Here's yet another Facebook freebie! Hurry on over here to become a fan of Luis Martinez Cigar Company on Facebook. The 1st 1,000 fans will score a FREE cigar! After becoming a fan, just click on the FREE Cigar icon and fill out the form!
(Thanks, WhoSaidNothingInLifeIsFree!)
Not sure why I signed up, but I did!
thanks! free cigar for my hubby . what a great deal!
I'm right there too don't know why cause i don't know anyone who smokes these but free is free right :-)
Great freebie! I won't sign up cause I don't know anyone who smokes cigars! I will save it for them.
oh my hubby LOVES cigars. Stocking stuffer-woohoo!
Finally a freebie for my lover! He will be sooo happy! :D
Just wondering, isn't everyone trying to stop smoking? Once you sign up you'll get all their future smoking junk in your mail. My kids don't need to see that!
Idk anyone who smokes cigars but for free I will find someone ;)
Haha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that signed up and didn't know why. I can't even stand the smell of smoke. I'm pretty sure I know someone who likes cigars.
Another great freebie, thank-you. Will make for a great surprise for my husband. Thanks again! Tricia S.
Free lung cancer!
Good thinking, anon 10:51. I was excited to get a freebie for my husband, but I can get even more mileage out of it by using it as a stocking stuffer. All for free. Love it!
Not to sound rude but I think if there is something you don't need or use, you shouldn't sign up for it. It only takes away from people who really do use it. I signed up so that I can give it to my dad. He buys expensive cigars all the time at the cigar shop but this will make a nice simple gift for xmas. Thanks for the link.
The military personnel on are ALWAYS asking for cigars...send it to them if you don't know what to do with it!
If you don't have anything nice to say..................well you know the rest. If you are not interested in the freebie, don't sign up for it. I think people are fully aware of the dangers of smoking.
Thanks for the tip! My husband will LOVE this, and if not, I'll send it over to a friend stationed in Iraq. He's always asking for any package from home!
Cigars don't give you lung cancer. You should NEVER inhale cigar smoke! and I wish we lived in a world were "smoking Junk" in your mail box was the only thing to worry about our children seeing.........really, come on! My kids don't even look at the mail unless they have a birthday coming up.
You ladies get all bent sometimes and it gets old! If you don't like cigars, why did you click on the comments?
For the rest of ya that just like a good deal "smoke 'em if you got 'em"
THANKS - Snaged one for my Dad - Hes the only smoker I know and he like
breathing our poluted air give your "free lung cancer" everyday.. If you don't want it don't get it! Grow up people!!
I guess signing up for tampons gives us free TSS.. Or free samples of KY gets us pregnant..
Sheez! Thanks Colin for everything.. Some people will always be jerks!
I don't think any of us signed up for the cigar just to throw it away when we receive it!? Duh! But just like anything else, if we don't need we will find someone who does! It's always nice to have a little stash of stuff for last minute gift giving.
well my husband will be thrilled...finally one of the freebies coming in the mail will be for him!! Thanks Collin!
First - GAG Cigars ;)
Second - Hubby will be so happy. He hasn't had a cigar since our baby was born in May.
Third - Thanks Colin
You never cease to amaze me with the range of deals you find, Collin! Keep it up.
I hope it gets here before Christmas! Stocking stuffer for the hubby!
My hubby loves cigars. Thanks for this deal.
According to their facebook page, they have now hit the 1,000 fans.
I am so glad I got in on this one! My husband loves the ocasional cigar and this is a perfect surprise for him, first Gorilla Glue then Cigars, now if we could get some free beer samples :-)
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