Walgreens has a new discount coupon available for Facebook fans! Just go here, become a fan of Walgreens, click on the tab "fan offer" and you will be able to print a coupon for 15% off all eligible store items or 20% off W Brand items! This coupon is valid to use 1217-12/18.
This coupon should make for a very sweet deal when you combine it with the $5 Register Reward deal when you spend $25 or more (valid thru today, 12/17)! Also, check out all the other Walgreens weekly deals to combine this coupon with here and here!
(Thanks, FrugalRacingFanMommy!)
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Does anyone know where to find a Hollister Coupon?
i printed my coupon off and it is really blurry - makes it look like a fake. you can't read the fine print at all. did anyone else have this problem?
and i was hoping for more free shipping...lol
Mine was really blurry also.
I had $25.00 in eligible products after the 15%, and it did not print out my $5.00 reward. The manager looked at it and said I should have gotten it. She printed me off a $5.00 reward. I dunno what the deal is. I did not use other register rewards to pay or anything.
Heather - you must have to get your total over $25 after the 15% off. Now I need to rework my scenario... bummer!
My favorite makeup counter person slipped me one of these last night. :-)
FYI: Coupon says you must check out at the photo or cosmetics register only. Must present coupon first. Coupon not valid on prescriptions, cigarettes, dairy products, liquor, phone cards, newspapers, magaizines, stamps & gift cards. That's all I can make out.
on this-did yours print a bar code? mine is fuzzy and just says to give 15% off??
The 15% discount works just like the military or employee discount: It will reduce the items as the ring up so you HAVE to have your total over $25 after the 15%.
yes you do have to check out at the photo or cosmetic counter. also your total will be under 30 if you wanted the 10RR. you will need to purchase 7 items if u are using the 15% I still paid 1.04 for 6 items and got back a 5RR. Not too bad!
Mine was blurry too.. Just used it. She didn't give it back to me, but I am just going to print it again...
Mine printed blurry also--to bad I just got back from Walgreens. Looks like another trip to another WAGS for me. Thanks for sharing!!
For anyone planning scenarios, note that the 15% off is calculated as the item is scanned. So take that into account if you need to buy a certain dollar amount to earn a RR. I messed up by not buying enough Giradelli packs. I only bought 4, and should have bought a 5th one to get me over $10 to earn the RR. Oh well.
I'm a day late & $ short! I just went there yesterday... great!
I just got back from Walgreens!! WHY?!? I guess 15% off $7 is not worth the hassle today.
PS. The viva towels ended up being $2.99 after the printed coupon and the in-store coupon. Awesome!!!
Does Walgreens offer Military Discount??
question can I combine this with my other coupons.. I was going to do the diaper deal... so can I use this along with just making sure I have 3 items?
wooo hooo 8 toys for $25 plus got $5 rr
walgreens does military discount?
im off to wags!! ill report back, roger that
Does this count as a coupon...I mean do I need to have a filler item to account for this coupon?
Curious that you have to present this coupon first...make sme wonder if it will make other coupons beep then.
Also, how does this work with the other coupons? For example, I was going to buy Viactiv chews, which are $6.99. I have a $4 off Walgreens in-ad coupon and a $2 off manu coupon. However, with the 15% off, it only costs $5.94 and my coupons are more than the cost. Will they let me use them?
I was able to use my 15% off along with both Wag coupons and manufacture coupons.
Only 1 Viva at my WAGS
Only 2 of the non clearance Nexxus at my WAGS.
So here is what I did:
Used my 15% for being a facebook fan at cosmetics counter only
Bought 2 Nexxus 4.67 each after 15% off
Bought 2 John Frieda 5.52 each after 15% off
Bought 3 12pk coke products which are 3/10 but 2.83 each after 15% off
Bought the Viva 6pk $5.94 after 15% off
Then used $5/2 John Frieda
Plus, use the $3/1 John Frieda coupon from the Walgreens $200 coupon flyer
$4/1 Nexxus coupon from the Walgreens $200 coupon flyer
Used the printable VIVA$2/1 (this is a manufacturer coupon--NOT Kmart store coupon)
Plus, use the $2/1 coupon from the Walgreens $200 flyer
total with tax 14.09
plus got $5 RR for spending $25
and $2 RR for the coke products
This coupon totally screwed me up! I did the Gas X and Maalox deal but it brought the total of the products lower than the $30 needed for the $10 RR. Argh! I just wasn't thinking! Tried to get the girl to void and rering but she wouldn't do it. Then I tried to do the Viva towel deal and they wouldn't take the kmart coupon even though it stated manufacturers on it. I then went over to the Walgreens closer to my mom's house and they took the kmart coupon but only had 2 Viva in stock!
I ended up paying about $17 total and got 3 Maalox, 3 Gas X, 1 Viva, 2 Ziplocs, 1 Ajax soap, 1 Diet coke and 6 M&M's. Not bad but I wish I had done better :(
Tania - they want you to present this coupon first because it's handled differently than other coupons. It's not scanned, they basically enter something on their computer so that when they start ringing the items up they RING up at 15% off rather than deducting the 15% later. Does that make sense? Basically they do the same thing for you that they would do if an actual employee went to checkout. It will not mess up any of your coupons or cause any of them to beep.
One thing to keep in mind also is that for MOST of the Walgreen's Q's (from the coloring book for example) the coupon value is reduced by 15%. I used the Huggies coupon in the book and it only deducted 0.85.
For people having trouble with the "kmart" Viva coupons... just cut off the part that says kmart. ;) I did... worked like a charm cuz it IS still just a manuf. coupon!
Thanks so much! I checked your blog just before I set out to Wags. Good thing--I got the 15% off coupon. I spent a total of $9.19 after RR I previously had and coupons, and got back $9 in RR for next time. I got 2 of the Emerald nuts(2 .50 coupons), Venus Razor(couldn't find that coupon), 2 of the BOGO toys, 2 Johnsons baby wash (2 $1.50 coupons), 2 Samy mousses BOGO (needed them) Thanks Collin!
I had such a horrible time today at Walgreens. Sometimes I don't know why I bother. I left with nothing.
Dont let one bad shopping experience ruin your day.
Cheer up! =]
My Walgreens was so busy and there were several people doing huge carts full of stuff with those coupon sheets and ads in hand. Though apparently none knew about the 15% off because 2 cashiers and the manager asked me where I got the coupon.
I only did one simple deal an HP ink cartridge and candy and cups as my fillers to use my RRs. Got my 15% off, used up most of my remaining Natrol $4RR paid $2 even out of pocket and got a $5 Wags Reward back. I was happy even though I had to wait.
I didn't even look to see if my store had the Viva. I should go back tonight, I probably won't. I wish the $5 when you spend $25 didn't end today.
Here is my trip
3 xmas bags
Paper plates
2 pks of viva paper towels total of 12
Dish liquid
John Frieda Shampoo
John Frieda Conditioner
Head and Shoulders 2n1
Ducolax again I don’t have issues
Reese cup
i paid 2.11
and I got back 11.00 in register rewards!!
I got the last 2 packs of VIVA!
My bill looked great at the total. After that the tax was added. I need to move to another state. Tax here in northern IL is 8.25%!! I guess that's how they get you.
Tax is 9.25% here in TN (but we don't have income tax!). I got lots of good things at Walgreens today with my $25 check for transferring a prescription and 15%off and now have $17 RRs to spend.
I was an English major in college so this whole RR, 15% or 20% off, plus coupons, plus Walgreens coupons is really stretching my math skills to the limit!
I love my Wags - most of the time! Tonight with the 15% I scored JF shampoo and conditioner for $.44 each and 3-6pks of Viva for $1.94 and that is before figuring in the $5RR I got back!! Even the cashier was wowed at the deals I had going! :) (Had to have one filler for the Q's to go through - but no beep's!)
Oh - and their printer also gave me 4 more Wags/manu coupons - one good for up to $5 on Always liners!! Wohoo!!
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