As I'm sure most of you know by now, SeeHere.com is not going to be honoring the free photo deals I've posted about recently.
This is what was stated in the SeeHere.com email most of us recently received:
Recently, you used a promotional code for a free photo ornament, 12-month photo calendar and/or (25) 4x8 photo cards. These promotional codes were only valid with a purchase of a Santa photo package that is currently being offered in select malls across the country.
Unfortunately, the free product promotional codes were posted on various websites and are now being redeemed without a Santa Photo Package purchase. All orders for these free photo products have been placed on hold and will now be completed with validation of purchase.
If you purchased a Santa Photo Package, please contact us by phone, email or mail and we will be happy to assist you in completing your free photo gift order.
Please contact us within the next ten business days or your order will be cancelled. Thank you.
First, I just want to say that I honestly had NO clue whatsoever that these promo codes were not valid. There have been so many great photo deals lately (Kodak, ArtsCow, Shutterfly & More), I just assumed these were new valid promo codes from a company who wanted to get their name out there! Lots of photo companies offer up FREE promo codes in hopes of gaining new loyal customers! This is not uncommon at all.
On another note, I do want to apologize for not always being as accurate as possible. Like I've stated many times before, I liked to get the deals out there as soon as possible. The sooner I get them posted, the less likely something will be sold out or unavailable. Please keep in mind that I'm not able to guarantee all the deals I post on my site. I wish I was, but that's just not possible.
Thanks again for taking the time to come to my site on a regular basis! Having the support of my readers is amazing, so thank you!
hey Collin...you have been awesome in all that you do...you don't have to feel sorry for this.....u always get us the best deals. Thanks for everything..:)
No worries at all!!!! So I don't get a Free ornament...my life will go on! Ha ha ha.
Thanks for always posting the deals asap too. It's okay that sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. That's life right?!
Have a good one!
Its alright! Don't worry about it, I'm sure you are just as bummed as the rest of us but its not the end of the world! Thanks for all that you do!
I ordered EARLY this morning----x-mas cards----and just checked my email. It says they've shipped!!! Now I feel a little guilty....and a little lucky. Thanks for all you do. Win some, lose some!
Not your fault!
They should have their website limited to those who have purchased the specific item, not open to all users
we didn't use the promo code for 25 pics. we used the code for 50. I got the same email as u posted, but i also got a shipment notification for the pics. i'm not expecting the ornament, but feeling hopeful about the 50 photo cards. love ya collin!
LOVE your website! You are amazing! I'm naturally skeptical about super fantastic deals and so things like this don't bother me. It's part of the game!
No Worries- you're awesome and we love love love your site! thanks for putting the time into this!
No matter what the outcome of some of the deals maybe....it is so worth having the shot!! Thanks for reporting deals as quick as possible!! It's always a bonus when you do your reasearch and repost your finding....you do not have to do that for us....THANKS!!!!!!
Yeah, since we didn't lose any money on these, no problem. Thanks for taking the time to explain how it all went down, your reader really do appreciate the concern you showed. Thanks again.
Agreed, your still awesome! I just got back from walgreens and my purchases went from over $40 to a little over $3 all thanks to you so im not worried about not getting a free ornanment,lol
You are still the best! Thanks for all you do!
Do not feel bad, I love your site and the only website I check more than yours is Facebook. I did however get an email stating my order had shipped. We will have to see if they come! Thanks!!!!!
I don't mind if every once in awhile a deal goes bad... there are so many other good deals to make up for it!
On a side note, I don't think that site should have accepted the orders if the promo wasn't valid.
Life will go on , we will survive........
Can we still do the calender.
I am excited because you have save my friends and family a ton of money since I have started following you!! I did get the free cards and the ornament is in process. It will be okay if I do not get them --- they were free!!!!
Keep the tips coming because I will keep checking!!
Thanks so much for this site. This is not your fault, nor should you take the blame for this in ANY way.
Good business practice would be to have your technological systems up to par so as to not allow promo codes to those for whom they were never intended. It seems that seehere.com has learned from this mistake and will be more careful in the future.
I, however, don't think the 50 free Christmas cards fall under these "mall santa" promotions. The promo codes were in different format "mallXXX" as opposed to "newbaby." So, I'm quite confident that the 50 cards will arrive shortly, as I (along with others) have gotten shipment notifications already.
You do a fantastic job - that's why you're the MAIN blog I check now. Sometimes things like this are going to happen. Oh well. The amount of deals you post far outweighs little hiccups like this. :)
We love you, H2S! We get so much for free or cheap, we can't possibly wine about one "deal" that didn't quite pan out! Do yo' thang, girl!
No worries...I got an email also saying that the 50 cards shipped. we'll see.
ya, they changed the deal since yesterday. I remember there was NO RED WRITING by the price yesterday, but now there is. I guess too many people were grabbing the deal, so they had to change it!
and thank YOU for everything you do!
You should not apologize!!! These things happen and our lives will go on :)
Your doing such a great job!!! Your site is the very first thing I check in the morning and the last thing at night....and about a million times during the day too!!
Thank you for all you!!
I will only be mad at you if u feel bad about this!!! You allow me to get things for myself and my family that I never would have otherwise. I am soooo grateful to you. Thanks dork! :P
Does anyone know if the code for the 50 Free cards is valid? I ordered mine earlier and had no problem. Just trying to get to the bottom of this.
I think we will still get the 50 free Christmas cards because I received an e-mail saying the order had shipped. That is what I really wanted anyway, I made the ornament too but the white nor the red really matched my Christmas tree theme so that is fine with me! But either way it doesn't matter, most all of the deals you have put up that I was interested in since I started following have worked for me! SO A BIG THANK YOU! My husband thanks you too. He loves this new way of saving money in our household. After I started couponing and showed him some of the receipts he said you know we are going to have to do this from now on right? LOL!
Collin: Thanks again for all the deal, I think every one appreciates them! No way to know every little thing about every deal and we know that. You are impacting so many lives in a positive way!
Too bad i cant get those but things happen and life goes =]
On another note. For those who dont know yet. Freebies4mom has a code for 50 free 4x7 or 5x7 photocards plus free shipping code too on her site for her readers (includes new readers or bloggers). Just recieved mine today fed ex!
i got mine already but I ordered them before it was posted here.
The quality is ok but not the best that I have seen. still considering doing my own...as usual.
life goes on* lol ^^^^^
Hi Collin,
Thanks for all you do! I have saved so much money, and have become a very savvy shopper due to you.
Please don't let this deter you from posting the deals ASAP. I come to your site to get the latest on the deals. Very often, the deals are limited in quantity, and you must strike first.
Keep up the great work!
Collin, I just wanted to let you know that I too received the email stating that the calander was part of another promotion. BUT I was sent a confirmation email yesturday for the ornaments. Not sure if this means we will get them but I will let you know if I do :)
I've already gotten the photocards (I used a code before it was posted here, though). So, I would venture to guess that the Christmas card code is still valid until November 30th.
Eh, you win some, you lose some! I LOOOOVE your website! The faster we get the info the better, so keep up the good work!
Thanks for doing all the work and letting us readers reap the benefits!! I too, check your site multiple times a day and spread the word about all the deals. So what the crappy company won't honor the code- that just means they will lose business from those of us who might later actually purchase from them! Their loss- not ours!!
Again- you rock and thanks again!
Hey Collin! Like everyone else said, we still love you and really appreciate everything you do for us! I know that I could not get all the freebies and awesome deals that I do with out you! So thank you soooooo much!!! Also like others have said, i have received a shipped confirmation for the 50 photo cards! Super excited about that!
Thanks for all your info you post. You really work your tail off!
Side note:
I had ordered the 50 free cards this morning and I just checked my account and it said that my order was in processing. Does that mean that I may or may not get them? Sorry if I sound greedy, but I just wanted to know if anyone else had that on their account to?
Thank you for all you do!!! You are the best!!!
Collin, quit apologizing!!! You rock...and I agree...if they want to beef up business they should honor these codes. NOw they just look like jerks to us avid couponers and we wouldn't ever use them unless they were offering free product anyway!
Dear Collin, do not worry at all. You are always the best. I feel that it's still the company itself's responsibility, if you have to buy something, they should state it clearly in the ordering process before/when you input the code. Now they say this so that they can cancel all the orders. it's their system's problem
I didn't get an e-mail... yet... but even if I do, oh, well. It's not your fault! I thought exactly what you thought -- new company trying to get their name out.
Oh well, such is life :) No biggie. The only emails I received from seehere.com was that my order had been shipped. Crossing my fingers that it worked, no other emails abouthaving to purchase other products )Also I agree, it sounds like an error with the site if you just have to enter a promo code with no other validation of purchase code...
I think that you do such an awesome job. I am fairly new to couponing and deal seeking.. and I have gained more and saved more for my family off your website alone.. :)
Keep the deals coming!
Take care!!
Don't Fret! I don't expect perfection. I'm just grateful you do the hard work and share all the great tips and links and promo codes!! You're the best! Keep it up! ;)
Anyone who thinks logistical errors on the part of the photo company are YOUR fault, needs to check themself. We love you, Collin. You save us tons. Keep the deals coming as soon as you know because the majority of them are A-OK.
You have saved me and my family so much money...you should be proud of yourself!
I love that your site always has such up to date deals. I find myself checking back more and more often...I might be addicted to your site!! GEEZ!! Anyways, thanks for all your deals...even if it helps one person I think it's worth it!
I replied to the email that I had gotten a confirmation and that I trusted that they would honor it. I attached a scan of the email showing the order and the zero balance. We'll see what happens. I think that if you got a confirmation, than they should honor it.
Don't stop doing what you are doing. You have saved my family a TON already. I am not complaining
was worth a try- no biggie
Collin you do a great job, don't feel bad about this!
The code 'freebies4mom-1109' should still work for the 50 cards, but only the 4x8 size, and only until Saturday the 21st, not the 30th.
the freebies4mom-1109 code does not work. they took all the codes down. stinks because that was a code specific for freebies4mom readers. ack!
FYI, I was actually able to order tonight using the code "freebies4mom-1109". I originally made 5X7 cards and the code would not work. But once I went in and made some in the 4X8 size, the code went through perfectly. I added them to my cart before I designed them (then went back and edited) so that I could confirm that the code worked before I spent all the time designing another card. Hope others are still able to get in on this. I read somewhere the code "should" work until this Saturday...
I just made an order for my mom and it worked with the code 'freebies4mom-1109'. I made sure to use the 4x8 size.
I tried making my mom another set with the code 'newbaby' and it worked as well. I did the 4x8 size.
Don't worry about it Collin! You definitely do so much more for us and an occasional mistake here and there is not a big deal... you are human after all ;) Thank you for everything!
--Mia L.
FYI the shutter fly deal you posted recently does not work, Says for select customers only, only AFTER you create it and add it to the cart to check out, probably hoping you'll buy it anyway.
Don't apologize! This is the way deals work.
I was hoping for that adorable ornament though!
Obviously I agree with everyone that is saying this is no fault of Collin's. She's great!
On a side note, though, I hope that none of you that made orders get charged for them even though the site said your total was ZERO $0. Remember the Fannie May incident? I'm still trying to get to the bottom of the "illegal" charges made to my account! Anyone else still dealing with Fannie May stuff?
just wondering
No need to be sorry sweetie!
Thank you sooo much for taking the time to post these deals.
Hey Lynn,,,fortunaly with this deal we didn't need to enter a cc# so there should be no surprise charges unless you order something and put you cc# in the system. Prayfully, that will not be the case.
Many of us were sent confirmation numbers for confirmed orders with a -0- balance. It is really bad business practices for them to put out confirmations for orders, not honor them and say .."Ooops, sorry." If we hadn't gotten confirmations, I would not be determined to get them to send this item. They are getting a rash of bad publicity for a new company and they should honor all orders they confirmed.
Have any of you been able to log in after to see if your account is there? I started an account, ordered the ornament and was sent a confirmation. Now my account is missing and I did not delete it! What is this company thinking in terms of getting all these new customers and treating them so badly?
Do NOT worry about your readers!!! You are awesome at finding deals. It is NOT your fault if all of them pan out. It is the readers choice to follow them or not. Ignore the negativity. Those people are not forced into anything & it is their choice to pursue a deal or not. I have saved so much thanks to you & have gotten some amazing deals I would have never known about. You are the best at what you do & LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your blog.
i blame the company.
I'm w/Kteacher...so I don't get this free offer...we got so many other great deals...this is no big deal!!
It happens!
I got the email abot the ornaments, but the code for the 50 photo cards was not in that deal they are referencing. Mine have shipped - and I ordered them an entire day after the ornaments deal.
Update 11/16/09: The free photo card offer from SeeHere has been limited to only the 4x8 size and this offer expires on Saturday, November 21.
use coupon Code:
at: http://freebies4mom.com/
Lynn - I just finished dealing with Fannie May. They credited everything they were supposed to, it just took a while.
I had finally started communicating via email instead of phone because it was much easier to keep track - on my end and theirs.
They were always polite about it but apparently it is all done manually so it takes forever. :)
I wrote the company to complain based on the coupon code working on there site. If I did not qualify, then it should've been accepted!
I am very thankful to Collin to just posting things without verifying everything little thing ...otherwise we would miss stuff. You do a great job!
no worries - your blog is awesome! I still think they should honor our orders since they accepted the promo codes when we places our orders - bummed but I ordered a bunch of ornaments thru Kodak & only paid $2.99 shipping. I appreciate all you do - I check your blog a few times throughout the day!
my cards shipped...don't worry about it-i saw the free stuff on other websites too. not your fault!
my cards shipped. the ornament did not...still says in production. I am not going to complain because we all make mistakes, the code got out when it was not supposed to, I am sure if it was just a few hundred that were ordered they would honor it, but with all the traffic and people ordering like 20 and fraud, if I were then I would just have people confirm they qualify also before sending them out. Cnat expect the company totake on such a financial strain...esp with all the people ordering them, their site kept crashing...that is alot of people and a lot of ornaments. I am not mad or upset. this is the way it goes with coupons and freebies...sometimes they work, sometimes they dont. No big deal. It was just an ornament and I am sure there will be other deals this season. Have a good day guys. and yes the code works now for 4x8 cards 50 free!!!! that is pretty good!!! and the site is not as slow anymore. Deep breath and enjoy your free photo cards guys!
I received a shipment confirmation yesterday for my Christmas cards. Hmm I wonder if they will come?
I received two emails, one for each photo card order, that mine have shipped. Thanks for posting these deals so quickly. I hope others were able to get some as well.
Our free cards have SHIPPED! That deal appears to be valid!
Thanks for posting all your deals and freebies fast. I really appreciate your hard work and I think we all realize there is no guarantee.
Don't worry about it at all! I got emails saying that my ornaments and cards shipped so it will be interesting to see if they arrive or not!?! But thank you for all you do and don't feel bad, you and your site are GREAT! :D
I am elated that I also scored the freebies4mom deal along with the one Collin posted on the cards.
I made some awesomely cute cards with my son's photo - I plan to have him use them for thank you's at Christmas and his bday in Feb. Loving it!
No loss Collin. You do a great job and I am sure like me, there are tons of people appreciative of what you do.
It is weird though because I got the email about not receiving the free ornament. I had gotten the code for the free cards the day before you posted them and on Saturday I got an email confirmation that the cards had been sent.
If it helps, I got an email confirmation that the 50 4x8 cards shipped - so some deals still go through! ;)
You always have great deals, don't beat yourself up about this one. Shame on Fuji for not honoring the gifts...they just lost a lot of business. I am seriously disappointed in their decision to revoke gifts..after all it would cost them very little to make a LOT. First it seemed like genius marketing, now it is just bad customer Relation and Service.
It's not your fault! Actually, I placed an order for my mom yesterday, and just found out her order has shipped! So I guess they did honor the coupon code for her.
I have looked at a lot of websites to help save money, and yours is BY FAR the best! You always have the deals on here ASAP!
Thanks so much!
By the way, I also have a couponing website. :)
If you go through ebates.com, you can get 25% off the calendar as well as 12% back. There are promo codes for other products as well.
I'm bummed that the calendar won't be free, but after all the time I spent working on it I want to get it anyway. At least there is a little discount! :)
Thanks for all your hard work on this site. I echo all of the sentiments above - we still love you!
I received a shipment confirmation for the 25 free cards, so that one seemed to work. I didn't get the e-mail regarding the deal, but no matter what it was still nice of you to post. We know you didn't realize the reason behind the code and it might not work. Thanks for all the great deals you post all the time.
Collin, no worries! We appreciate all the deals you post, so you can't expect them all to go off without a hitch. I still got 100 free holiday cards from the site, so I consider it a WIN!
Wish I had read this post before I spent hours putting together a calendar. But, not your fault. Thanks for all the fantastic deals you post that do work!!! I wasn't overly impressed with SeeHere's site anyway . . .
I used the freebies4mom code for the 50 Xmas cards (5x7 size) and they showed up yesterday via FedEx. I did forward the link to some friends and one was able to get the 4x8 size ordered (but I've let her know there's a chance it may not process now). No worries; I have 50 great looking cards with envelopes so I'm not stressing. It was an innocent enough mistake.
when you ordered the cards you had to make an account so I went and checked my account and it says it has shipped my 50 christmas cards from the freebies4mom code. I got the 5x7 size.. hope it still comes but if not we are not out anything :) thanks for all you do I love your blog and it has helped my family and friends so much.
my cards were just deliverd by fex ex got the 5x8 christmas cards they look great! I am super excited!
Just got my photocards delivered by FEDEX-they are so cute and what fast delivery! Thanks for all the great deals!
SWEET....Just got my BEAUTIFUL Christmas Cards!! FREEEEEE! I think it may have only been the christmas ornament that was the mistake...hope you all get your photo cards too!!
Just an update, I DID receive my 50 FREE xmas cards in the mail today! So hopefully some other have received them as well
Just got my cards as well!!!!! They are way better than I expected!! :) Thank You C-rock!
my cards came also! THey are beautiful and I would use see here again for their products. Nice job See Here! I will b e ordering again from them
Hey Ladies, Got the Xmas Cards, Becuase the code wasn't a Mall Santa code, it still works! WOO HOO. Free Xmas cards. Would have cost over $40 for them with shipping otherwise. Thanks HIP2SAVE You Rock!
My photos arrived today and they look great. My husband commented that they are printed "on the thinnest photo paper I've ever seen". I told him I didn't care one bit as they were free.
Personally I think I would order from them again. I ordered them Sunday and they arrived on Wednesday that's a super fast turn around time.
I am so confused I got the email about how I needed to make a purchase I looked in my email today and said my calendar had been shipped? anyone else get this?
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