Also, like I talked about previously, Victoria's Secret has an awesome Mystery Rewards Card promotion running. You can score a Victoria's Secret Reward Card with every online purchase and any in-store purchase of $10 or more thru November 30th. The reward card value is a mystery until you make a purchase December 1st-24th. Each card is at least worth $10 and thousands are worth $100 or more!
My plan of action:
Go to Victoria's Secret and find a Bra regularly priced around $20 + snag a pair of VS Undies! At checkout I'll use the coupon from above which will deduct $10 off the Bra and make the undies FREE. Final cost right around $10.... BUT then I'll get back a Rewards Card which is guaranteed to be worth at least $10! Even better, what if I have one of the lucky $500 Rewards Cards? Oh how I love to dream!:)
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Find more Victoria's Secret Deals and Victoria's Secret Coupons at the new
Don't forget the lip gloss coupon - it expires at close time tomorrow, the 15! Get your panties, mystery card and free lip gloss!
** well, I guess if your plan is to go tomorrow, then it will work!**
Can I wear those little itty bitty undies over my SPANK!
That stuff is way too small for my big butt!!!
This does sound like a great deal. Call me too conservative, but I've boycotted VS because of their scandalous pictures plastered in the windows of their stores... you can sell great lingerie without that, imo. :)
VS Eyeshadow is Priced at EXACTLY $10!
My Purchase today:
VS Undies FREE
Eye Shadow $10
Secret Santa Card
Total OOP: 10.70!!
My Cashier, as well as the one next to her, were not giving the gift to people, I mentioned it and my cashier played the "Oh I forgot about that." So make sure they ring it up before you pay!
I just purchased 3 bras online at VS for $65.13 with FREE Shipping. Gonna go into the store tomorrow and snag my free panty and $10 off...very excited!
I did all my fun Christmas shopping today and bought 20 gifts at $10 each and got back 20 secret santa's now you have to do 20 purchases but it means at least $200 for me for Christmas and that I love!!!
Well..I just got home from VS...bought a bra tonight used the 10.00 off by signing up w/ PINK and got my free lipgloss...however I did not get a mystery gift card! Guess I'll go back to VS tomorrow and return that bra...rebuy it using this 10.00 off coupon, free panty coupon and get my mystery gift card. Maybe I'll print another free lip gloss coupon and get another one of those:)...for my trouble of having to go back there.
I literally JUST got back from Victoria's secret! I bought a bra using the $10 off and so wish I had this new coupon before I went! Think I can return it and re-buy it tomorrow with this new coupon?
The cheapest bra that I found online is the T-shirt Demi bra for $24.00. Anyone else know of any cheaper bras? The coupon says it has to be full price.
jenny, i have done the same thing. stinks too bc i need bras/undies just like everyone else. but, i've chosen to give my business to other places that are a little more discreet.
Kind of random, BUT ask for a box when you check out - not only do they have about 8 different sizes (including a cute little cupcake-shaped one) - but some include bows, ribbons and flower attatchments; Start asking now before they run out later in the season. (And ask for a few more sheets of tissue paper too!)
I found a push up bra for $24 & it's the ONLY bra that fits my ski sloped chest!! The first time I went, I literally tried on every bra on in the store (including the pink selections), and finally found this push up bra that can can be strapped normally, or be converted into a racer back bra!! Not to mention it's the cheapest full price bra! I did 2 transactions this Nov. (so far..) because I recvieved one coupon through the mail & one through email (looks like there's another one online). I got 2 bra's & 2 panties for a total of $31 - however I recieved back 2 santa cards (because I did 2 seperate transactions), and if they're worth at least $10 that equals $10 oop for the 2 sets!! LOVING IT!!! I was waaay overdue for new bras & my hubby is constantly complimenting me! LOL
Wow THANK YOU for this great offer. I went to their website and their date says you must use this coupon and deal by Nov 25, not Nov 30 as you posted. But still time for great deals.
I did an order online of just a $2.99 eyeliner and they sent me the secret rewards card, so I think you get it with any purchase.
Wahoo! I took advantage of the last $10 off and got a great new bra. I have been wanting another one and now I can get it!
soo excitied!! got a VS Cotton push up that has aton of padding which i like but usually pay a foutune for!! lol!! they are a brand new style of bra and super affarable at 24.50-26 dollars a piece!! i choose a super cute bright pink one with light pink and gold stripes and found matching panties!! i did this offer through being a member of pink nation $10 off and was mailed a free panty coupon!! i am most certianly going to print off this email to get another set tommrow or the next day!! how can we go wrong with after recieving the mystery card we pay under $10 a set!! yippiee!! thank you sooo very much!!
Love it my daughter and I went to VS today and after trying on 100 bras apiece found the ones that fit were 49$ to rich for our blood so we bought a 3$ body spray and each got the free pantie, the assoc did forget to give the mystery card though I will be calling tommorrow to get that for sure..... Thanks again hip2save
Remember you have to spend at least $10 to get the Secret Santa card and it at least has $10 so basically your purchase is free if you only spend $10
I went to VS to get my free panty and my lip gloss but they told me I could only use one coupon per day per person, that I have to choose! This is the first time this happened to me , and the cashier was very rude to me like she was mad because I was getting this stuff for free. Do you know if this is true, I had use more than one coupon before. Thanks
i really wish they carried bras that fit me, this would be an awsome deal, especially if i were lucky enough to get one of the big cards!
oh well maybe some makeup,lotion etc for me and gifts....
I've never been allowed to use more than one coupon at a time there.
I went to VS today and I got a nice bra and panties for $21 and the secret reward.
Thanks for the post.
can't wait until Dec. 1st to find out my bonus. I purchased a pair a high waisted jeans on clearence online for 9.99 and used a $10 gift and clicked on a free shipping day link and paid less than a buck for sales tax and got the mystery card!!! I then ordered a pair of pink panties from the clearance section on another free ship today this month and paid less thank 4 buck and got another mystery card! I can't wait I'm hoping VS does some more free ship days in DEC.
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