NEW Update: It looks like the price has now gone up to $10!
Thru December 21st, Boscia is offering up FREE standard shipping on any order! Just enter code holidayshipping in the promotion code box! Also, ever order includes 3 FREE samples of your choice!
I went ahead and purchased 100 sheets of the Peppermint Blotting Linens! These are priced at just $2 ($10 value)! My final cost ended up being $2 total for the blotting linens and 3 FREE samples shipped!
It's so fun getting little goodies like this in the mail!
Today is my B-Day!
Ordered 2 for gift baskets. Yeah! Off subject, but, I am 2 months new to this couponing and love it! Did these same types of deals happen last year at Christmas? It would be great to know for next year and planning. Thanks.
Thanks! Got mine
Yeah worked.Thanks a lot :)
I ordered the same as you first i was unsure about the 3 free samples, they are at the bottom of the checkout so make sure to scroll to the end where you get to pick your own!
They changed it :(
Peppermint Blotting Linens
Item#: E135-61
Size: 100 Sheets
1 $2.00
order subtotal: $2.00
estimated tax: $0.00
(UPS Ground) $5.95
order total: $7.95
No free shipping, only if it's $45 or more is it free :(
I got free shipping...have to enter the code on the page you enter in your CC info...enter it in the promotional code box!
Thanks-ordered the blotting linens-planning ahead, and they will part of the Mother's Day basket I put together.
Sandra, you have to re-enter the code and apply it on the checkout page where you enter your credit card number. Then it should work fine :)
Happy Birthday Summer!! :)
Got mine! I looove peppermint anything :D
Thanks! You are awesome!
Got mine for $!!
Does anyone know how big these samples are? I ordered one but curious.
Got mine! And I was also emailed a coupon code for free shipping on my second order because I registered, it's valid from 1/5/10 to 4/5/10... So maybe we should all keep an eye on their site and see if there are any other good deals during that time period :)
They are probably tiny packets.
Ordered the blotting papers :)
Wow Collin,
I am going to have the most diverse and simultaneously cheapest Christmas gifts this year!
Got the same thing you did, thanks so much! The free shipping worked for me, you have to enter it on the same page you put in your CC info. I may be wrong on this, but $2 for blotting papers seems cheaper than even the clean & clear ones from CVS, they're usually around $5. This will be a nice treat to get in the mail!
Super Fun!!! I ordered!
Thanks Colin!
Thanks as usual!
I'm surprised, given the number of blog sites you host yourself (clicked on your profile), that you did not go back to Collin's original post to reread the promo code??
I originally just breezed through to get the deal and when I didn't see the free shipping, I clicked back to the original post to find out about a code.
Pretty much figured that Collin had it right and I was to quick :]
This worked perfectly!!!!! YAY!!! My sister is going to be soooo happy! It is for her!
I added the peppermint blotting sheets, then on the page where you enter your payment info, I put the promo code and on the "thank you for ordering page," I clicked on order history and checked my order. Sure enough, it qualified for the Free Standard shipping!
You are awesome!!
Thanks so much!!
Got it!!!! Woohoo, got a little worried because the shipping won't come off until you actually place the order and enter the code where you CC goes. But it all worked out, thanks Collin.
Thanks Merry Christmas to me!
I entered in holidayshopping as the code where the CC info goes, and it comes up as an invalid code. Is that right code?
Oops it's Holidayshipping, not shopping. :) Try that, it just worked for me. Thanks Collin! I love getting these little goodies in the mail too. My poor little mailbox is getting a workout these days. :)
Just in case you need more blotting paper :) Bobbi Brown is having free shipping today only! Buy the $5.00 blotting paper and get 2 free travel size products (lip gloss and intensive skin treatment) AND pick two free samples! All these go right in my gym bag!
Thanks Sharon, it worked. I must have holiday shopping stuck in my mind.
is their website down or something??
Simple Answer - I just checked out the bobbi brown site - it says free shipping for $65 and over? Did it change or do you have a different code? I've never tried her products and am curious - thanks :)
Thanks! That's an awesome deal!
Are the blotting linens the lowest and only low priced item on the site?
Awesome! Thanks for posting!
for the Bobbi Brown site - click thru the free shipping link at top. I was able to get 4 free samples with my purchase and free shipping (I spent less than $65).
Use LUX5 as code for free shipping on Bobbi Brown sight. However, my order said that it was not eligible for the free samples (I tried to order the blotting papers) but it did offer free shipping. I canceled my order.
I just had the same problem with my bobbi brown order. It says that deal is good with any order, but it rejects my order. Pooh!
Got Mine $2.00 woohoo! I too am having a very inexpensive Christmas,compared to past years that is. I shopped more on line this year and got most of it with free shipping too! I got a flying monkey, some creams with free samples, I got sweaters, shirts,v smile games,free earrings,samples galore and toys from last weeks sale at walgreens for $5.00 and now mint blotting linens I can't even remember everything but Thank you for everything Colin! P.S.these walgreens sales have made me a coupon fanatic! I really laughed like crazy when the lady wrote about her husband changing his name to coupon to see if she'd get as excited about him! Thanks Colin!
It allowed me to get the blotting sheets, 2 samples and the travel lip gloss and soap shipped for $5.30
I called Bobbi Brown and they placed my order for me. Yay more freebies on the way! I love you guys! :)
On the Bobbi Brown site the blotting papers are showing $20? Where do I need to find the $5 ones? Thanks!
Never mind! Just found them under refills!
I can't get the Bobbi Brown deal to work. Says those samples aren't valid for my order :(
Picked up 3 packs with free shipping and samples!!
Excellent find- Thanks Collin
The papers are under tools. You need to enter LUX5 on the checkout page and it should work - my order went through no problem.
keep these great little deals coming, seems that I'm pampering myself this year with all these awesome prices.
What are some of the freebies offered?
I can't get the free shipping to work so I guess I am not ordering it.
Nevermind got it I am tired and was entering holidayshopping instead of holidayshipping. LOL
I just went to the bobbi brown website and also bought the blotting sheets and got 4 samples all for just $5.44 shipped, thanks for the
oopps..thanks for the tip on the bobbi brown website..
I am loving your blog! I received my Aveda order today and just ordered this. Thanks for all you do! =)
I just got my aveda last night and was very impressed with the size of the hand renewal lotion. I purchased the shampoo and the lotion was the same size as the shampoo. I plan to give the samples to my sisters (I ordered twice) and keep the shampoo and conditioner for myself. They are both really into organic and natural products and I know they'll love them:)
Price went back up to $10!! AARRGGHHH!
I think the price has gone back up to $10 :( for the blotting paper
Hmm it says $10 for the 100 sheets, you think they changed the price?
Yes, the price is now $10. I had just created an account and was getting ready to pay when the price went up.
Ughhh... I'm so frusterated!!! lol I haven't been able to get in on any of these "little deals" lately! They raised the price right as I was checking out; go figure! Oh well... On to the next deal, Collin! :) Thanks for all you do for us!!!
Weird, it just worked for me! $2.00, Free Shipping! :)
For the Bobbi Brown offer, call customer service and order it on the phone. I ordered the blotting refill along with 4 other samples for $5.46 with tax!! Great deals & stocking stuffers! Whoo hoo! Thank you for this great tip!
I tried twice! Dang! Went up to $10 for me too! Boo Hoo !! Oh well, maybe next time! Thanks for the cool deal though, guess I just need to be quicker next time!
Wahooo. . I couldn't get the Boscia to work with the $2.00 price, and I couldn't get the Bobbi Brown to go through online, so I CALLED the order in and they accepted it and got the 2 delux samples and the 2 other samples and the blotting papers for $5.41! Great Stocking Stuffers! Call 1-877-310-9222, order the Blotting Paper Refill for $5.00, and be sure to tell her you have a PROMO code of LUX5. . Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. . Hope it works out for you too!
Yay! I did the Bobbi Brown order & it worked for the blotting papers and samples $5! Still would have liked the $2 deal, but this is great too! Thanks everyone!
Anyone else get their Aveda samples today? A little disappointing. Nearly all the free samples I chose were exchanged for something different. Still fun for stockings and gifts baskets.
Ok this isnt working for says the Peppermint Blotting Linens
are 10.00. I cant find them for 2.00.
I found that the blotting linens are $10.00 not $2.00
Thanks to Simple Answer for the Bobhbi Brown promo. I was able to get by calling after trying a few times online and it either not going through or it said the offer didn't qualify for the LUX5 offer after it said the discount applied. I got the blotting papers, two samples and the two trial sizes for $5.49! I wasn't able to get the Aveda deal, they had taken down all the smaller size items.
Subscribed... !
I have been reading this blog about 6 months... found it on facebook and have been addicted ever since!;)
I began viewing your site in March of 2009. I was watching another parent printing coupons from you site while my children were at piano lessons. That parent set me up and I've saved hundreds of dollars this year. Thank you! I am thankful that we are able to feed our 2 boys and all their friends any time they come over. One day this past summer I fed 20 easy macs to 9 boys... for free! Thank you so much! I am also thankful that we were able to donate about $250 worth of toys and games this week that we purchased with coupons. It was great for my boys to be a part of that.
Corvallis Oregon
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