I just received an email from Kristin, a reader, about how she was able to score FREE Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice at Walgreens!
Deal Scenario:
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice on sale for $1.99
Use the $1/1 peelie manufacturer coupon found on the bottles
Plus, use the $1/1 Walgreens coupon from the November coupon booklet
Final cost FREE Juice!
**Make sure to hand over the manufacturer coupon before the in ad coupon to avoid any beepage!
Now, keep in mind, this is definitely a YMMV (your mileage may vary) type situation depending on if you find the $1/1 peelie manufacturer coupons! I thought this was still worth giving you all a heads up on, though, because wouldn't it be nice to snag some FREE juice?
Let us know if you're able to score FREE juice too!
(Thanks, Kristin!)
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
where do u get this coupon book
There are also Ocean Spray coupons inside the Rice Krispie boxes that contain the $5 value coupons.
Jitterbugs, it's located in the store. Look for Nov. Coupon book. Has a Red X-Mas bulb on it that says $200 in savings.
The peelie on my juice was for fresh cranberries, Craisins, or trail mix only.
With selected varieties $1.98 at Target I have found some peelies on their bottles too at certain locations and when paired with a target ocean spray coupon - FREEEEEEE Ocean Spray!
The coupons were on the no sugar added cranberry juice and cranberry pomegranate juice.
I have yet to find peelies on any items at my target :(
Everytime I go there are none. I hope that isn't because people take them off with out buying the products to add to their coupon book. That is just rude - but I don't think that is what it is, I just think it is my region.
Hey did anyone have any luck buying Herbal essences styler with the travel size shampoo or conditioner using the bogo Q, so you just pay the .99 for the travel size item at target?
I can't find certain Herbal Essence stylers at my rite aid I need to buy.
Mom who cares---
I did the herbal deal--- bought the travel shampoo and got the large styler for free... Worked at target, meijer and walgreens.
Found the peelies on the 100% variety juice at Target. Peelies are always hit or miss...with a lot of luck!
Found my peelie, got my juice for free! Thank you!!
my walgreens had the small lubriderm bottles with the rr deal sign right under them!!
Off the subject, but has anyone converted RR$ to the red Walgreens gift cards lately? I'm curious if that still works.
I've never heard of exchanging rr's for a gift card but I wish that were possible. I've got a lot from last weeks deals.
I also posted a nice WAGS Money Making Kleenex deal on our site...be on the lookout for the "new" November IVC books with a family on the front...there is a Kleenex IVC that goes well with the in ad coupon.
Thankyou for the heads up on the Ocean Spray Coupon from the Rice Krispie Box. Combined with the $1q from the Walgreens Nov. coupon book, I am getting me some FREE Juice today :)
Is it possible to use $RR on film developing or prescriptions?
I've used them at the photo shop but can't for prescriptions.
I goofed today (big time) at Wags. I bought the wrong kind of Sudafed and I didn't get my RR. Since I used $2 coupons for 3 Tylenols & for the Sudafed, Wags doesn't want to give me the full value on return OR the coupons back! Can anyone give me some suggestions on what to do? TIA!
Anon 1:37...did you ask if they would void the entire transaction? They would have to give you your coupons back in that case.
I use some of my RRs at my local grocery store (Jewel). I've used them at several stores and they take them without any questions.
I bought 6 of them and the peelies are on them.. it says for any cranberry juice or trailmix etc.. just give them the man first then the walgreens coupon.. it will take it off automatically!! YAY!
found the cranberry juice and peelie coupons, just be sure to have them either adjust the price of item or buy a little something extra because it was coming up that they needed to refund me $.01 I told them they need to adjust price of item and they did. I also got 8 Bayer monitors and got $40 RR!!!! WOW!!!
No, unfortunately I didn't catch it until I was over 1/2 hour away from the store. So I guess I'll try to return for full price at another store. I guess my question is, shouldn't I get the full value of the product back since they refuse to give me back my coupons with a return? Wags is still getting their $2 back from the manufacturer and I'll be out a product. Please correct me if I'm wrong. TIA!
Can someone tell me if you can use the peelie's right away if you found the peelie on the product you are purchasing or do you have to wait till your next purchase?
You can totally use them right away! If you don't have to open it up, its free game!
Anon 2:16...that is really an ongoing discussion among us couponers...I personally think that, YES you should get the full value back since they will still be submitting your coupon for the payment, but there are others who think the opposite. Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule on this one. HTH! :)
Are all the peelies at Walgreens for cranberries or craisins? I bought 4 of the drinks and got them all for FREE!!!! with the peelies.
Yay! I scored some free juice :) Thanks for the tip HIP!:)
As for the Herbal essences, I ran a great deal at Rite aid (but any store would work) My "free Herbal Essence Shampoo/Conditioner" coupon came in the mail last week--from the facebook promo. I combined it with the BOGO coupon. = 2 free products!! :)
No peelies at my store, but I do have one of the ones from the Rice Krispies - so I will grab 1 free one.
Had a GREAT day at Walgreens today - the ladies behind me saw my coupons and said they had heard about this and wanted to watch. I only did 1 RR deal - but lots of the great savings and used up $40.00 of my RRs from last week. So I spent out of pocket $3.62 and SAVED $90.40.
The ladies were amazed - I told them I get all the ideas and deals from this site!
I'm confused - are some of the peelies definitely for the juice? Because mine clearly says it just for Craisins, trail mix or cranberries.
I did the same thing with my Free Herbal Essences shampoo coupon and combined it with the BOGO styler at a local grocery store in St. Louis. Worked great!
I hope to find a peelie. And I think it's okay to take a few off products if they aren't on sale. If they aren't on sale, who will buy them except for non-couponers and the coupon will be wasted!
Hi! I just saw this story and this is a nice cashier who actually gives people coupons at Walgreens!
I got one free juice but when I went back to do it again, it wouldn't let me. I handed over man q's first and then Wags. Oh well at least I got one!
Heads up on cheap neosporin...there's a $3 off bonus coupon on their website when you look at their weekly ads. I paired it with the $2 Activity Book coupon & $1 manu coupon. Paid $0.49 for it!I bought 2 thinking I would get $2RR to print...but it was a no go!
I have a question, is anyone having a problem buying the Breeze 2 or Contour meters? Cuz I'm not diabetic but my aunt and grandfather are and I want the RR's LOL!
Thanks so much for the Info! I snagged 8 bottles for free. Whoot whoot!
I checked at two Walgreens and a Winn Dixie in New Orleans (BOGO free at WD) and the peelie on my juice was for fresh cranberries, Craisins, or trail mix only. Thanks for the tip. I'm going to let me friends know in other places around the country, so they can reap the possible benefits.
Anyone can purchase the Breeze meters, I've bought a couple of them and I'm not diabetic. I will find somewhere to donate them.
I bought two and they only took off $1 on one Ocean Spray Cranberry juice =( Btw I saw a $1 peelies at Target on the No Sugar Added Cranberry Juice. They are $2.50 at Target.
Also I notice this cranberry juice is light colored compared to the Target's Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice. Has anyone notice that?
The cranberry juice that is light colored is from Walgreens that Im talking about from my previous post.
i got 8 free juices!
All the Walgreens I go to don't even have room for eight bottles of juice on the shelves. I think one couponer getting eight bottles at one time would wipe out the inventory for the week. Thanks a lot.
Do they have RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT juice on sale, too? I hope they do..but I highly doubt it.
Who cares if she got 8 juices..I think that's a reasonable amount. My family goes through 1 thing of juice a day. Get there ahead of her next time and quit your complaining.
How'd ya'll score 8? I am new to all this. Just started couponing 10/24/09...so excited though. It's so addictive! :)
Me too, I bought two and the receipt only took off $1 on one Ocean Spray Cranberry juice. I don't know why but this never happens before. Well, it is still a good deal with 2 peelie, 0.98 for 2 bottles of juice.
Just got back from walgreens and was able to purchase two free cranberry juices.
My walgreens had a ton of the juice but no peelies on them. Still 1.00 was pretty good price.
Anon 8:03...I don't think the Ruby Read is part of the sale...I sure wish it was though! That stuff is SO Good!!!
Oh I am so aggravated!! I went into Walgreens to buy this. Didn't find any of the peelies and was fine with getting it for 99 cents as that is still a good deal. Then when I got up there and she rang it up for $1.99 each I said wait what about the coupon? She said no it is already in the system on sale and just took my coupon and threw it in the trash!
The peelie is not for the juice, you are just lucky if the cashier accepts it. But the peelie is misleading to say "Save $1.00 now".
Hope it works for me tomorrow..
Anon 2:16
Yes by law they either need to return your coupons to you (if you catch them after your sale) or they need to refund you the full price of the item. It is coupon fraud on their part not to. If you still have trouble and contact customer service and tell them the scenario. They will arrange for you to get your full price back. It is not a negotiable thing. They can not claim the coupon amount and take the extra from you as well and you get nothing. Sadly the manufacturer is the one who loses out here, but no they cannot double dip like that. Go online and email customer service or get their phone # and call them first and tell them where you will be going to (what store ) so they can make sure that you will have not trouble and that you do not waste your time and gas only to be shut out again! HTH
It worked perfectly! Used the $1.00off in the November Coupon book and the peelies are hard to see, but they are on the Ocean Spray logo!!! Thanks for the free juice!
my Wags in central va had probably 50 cran juices...BUT the only ones with q's were the pomegranite and the 100% juice ones, the cocktail did NOT have the q's on it...but the q does not specify what type of juice! so we bought 4, and going back today for more...worked perfect! i bought 2 and used all q's and just paid tax. didn't need a filler or anything :)
The peelie is not for juice...craisins, trail mix or fresh cranberries only.
Thank you so much for the info. I just didn't want to do "the wrong thing" by insisting that I somehow end up with a benefit that I didn't deserve. If I was feeling orny, I'd go and return them today, as that same asst. manager is working right now, but I think I'll head to a non-local Wags, just so I stay on their "good side". Again, thank you for the info...it is GREATLY appreciated!
Yay! Mine had coupons! =] But the November wags coupon beeped! Ughh! The lady told me it's because I didn't get the Ocean Spray Brand, but much to my satisfaction. I pulled it out of the bag and showed her. HaHaHa! She then overided it but no appology was given for her lying. Our walgreens ALWAYS have the rudest cashiers! I TELL YOU WHAT!
I tried this deal, but the cranberry juice that has the $1 off is the 100% juice. The 1.99 juice is not the same. My wags wouldn't do it.
We only have two Wags in this town and the one I went to today made me feel like I was a leper for using coupons. It was awful. I know no one can make you feel inferior without you consent but Dang! I'm not giving up though! BTW...I love all ya'lls advice. You guys Rock!
This deal worked at my walgreens, there were lots of $1/1 peelies, the peelies did say that they were for the dried cranberries, but they worked with the juice! The "no sugar added" variety tastes great, doesn't have that weird fake sugar taste.
I went to one Walgreens, (hard to see the coupon on the juice) and she wouldn't do it for me, she said it doesn't work. I am going to try another walgreens.
At my Wags the 100% juice No Sugar Added was 1.99 and the $1 Wags coupon worked for each bottle. I didnt try the $1 peelie because it wasnt for the juice, people shouldnt be using it for a product its not intended for.
Ocean Spray Juices
For me this deal was better at Target than Walgreen's, both free. Target has much more selection of flavors, more peelies, and no beeping. As previously mentioned the peelies appear to be part of the labeling. They are a small yellow oval sticker near the neck of the bottle. Get the $1 Target coupons on Hip2Save by scrolling down to older posts (maybe about pg 4) where you will see a Target Post that say "Older Deals Still Available". Click into the link, which will take you to Organic Coupon, find the Ocean Spray and put the number of coupons you would like to print in the box. Voila, you are almost there, hope this helps.
As to the peelies, I didn't even notice they were only for Craisins, Trail Mix, and fresh cranberries. It seems to me if Ocean Spray didn't want them used on their juices that would have been programmed in their bar code.
ALthough it doesnt say its for the juice folks, it DOES work and alot of us have gotten FREE juice! Woot Woot!! I agree, it was hard to find that label, and then bam! there it was. Not on all types though.
If your attempting to buy 2 at thats it, like somebody stated above, ya gotta buy a "filler" item like a candy bar or so cuz it will then knock of the 2c off the "filler" item for you! Sweeeeeet!.
Good luck and score some free juice!
Oh and the reason being it wont let you do 2 is cuz WG would owe you 2c and they wont just give you the money hence why ya get one more item with this deal or as stated, have them round the q. down to .99c instead of a 1.00
found it in chicago!
I tried to use the peelie but the cashier studied it and said no go: it was only for the craisins, berries, or trail mix. (I honestly didn't read it...just peeled it and she made me feel like a criminal.) She wouldn't even try. Those of you with inattentive cashiers are lucky! I must be more observant.
to all ANONYMOUS posters...: makes it much easier to address any questions and concerns if you click the Name/URL button and put your name in the box....
To the ANON with the sudafed...Thats B/S they are doing you like that. They will get full price value for that coupon.
I've had to return items which I used a coupon on at CVS and they gave me the full amount back,,,
They would give it to me free because the the coupon or peelie I can remember which was for 99 cents and the total was not$2.00 before taxes!!!
The peelie was only on sugar free!
I agree with CJ....the peelie on the Ocean Spray is not for the juice, its for craisins or trail mix, and therefore you SHOULDNT BE USING IT ON THE JUICE... thats wrong and you know it.
Just got my free juice tonight! Mine didn't have a peelie, but I had a $1.00 coupon that I had stashed away...I think it came in a booklet with some cereal (Kellogg's, I believe). Anyway, I used that with the Nov. Savings booklet coupon and voila, free juice! Thank you!!
Ocean Spray is the one that programs the bar codes to accepts coupons, not WG, so if Ocean Spray cared about you using it on Craisins only, they wouldn't program the juice bar code to accept the coupon. Get a grip people...the economy is horrible...if the worst thing i do in my life is use a coupon that is intended for a different product (even though the bar code accepts it), I'll be doing pretty good.
It worked for me last night. I didn't even read the peelie, just peeled it off, so I had no idea that it was for a different product. However, like pp's stated, Ocean Spray KNEW people would be using them on this product because they put "save $1 now" on it & programmed the bar code to work. So, I don't feel guilty one bit since at best it was an attempt to sell more products & at worst it was an attempt to fool customers. Ocean Spray doesn't spend millions on market research, advertising, etc. to make an error like this. They knew what they were doing.
Just to update you all, I started taking my RR's and putting them on a Wag's gift card before I do my transactions. The hassle is the filler items needed to do this, but if you don't need overage or have items that you're paying in full, go for it. It makes it so much easier so I won't lose my RR due to me having my attack of brain-farts;p
I was able to round up 48 juices for free! I kept a few for myself, gave a few to family and took over 30 to the local food bank!. Thanks so much for the tip!
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