Wow! Hallmark just released a smokin' HOT printable coupon! Just
go here to print a $5 off your total purchase coupon at Hallmark Gold Crown--NO minimum amount listed. This coupon is valid all the way through December 24th.
This coupon will easily make for FREE cards and more!!!
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
i luv this coupon...thanks
Thank you soooo much!
GREAT-I missed out on the International Coffee q-but I got this one! Thanks, Hip!!!
It let me print two. Cool thanks.
Awesome! Was able to print it twice. This will be great for a couple of ornaments I still need to purchase. Thanks!
Got mine...thank you!!!
I just used one of these today to get an ornament from a magazine! Thanks
Thanks, I was able to print two! I used the coupon from the magazines and bought ornaments for only 95 cents each. Such a great deal.
It didn't print for me. Boo-hoo.
yahoo printed two!! I got my daughter some webkinz stickers and webkinz bookmark that she wanted for free. ;)
i got the hallmark exclusive Christmas book and 3 .99 cards for just $1!!
Awesome!!! Thank you!!!!
THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!! I needed extra $5 Hallmark coupons. I got 2 from the magazines. I buy my boys a picture ornament every year & put there Christmas picture in it. I have 4 boys now so these coupons are REALLY going to help keep the cost down! They had a cute family picture ornament too that I would love to get. Yea! So excited! =)
Couldn't get mine. It said thanks for printing, but it never printed, bummer!
I was just going to mention my FREE photobook from photoworks (that we used the code BONNIE) was delivered a bit ago!
I dont think its worth the 39.95$ price tag but for free it def is :)
mine only printed with one barcode on the left - and a huge blank space between that and the small print. is that right?
where in the Hallmark website is the link to click on it. I want know where it originally comes from?
Free Hallmark!!! Thank you Colin !!!
That link will take you directly to the hallmark page with the promotion.
I love this coupon! It also says in the very fine print that there is a $5 minimum purchase. So, you are in the clear for sure on that. Love this site!
Anonymous 7:02.... mine looks like that too???? Not sure why.
Thanks for posting this. I had 2 q's from magazines that I tried to use at a Hallmark store. The cashier was very snotty and told me I couldn't use them since the products weren't "Hallmark" products. I said, "That's not what the coupon says." She refused to let me use them so I haven't gone back to that store. Hope noone else has a problem like that with this one.
awesome... thanks! This will make for some great (FREE, or nearly!) stocking stuffers for my little kiddos. I saw that my local store had a cute little preschool appropriate puzzle for $5 that I want to go pick up fo rmy daughter. =)
Thanks! I was able to print 2 and got another one from Womens Day magazine today.
Perfect, I have a ton of b-days this month these will come in handy to bring to cost down on those cards. It just let me print 2 as well. I am also going to try and print 2 more from the other computer, since I can sure use them this month, and none of my mags have had them. Thanks Collin!!
I'm not sure if anyone is interested but there is a really great deal right now on the balance ball, which i think are great.
Kit includes:
65 cm BalanceBall
BalanceBall workout DVD with three workouts:
Exercise Ball Daily Stretch to realign, unkink and loosen up
Exercise Ball Stress Relief to release tension
Pilates Energy Boost to invigorate and refuel
BalanceBall pump
Available in pink only.
Original: $29.98
Sale: $9.99
Enter code EMSH20 for 20% off and free shipping.
THAT'S only total of $7.99!!!!!! FREE SHIPPING
Hi, I got two. Thanks.
I also got a $10 Kohl's gift card in the mail. Good toward everything in the store with a minimum $10 purchase. Free stuff! Read the back, there are a few restrictions, i.e. gift cards, charitable items, payment on accounts, etc.
Yay! I've always wanted a balance ball. Thanks anonymous!!!
Fabulous! I am using them to build my daughters collection of Silly Bandz.
Anon 8:04
I ordered that a few hours ago.
Awesome deal.
Can decide if I want to give it as a gift or keep it.
FYI - for the Hallmark coupon, they have been running rolls of wrapping paper for $4.99 - and get a 2nd for $.99. After the Q and taxes, it's 2 rolls of good quality paper for a little over $1. Excellent!
Thank you so much!!!
Colin, it would be great if you had a section on your web site where readers could enter the deals they got online to share with other. Just a thought :-)
I think the balance ball is sold out now =(
Yay! I just got the balance ball for myself too! Can't wait til it gets here :)
YEAH!! I always get the kiddos a new hallmark ornament.. and I haven't yet.. so off to the mall we go tomorrow! Thanks Collin!
I agree with Anon 8:50. I always have questions about if deals and rebates came through for people and want to post deals I find!
thanks for the post collin!! i am soo very excited! there are a few more ornaments that i wanted to pick up as gifts but couldnt bring myself to pay full price for! soo happy! they have the best stuff in this store and this coupon makes everything that much better!!
Is this coupon available through Hallmark's website? I think you have to log into your crown rewards account to get this. I'm not sure, but I dont think we can all use this coupon, it probably has the same barcode...?
When I printed my 2 they had a different number in the upper right side.
I will never understand cashiers who act like you took the money from their own pocket when you use a coupon, I had one today at Pet Smart. I redeemed the free greenies coupon and she acted like it make her mad. I wanted to ask her why she was treating me rudely when I was just using a coupon that I registered for on their site. Anyway got a free jumbo greenie worth 4.97 free. My dog loved it.
Oh man I would love it if there was a section people could post their finds...
Thanks for this coupon~~!!!! Good idea on a place where we could all share our 'finds'...wish I could find people locally here in CA that coupon, too, because I always have extra coupons to share!
Not surprised that Hallmark has been offering so many deals lately. I had read an article a few months back about how the popularity of Hallmark Ornament collecting is declining. Can't say if that is really true or not as I don't know.
Got 2 printed, super, love to shop at hallmark during X-mas. Thanks Colin.
Thanks! Used one today and it worked perfectly (even though it looked a little funny with the extra white space).
tried to use my coupon (the red one from the magazine) and the chick told me I couldn't use it on the wrapping paper cause it was on sale and 'the coupon CLEARLY states can't use on a sale item'. I told her sorry and that I wasn't insterested in the paper. She looked at me like a freak cause I still didn't want to buy the paper. Then I got out to the car and it says 'may be combined w/other in store offers and sale merchandise.' !!!! I'll go back during the day and use it again. She was such a hag!
I printed off 4 coupons (2 from each computer) and bought 2 rolls of wrapping paper, a card for the hubby, an ornament, a roll of ribbon, and Christmas tags all for $0.22!!! It rang up as 20.22 before the coupons and the lady just swiped them right through. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
You really lucked out...the coupons stated "limit one coupon per customer"...good for you. See, they can do what they want, when they want. I don't know how you only paid $.22. I think your store did the coupon the way they were supposed to do it...whenever a store issues a coupon, their coupon is supposed to take off tax. My store charged me tax on the full price. I did 2 separate orders and in one order I bought yogurt covered pretzel for $4.95, which is what she took off for the coupon. The coupon does state that it has to be $5.00 or more, but I asked and that's how they did it.
Yay! Totally going to get more gift wrap (buy one at 4.99 and get one for $1) Total cost for two heavy-weight rolls $1.36!!!
Thanks, I love this blog!
cjs - I live in S. Cal. If you contact me @ reviewand@aol.com, we could discuss some arrangement.
A friend told me about this site - THANKS!
A blessed holiday to all.
cjs - I live in S. Cal. If you contact me @ reviewand@aol.com, we could discuss some arrangement.
A friend told me about this site - THANKS!
A blessed holiday to all.
i let my 5-yr-old used one of the coupon i got from a magazine with no problem at all. i figure it's never too early to show him the power of coupons. then i use one of the internet printable coupon next. the cashier ask for reward card first.told her i don't have one and then she refused to take my coupon. anyone else run into the same problem at the store?
Went to print and it said that I had already printed .. .which I hadn't. Hit the back button a couple of times and it printed just fine. Was able to print 2.
CJS Im in Nor Cal.
You will have the best luck using these coupons at Hallmark locations in the mall. Only the stores within malls are corporate stores and they accept these coupons without question or complaint. The privately owed ones (generally all stand-alone/ones in shopping plazas) won't accept any of these apparently! Just an fyi!
I sent my mom to Hallmark with one of the coupons from the internet and the lady at the store wouldn't let her use it because of the missing barcode. Anyone else had this problem? I had printed two from my house too and those don't have the barcode either.
I went today with my mother and found some nice home fragrance oil on clearance for $2 each. I bought 3 and the total came out to be $1.38. This was an awesome find because my dad loves home fragrances and they were originally priced at $8 each. We needed wrapping paper for clothing/toys donations so we used another coupon for the B1G1 at 99 cent wrapping paper sale. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you, this is such an amazing deal! I’ve gotten three magic scarfs for my nieces and my sister-in-law all totally free! As well as free Christmas cards and a decorative Santa door hanger. This coupon has saved me a ton of money on my Christmas shopping. Thank you for this wonderful site!
I used these at the mall and at stand alone strip shopping centers and no problems at either. Also I used 3 coupons in one transaction at the stand alone store, but first I asked if I could, and she said yes.
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