I'm happy to report two new monthly Walgreens Register Reward deals available! These deals will not only make for some FREE products, but also turn into nice little moneymakers too!
Theraflu is on a mega-saver all month long priced at $5--buy 2=$3RR
Deal Scenario:
Buy 2 Theraflu products $5 each=$10
Use 2 $2/1 coupons from the 10/18SS
Plus, use the $2/1 Walgreens coupon from the Health Savings booklet
(will deduct $4 for purchasing two)
Pay $2
Get back a $3RR
Final cost 2 for FREE + a $1 moneymaker!
Dulcolax Balance $7=$4RR
Use the $2/1 coupon from here
(you may also find $3/1 coupons attached to the packages)
Pay $4-$5
Get back a $4RR
Final cost as low as FREE!
Plus, submit for the $5 rebate to make money on this deal!
**The Dulcolax deal is valid all the way thru 12/26 and the Theraflu deal is valid thru 11/28!
(Thanks, SD & MFH!)
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Darn! Theraflu must have been regional because I can't find it.
If any of you live near a Publix grocery store, they have the Theraflu (6 pack) on clearance for $2.16 per box. If you use the $2 coupon - that makes them only $.16. In my case, I bought 6 and 3 of them rang up at regular price ($5.69). The Publix price guarantee states that if an item does not ring up at the register for the correct price - you get it free. 6 of them should have cost me $12.96 but I had 6 coupons for $2 off - totaling $12. I should have paid $.96 for all of them but since 3 of them rang up wrong at $5.69 - the cashier took off $5.69 x 3 = $17.07. I had a total overage of $3.15 that went toward the other groceries I was buying. I hope you find the same deal I did!
Does any one know how you can get the Healthy Savings Booklet. I have been to 3 diffrent Walgreens and they do not have them! Thanks
Anonymous @ 6:05 pm
I found a stack on the Pharmacy counter. You may need to ask for one. Sometimes they have that stuff below the counter. Where are you located? I'll see if I can snag a few more, if you don't find one.
I found the healthy saver book at the pharmacy...had to ask the pharm tech. Can you use 2 wags Q plus the manuf on this deal? There is one in the Nov coup book for 3.00 and also one in the hsaver book for 2.00.
I used the booklet but it didn't take off $6 it only took off $2. Still a great deal though!
I just tried this deal about 30 minutes ago. I had the healthy saving coupon and I had 3 $2 off coupons from 10/18SS. I bought 3 Theraful for $5 each.
I used the healthy savings coupon first which did take a total of $6 off, however then the register would not accept my 10/18 coupons.
I still went through with the deal thinking that with $8RR, it would still be a good deal, but only $3 RR printed out. :(
Hmmm... I wonder if the $8RR is not valid again for this month. I will go ahead and update the post with this info.
I just tried the theraflu deal too. It was buy 2 and get a $3 RR
Could't use my Internet Q for this deal because the cashier said the manager asked not to acept Internet Q anymore. Huh? Anyone else have this problem? Do you know where I can find a copy of the WAG Coupon Policy?
Ok...so....could I do the Almay Pure Blends deal & get a $5RR & a $10RR & then use the $5RR to purchase the Dulcolax? That would then earn me an add'l $4RR (to total $14RR) & then submit for the $5 rebate? So essentially the two transactions would get me 2 Almay products & 1 Dulcolax for free & with $14RR & a $5 rebate? If this is true...SCORE!
I just noticed a $3 off Q for Theraflu Cold & Cough Day/Night in the new Wags November Q book. Might make for an even better deal!
Kerry - I think the Wags Q in the November booklet is for a larger size than this RR deal. I could be wrong but, I'm pretty sure the Theraflu that is producing RRs is smaller than 12ct.
Thanks Amber! Oh well, nice try anyway. :)
Did the Theraflu deal this morning in St. Paul, MN, and it DID NOT print out the RRs. After the cosmetics counter lady did a million different things to get it to work, and brought over a manager, they just said the deal must not be a RR deal anymore.
I still got the Theraflu, though, for a buck each, because we've been going through it like crazy! ;)
Did the deal in New Orleans this mornimg, but the Man Q in our paper was for $1.50 off a Theraflu item. Purchased 2, used 2 Man Qs and the WAGS Q from the Health Savings booklet. Total was $10.88(yes, taxes are high here).
After coupon, paid $3.88 and received a $3 RR.
Has anyone had problems with the Theraflu Healthy Savings coupon not working?
I tried it at two WG last month and the registers both beeped and said "coupon not on file."
I am in UT, but I don't know why that should make a diff.
Cynde - I am in UT as well and haven't had any trouble with the Theraflu coupon from the HS coupon booklet. I used it again today actually and it worked fine. Although my $3RR didn't print. Still a good deal though.
My Healthy Savings book coupon did not work tonight either...cashier said it was because the picture on the coupon says 12 count box...and the $5 sale TheraFlu is the 6 count box. :( I used $3 MQ's so with the WQ they should have been free...so maybe that is why it beeped. Anyone know??
Got a question on the Dulcolax -I went to grab a deal on my way home last night and when I got to the register, before she rang me up, the cashier told me that if I used the coupon on the bottle, the RR would not print out. She said she knew it was supposed to, but it won't. She had been having that argument all day. I told her nevermind, I was too tired to think about it and would try again later. Anyone having problems like this?
Brenda- Did you purchase the Nightime Severe Cold Cough Theraflu? Those are 6 pack. The Healthy Savings coupon has 2 Theraflu products shown on coupon .. one is 12 pack the other is 6 pack. I think your cashier made a mistake.
On another note. Theres a Theraflu coupon on the November Coupon Book. Im planning on going to my local Walgreens to see if I can pair the Manufacturers coupon with the Healthy Savings coupon plus the November Walgreens coupon which is for the Theraflu Sugar-Free Nightime Severe Cold & Cough. Hope it works! It would definately turn out free with overage! plus 3RR!!
Has anyone tried this?
OOOps my mistake! Actually the one from for the Theraflu Sugar Free Nighttime Severe Cold & Cough coupon is from the Diabetes & You Booklet!
Either way using any of the coupons from the November, Diabetes & You, or the Healthy Savings would probably make for some great deals!
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