Step2 has a new promotions running, 12 Deals in 12 Days! Just go on over here and sign up to receive an incredible, one-day-only coupon code via email each day from Step2 between 12/02/09 and 12/13/09!
Now I'm very curious to see how great the coupons will be! I guess we'll just have to wait and see! Stay tuned...
Anxious to see the deals! My daughter has the sandbox/water box combo thing for outside play and it's great!
Left my info. Curious to see what they are sending.
Thanks for posting this.
I hope they offer one of the Step 2 wagons on the deals! My mom is planning on getting one for my son this year! So that would be an added bonus!
Hope they are good ones! I would LOVE a coupon for a wagon!
I was curious so I signed up...
Rebecca I would like a coupon on a wagon as well!!!
I just got the 1st e-mail saying that the first deal is a sand/water table that is $10 off with free shipping.
Just got an email on day 1 for this's $10 off the sand and water activity center w/free shipping...not that good of a deal. I hope they have a better deal for the wagons, we're looking to get one as well.
I saw a pretty good deal for a bouncer in the Step2 wesbite:
It's currently $149.99 on clearance with free shipping. I signed up to receive the emails and am hoping to get additional % off this already good price!
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