Target has another great Toy deal available:
PlaySkool Step Start Walk'N Ride on a price cut for $17.79
Use the $5/1 coupon from here
Final cost $12.79! Wow!
My kiddos are too old for this toy, but I'm thinkin' about snagging one to put in my gift closet. I love having a stash of gifts on hand for those unexpected birthday parties!
(Thanks, GiveMeNeither!)
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We bought this for our first born 8 years ago. It has been used by all of my kiddos and is still in great shape. I think it is a wonderful toy and love the fact that it is convertible. Just my 2 cents!
this is off topic of this..but i missed getting my sunday paper this past sunday and im really obsessing over missing the coupons :( is there any source on the net or some trick i dont know about how to get your past issues of the newspaper so i can get my coupon books ??
Collin I sent you an email but I dont know if you got it or not....Today nov 5th disney reward code points are doubled when you enter them today. They will also have another double day sometime before Dec 31, they will randomly announce it.
Anon 9:12 - I called my paper and asked and they sell back issues up to 90 days so I would suggest calling your local paper and see if they do the same. HTH!!
Anonymous 9:12am- You could order a past insert of coupons from couponclippers or ebay. You can buy a complete insert or individual coupons.
i bought this at target yesterday for that price..I was going to wait for the $17 rollback price at walmart (nov 8--their holiday flyer that came in the mail mid-week)
great price!
I can't see the there a certain zip i should put in?
Off topic, but I was laughing (out of my mind laugh lol) yesterday when my hubby and I went to Target. I was walking past the luggage are when what do you think I saw hanging on an endcap? Why it was the Hungry Hungry Hippo travel game for $4.99!!
The exact game I had been looking for and looking for at that store and NEVER found!lol Now....after my coupon has expired..they have returned lol :(.
I suspect the same thing will happen with the Bumble Bee Tuna pouches that have disappeared from the shelf. They too will reappear after the coupon has expired...mean ol' stores :(
But..back on the subject..this would of made a great Christmas gift for my nephew but I got my sister in law addicted to Hip2 and she got all the Q's to buy all these toys! lol So I will just have to figure something else out!
My Walk N Ride ate my child's finger! I worked it out with Hasbro and they were really good about it but children's should be supervised carefully when playing with it. The problem arose because my 2 year old was able to convert it by himself and got his finger trapped and then clipped it in the walk position and couldn't get it undone.
How big is this "closet"? Just curious....I would love a desinated area that I could store gifts also. My basement is handy but the kids go down there "shopping".
I bought this toy for my kids about 2 years ago at Wal-Mart the day after Christmas for only $5 bucks!! Not sure if the coupon expires before then, but if not I would hold on to it!
Oh, thanks for reminding me! I have a raincheck for this from Fred Meyer last month for 10.99~~ 5.99 after coupon~~yahoo! Thanks for all your great info to bring us these deals!!
I got this today at Target. It was a TPR for $17.00! This will make a great 1st birthday present for my son! THANKS!
the busy ball popper is also on sale for 17. and theres a $5 coupon for it as well.
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