 1/25/10, so won't get to him by Christmas but his Birthday is in February so it will be perfect! Thanks Hip! Love your deals!!! There's also a beer pitcher for $15 with free monogram and free ship if anybody is interested.
dailysurveypanel is really good actually.. im not spamming so to speak.
A lot of times when PB says somethign is on backorder and the date starts at one time, they move it back one ore two more times then tell you it is unavailable...just beware if your wanting these for gifts to have other ideas in mind.....
A lot of times when PB says somethign is on backorder and the date starts at one time, they move it back one ore two more times then tell you it is unavailable...just beware if your wanting these for gifts to have other ideas in mind.....
Now it will only ship after the 25 of January!! :-(
Now it won't ship until after the 25th of January...too bad...it would have made a great Christmas Gift!!!
No longer available.
It's no longer available until after January 12th
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