Here goes...
- AC-After Coupons
- BC-Before Coupons
- HTH-Hope that Helps
- MQ-Manufacturers Coupon
- OOP-Out of Pocket Expense
- Q or CPN-Coupon
- YMMV-Your Mileage May Vary (A deal may work for someone else, but may not for you.)
- TMF-Try Me Free
- FAR-Free After Rebate
- CAT-Catalina coupon (Manufacturer coupons that print out from a little machine at the register, triggered by what you buy.)
- B1G1F, B2G1F-"Buy one get one Free", "Buy two get one Free"
- TEAR PAD- A pad of refund forms or coupons hanging on a shelf at the store.
- BLINKIE-A machine that spits out coupons.
- UPC-Universal product code (those black straight lines with numbers under them)
- POP-Proof of purchase (like a product label or UPC)
- DCRT-Dated cash register receipt
- GC-Gift Card
- P&G-Proctor and Gamble
- SP-Stockpile
- SS-Smart Source coupon insert
- PG-Proctor and Gamble coupon insert
- RP- Red Plum coupon insert
- Jedi- The cashier you want!
- Peelies-sticker like coupons found on products.
- ECB-Extra Care Bucks (CVS) More info here
- RR- Register Reward (Walgreens)
If you have more to add, please let me know!
I've noticed that a lot of the deals you talk about on this site say to use the coupon from some date and then "RP." For example, in the newest rite aid post one of the deals listed is :
"o.b. Tampons 18ct $2.99
Use $1 in ad coupon
Plus use $1 coupon from the 1/4 or 2/22RP
Final cost .99!"
What does RP mean?
Also, how do I find the PG (proctor and gamble I believe) coupons?
Hi Emily,
RP means Red Plum-It's a coupon insert found in most Sunday papers, like the SmartSource or P&G Insert. When I put 1/4RP I meaning the Red Plum coupon insert found in the 1/4 Sunday Paper.
The P&G inserts are found in the Sunday papers every 2 weeks, sometimes less.
If you haven't already, I would start subscribing to your Sunday paper. That is where I get the bulk of my coupons.
Thank you very much! I've just started reading your blog this week, so I'm new to couponing. I really love your page!
what state do you live in? who is cashier Jedi?
I live in North Caralina. A Jedi cashier is a coupon friendly cashier!:)
In TX, Albertsons has double and triple coupons again. But, I don't know what it means for 39 cents off or 59 cents off...
Does it mean the max discount is only 39 cents or 59 cents?
If I use $1.00 coupon, will it just take off 0.59 or 0.39?
What situation is for double and triple? So confusing...
Please help!
Tks! Becky
What is a PDF coupon?
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format created by Adobe Systems. Some coupons are in PDF format.
If a Jedi is a cashier you DO want....let's come up with that cashier that questions every little thing about our coupon strategy.
How about the coupon police?
Hey! I love your site! I just don't understand what the RR is for Walgreens? Can you please explain
We call the cashiers that act like the money is coming out of their paychecks the coupon Nazis. They drive me insane. Some of them seriously act like I'm trying to take food off of their table! Grr.
can you use a catalina coupon somewhere other than where you got the coupon since it's says manf. coupon on it?
Manufacture Coupons that say, "Do not double"...I understand it means the manufacturer will not pay to double, but can the stores double if they wish??? Never seen this question answered. Grannieb
When you say..'use the $1 target coupon'...or '$1 walgreens coupon', where do you find these at? i get so confused!
Can someone please explain how "coupon overage" works? I've heard it said a lot on here....but naive me doesn't seem to get it. If your coupon is for more than the price of the item do you get the difference towards something else?
What does it mean when you say, "Use 4 $1.50/1 coupons from the 10/1RP" - what does the use 4 1.50/1 - can you use a coupon for more than one of the same item?
I have a couple questions of my own, but here are some answers to some of yours...
Anon 11:46 you get the coupon in the ads for the store; for example, WAGS (Walgreens) has ads that come out in Sunday's papers or you can get them in the store. When you read the ads, you will see some of them with dotted/dashed lines around the ad, meaning it is a clipped coupon. Just clip the coupon and you can use (stack) both the Walgreens ad along with a manufacturer coupon (MQ) you get from your regular Sunday paper Smart Source (SS) or Red Plum (RP). If the Wlagreens coupon says limit 3, you only have to produce one of the Walgreens coupons when you buy 3 and all 3 will get the sale price.
Anon 9:16 an overage is when the amount you are paying for the item(s) is less than the amount of the coupons you are presenting. For example, there was a coupon in either the SS or the RP that was for $10 off when you purchase 3 Ecotrin. Walgreens had a coupon for one bottle of Ecotrin for $2. If you buy 3 it would only cost you $6 but the manufacturer coupon was for $10, so you would have a $4overage. The trick is to get the store clerk to get the manufacturer coupon first (they deduct the $10) then they scan the Walgreens coupon (that will deduct the amount of the sale) to give you the overage. They will never give you the overage in cash, you have to purchase items in that amount to cover the overage. Many stores have gotten wise to overages and they will adjust the amount of the manufacturer coupon to reflect what you are purchasing so you may not always get an overage.
Anon 1:51 when the post reads use 4$1.50/1 from 10/1 RP what Collin is saying is many couponers will buy more than 1 paper to get multiple of the same coupons, or they trade coupons to get multiples of the same coupon or they purchase coupons (like on ebay) to get multiples of the same coupon. So Collin is suggesting that if you have multiples of the same coupon you can use them for a certain deal. So in your example, she is telling you to use 4 coupons for $1.50 off of 1 item that is found in the October 1 Red Plum. Some coupons are for money off of two items (such as $1.00 off when you purchase 2 Huggies) so that post would look like...4 $1/2 from 10/1 RP...use 4 coupons that read $1.00 off when you buy 2 from the October 1 Red Plum insert.
I hope this helps everyone...if not, just repost your questions and someone will try to answer them.
My question is I saw some abbreviations on another site that I didn't recognize...ISO and FSOT.
ISO=In Search Of
FSOT For Sale or Trade
HBA is an industry term for Health And Beauty , most drug and disount stores call their cosmetics and personal care depts HBA
Just a little FYI for those of you who have a Red Robin in your area. I found out tonite that you can order a smaller size version of the burgers for a dollar less. I normally order a meal and split it with one of my daughters since I can never finish a full size meal anyways. Just a little something I thought I'd share. No one has ever told us we could do that and it was nice that our waitress shared that info.
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