Walgreens is offering up a FREE 8x10 photo collage today, November 27th ONLY! Just go on over here and use coupon code FINDJOY at checkout. Plus, choose in-store pickup to score FREE shipping!
(Thanks, FreeSnatcher!)
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Thank you! I am going to try and put one of these together of the 3 kids, for Grandma for Xmas! Cool!
from Black Friday on FB
Want FREE Leapfrog Leapster games? Go here and sort by price (low to high): http://blackfriday2009.com/go/p/37702. See the $5 games? Enter $5 off coupon code LEAPSTR5 and those are free! It works on each game in your cart. You'll see the discount on the Order Review page. Warning: this won't last!
that code did work for me. also there is $5.95 shipping.
Awesome! Just made the collage and I can pick it up at my Walgreens in an hour! Totally FREE. Love it! Another Xmas gift DONE! Thanks!
Thank you so very much. This will make a killer christmas present ! And,, It's my favorite "F" word... FREE !!!
Thank you! I ordered one under myself and one under my husband! Now we have a collage of our wedding and one of our 1 yr anniversary. :) and it was free shipping since I'm picking them up from our local store! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much, my husband will love this! Another free gift! Yay!
Thanks! I just finished ordering mine. Love your blog!
Too cool! Thanks a bunch! This site is soooo much easier to navigate and upload.
Thank you, Colin and THank you Anon for posting Leapster games! Hung out at midnight to purchase the Leapster at ToysRus last night and these games are CHEAP! I got two for $8.94. You guys ROCK!
If you have not used Walgreens collages before I highly recommend them - they are very easy and turn out really well. The 8x10 is pretty small though if you use alot of pictures -
It worked! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
I am having problems. It gets to the review and submit page and stops. I click submit and it stays on that page and refreshes. It won't let me go any further. Is anyone else having this problem?
Thanks! This will make a great gift. Put it in a frame and its pefect... Man I love freebies....
Thanks just ordered mine and can pick up at my closest walgreens woohoo! Going to geta nice frame for it and give it as a gift =)
Thanks. Ordered one for my mom and grandma of us kids and grandkids :) good one
Walgreens is having great deals lately! Today i saw that both their macintosh apple and earth something-or-other scented glade 4 oz soy candles were on clearance for $3.49 meaning I got them free using the $3.50 off any item from the glade fragrance collection! Yay candles!
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Bummer . . . again . . . this deal did not work. Even involved a lot of folks in the photo center at Walgreens and there was no resolve to it . . . so ended up with no photo collage.
I just love the way these turned out! Not to mention FREE! I did one under my name and one under my hubby's name :) THANKS :)
not working for me either. oh well
thanks hip! got one for my mom for her bday.. with pictures from our last trip up there with her :)
Worked for me! Thanks
I just got 2, one under my name and one under my hubby's name. These will be great for the grandmas! I love all these free photo deals, at this rate I will never have to pay for pics again :)
I tried to do this deal but it is not working--it takes me all the way to the checkout process, shows the $3.99 that is to be deducted then at the very end before I hit the checkout button it shows that my total is $4.31. Weird! Thanks, anyway!:-}
I could not get the website to respond at all. :-(
Super! Thanks so much! I just ordered one under my account and one for free under my hubby's account! Woo-hoo! Two sweet gifts!
Ordered mine with no problems!
Do you guys think a jar of beans from 1995 is still safe to eat?
if you are having problems getting it to go through..I just did and noticed that i didnt put my phone number in, when i put my phone number in where it prompts you, it went through fine! Try it again guys...it should work.
No Anonymous I don't think a jar of beans from 1995 is safe to eat!
Hey all, I was having the same problem with it not working once I went to check out, I realized I was in Google Chrome, switched to FF and all went through fine! Good luck, this is a great deal. Oh, ps: I just put one picture in my collage for a nice 8x10!! Thanks again!
I love these deals! Thanks!
Awesome! Thanks so much again! :) You are my hero.
THANK YOU! Perfect for a gift.
Yes anonymous 7:13 the jar of beans from 1995 should be fine to eat.....IF YOU WANNA DIE OF STOMACH FAILURE!!!
Thank you !!! Great FREE collage with Free shipping to the store to pick up. Nice memento for Grandma of kids and grandbaby pictures. Thanks again!!!
Worked for me and I am so glad! Thanks :)
Thank you so much!!!!
I really appreciate all that you do thru this site for us!
Cheered me up...just got done being made fun of by a relative because I bought MP3 players for FREE @ CVS --I was told that was really "low-rent"...I think I will stop sharing with others that do not understand reality...No reason to talk to the ignorant...I am happy to be "low-rent" and not very classy...I think I am in Good Company!
Vonda...daily follower and very grateful to you!!
I just picked mine up from Walgreens! They are so lovely!! Thanks again! :)
Just picked my 2 collages up at Walgreens and they are awesome!!!! Thank you!!!!
I wasted so much time trying to get this to work :( .
just made another on..guys make sure the telephone number is out in on the submit page..it was my problem all along before and kept looping the page then giving me a $4 total. put the number in and it should go through for oyu
Mine came out so cute!! Collin you're AWESOME!!!
Got mine! Thanks Collin. This will make a great Christmas gift for my husband. I made one of my husbands race car.
Sweet just got mine for hubby xmas. LOVE IT Thanks Collin
It worked for me I did mine earlier and said it was ready to pick-up at 5:00pm or later at my local Walgreens. Took my lil guy an went to pick it up and it came out GREAT! The Photo Cashier scanned the ticket...an was wondering why the register didnt say anything...I said "Oh it's Free" and she was like Oh wow..thats cool! Thanks!!!
Yippee!!! I just got mine in 1 minute before midnight!!! Woohoo! Thank you Collin! I did a collage of our family memories for the year. So excited! :)
I too had issues with the checkout showing my discount being applied so i printed out the screen where it shows a total of ZERO and took that with me. They took care of it for me and congratulated me on my awesome purchase!
I did 4 of them yesterday and they were super fast, no problems. Picked them up and they look awesome, great Christmas stockings for my in laws and my parents and 2 for my hubby and I :-) THANK YOU COLLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This coupon appears to be expired. Bummer!
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