Remember the high value Chef's Requested Beef coupons I posted about here? Well, Walmart may have the Bacon Wrapped Beef Fillets in the 10-oz package priced at just $3.28! Use the $3/1 coupon available here to possibly snag these Beef Fillets for just $0.28! Wow!
***I've heard reports from a few readers that the $3 coupon is actually only deducting $1, so you may have to ask the cashier to manually enter the $3 amount.
(Thanks, MoneySavingMadness!)
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new
Yes, we had to get someone to adjust the Q from $1.00 back up to $3.00.
Wow nice!
I had this happen with another coupon I used at Walmart. The cashier had to manually adjust it. I think it was the coupon for the free be sure the register is deducting the correct amount on all of your coupons. I've only had this happen at Walmart.
printer decided to screw that one up for me! ergh
They wouldn't adjust it for me, just said, "it only rang up $1 off..." then blank stare. So I just left.
I got mine this morning... they are $3.98 at my superwalmart... still a great deal.
Of course it only took $1 off and the cashier had to get CS who took off for 5 min but they came back and manually entered it as $3
These are OK but not exactly great quality. We've purchased them before and have felt the quality is somewhat substandard. They are "Select" quality which is the third grade down from "Prime" and "Choice"
In otherwords - they are walmart quality :)
I always buy my meat at ALbertsons and I do not pay more than at walmart. I get prime meat for less than walmart.
HOW? Easy - I wait until they have their BOGO sales on meat and their 1.99lb lean ground beef sale.
I then go in the right time of day right when they start the sale and fidn the meat that has the manager special Q's on them.
Here is an ex:
Chuck steak is priced $7.99 and second one is 7.39 for x amount of lbs each
Chuck steak $7.99
Check steak $7.39
They each have a managers special Q on them for $3.00 off.
$0.00 for bogo
$3 manager Q
$3.00 manager Q
=$1.99 for both beef chuck steaks !!
What really makes this better is I stock up on the BOGO's with manager specials Q's on them and buy about 10lbs individually wrapped 1.99 lean ground beef at the meat dept. So, my total gets above $50.00 before Q's and I throw in the $5 off $50 catalina and I save big on prime beef!
Last time I did this I paid $28 for $90 worth of beef and pork!
edit: I meant before Q's and BOGO
for .28 i'll cook it to death and put it in soup. ;) the crock pot always fixes grade c meat.
does anyone still have the "craft jingle the holidays" $10 rebate form? . i want to buy the triscuit for my husband . He loves those. if anyone can help me out please email me at .. it will be very much appreciated ..
OH and while you're at walmart - they have McCormick seasoning mixes like Chili, tacos, beef stew etc for 92 cents at my walmart and the $1/1 McCormick spice coupon worked without beeping or anything!!!!!
At my WalMart they were 3.98 and of course the coupon only rang up for 1.00. I was in self checkout so I just got someone to come adjust it up to 3.00 for me. I'm sure they are not the best quality but good thing me is that my hibby will just about anything. Guess its the Marine in him. lol.
I bought two at our local walmart in Denver and it only rang up for $1.00 but the cashier adjusted it to $3.00 with no problem! For $1 even if it no the best meat its still cheap!
my wmart always has a problem scanning my printable coupons so she just keyed in the $3 no prob. mine was priced at 3.28. great deal for .28.
My Walmart said nope to adjusting. Sucks!
I'm going to let the company know.
I was told they weew conterfit and they did not accept them. Then said they should have a bar code on the top as well as the bottom and they should have a company name to send it to not just CMS. I started looking at my other internet Q's and they are right they may be conterfit. All the others go to EL Paso and have the manf name in front of the CMS
This meat isn't good.....even for .28.
Thanks so much for the heads up on this!! My coupon rang up wrong the first time as well, but the cashier was very friendly and helped me, then I also had some other freebie coupons and she accidentally rang one up twice so the steaks ended up being free! I didn't even notice until I got home!
not at my walmart.. they were 5.97.. i still pick up a couple it seemed a good deal just not as sweet as posted..
$5.97 at my Walmart too. I hung onto the coupon to see if they drop the price later.
Thank you for the heads up again ! I was able to get mine for .98 !!!!
Thats incredible for 2 pieces of meat. I also got my up movie and used the 10.00 off coupon. What a score. Thanks again for all your hard work.
im a bit frustrated with this link, it directs me to instal a coupon verifier, i try, then it says its not found :/
living in NE PA our prices are always higher, but I'm anxious to check it out! Thanks C!
My walmart was not as accomodating... Q rang up at $1 and they were insinuating that it might be a fraudulaent Q... I'm just glad that I did not make a fuss about it since the meat was not even worth it.
My walmart would not honor either of the coupons. They said their store has had problems getting reimbursed at the address printed on these coupons. They said the address did not exist and said they were bogus! I waited 5 min to demand a mangaer speak with me, but they refused. I left angry...
I tried to use the $3 off coupon, but it did ring up at $1. They refused to honor the $3 off coupon.
I got the Q & used it today. I had same result with it only showing up for $1 and having it adjusted to $3. Now I read that it may be a fraudulent Q, which is disturbing. Makes me concerned about having to register to get it and how my personal info is going to be used. Even though I have a love/hate relationship with Wal-Mart, I hate to think that I got something over on them, even unknowingly. Regarding the steaks & low quality, I cut them up in small pieces, browned & then simmered for a couple hours. I then added some McCormick mushroom gravy mix & served over rice. It was really tender & flavorful.
How could these be counterfeit? They are from the manufacturers website! And it's got to be the real website, because the address is! And why would a counterfeiter go to so much trouble for mediocre meat anyway?
I received an e-mail that the problem is fix and they had a new link to reprint the coupon, score!!
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