Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Old Navy Weekly: Coupons Have Been Reset!

I guess today is the day to score lots of deals! Old Navy Weekly refreshed their coupons again, sometime this morning. It looks like all the $75 off $100 coupons are gone, but there are still 30% off coupons and various others left. Hurry and snag one while their still available!

(Thanks, BargainNoble!)

Coupon locations:

$5 off when you buy a piece of swimwear
Move Heather (blond ponytail girl in bottom right) closer to Josh

30% off your purchase
Move head of Josh in bottom right frame to no head model

Save $5 on a $25 purchase
Move blue umbrella in cup to blond girls ear with the cup

Save $10 a a $50 purchase
Blue polo guys cup - click a bunch of times to get rid of ice

Save $5 on Adult and kids shorts
Frisbee in dogs mouth

Was anyone able to snag a $75 off $100 coupon this morning?!?

For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com


Anonymous said...

I just saw they were reset right before I checked your site but the $75 was gone. They are all over ebay though. How do these people get so many and know when to get them?

nancy said...

I thought they get reset on thursdays. These old navy coupons are crazy, I've tried a few times and have never been able to get one.

Alyssa said...

Thanks-I got the 30% off coupon!

Jill said...

Can't believe they reset again! I had given up hope Sunday and stopped checking. :(

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know what time they reset?

mistisdesk said...

I AM GOING crazy on this site. I have looked every day several times a day! I'm never going to score the big one~sniff~

Anonymous said...

Oooo! I got one at 1 am (3 am est.) and was soooo happy! They were seriously gone within 10 minutes, I have no idea how people know these things. We have the Tulle sale to thank for getting it because we were up!

Shelly! said...

I just keep leaving their site open on my browser and anytime I'm sitting at the computer, I check it.

It's not driving me crazy...yet...but I would have like to have found one!

Maybe next week!

Anonymous said...

Hip to save

Thanks for all you do to save us money. Do you mind my asking where you live or what time zone you are in? I'm trying to figure out my time in relation to your time??? When people post a comment, does the time reflect their time or your time?

Thanks so much

Hip2Save said...

I'm on EST time. The time reflected on these posts is actually 2 hours earlier then my time, so right now it's around 12:40 p.m. EST.

I hope that makes sense!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I snagged a 75 off 100! They reset it at the exact same time the Tulle sale started. I figured they would do something tricky like that so I had to check! :)

Anonymous said...

Can you explain this site??? I didn't even know they did this? Is it a weekly thing? I have been trying to get on there site for 5 minutes now and it still hasn't come up yet! There must be alot of people on there!

Bianca said...

The website says check back soon again. Are they possibly going to reset them again? This is madness! LOL

Anonymous said...

If they reset last night/early this morning then I could of had a chance i guess..but we have family over and they are sleeping in the living room where my computer is! DRATS! I had to go to bed at 11pm Pacific so they could go to sleep.

I don't know if this is worse than the usual 1 time thing. I mean we're all here stuck on the computers like we have no life waiting for them to reset.

Is everyone out there just waiting like me? lol

Anonymous said...

If anyone does't think there is something fishy going on please explain to me how this ebay seller Toad224 has been able to get over 300 coupons this week? Old navy needs to add a captcha screen to the coupon page or this guy is an old navy insider.

Anonymous said...

Thats a big problem. I just wish something can be done, but I haven't seen any success. I'm wondering if anyone has emailed or called (to speak to an actual person) about the problem.

This person is a real jerk.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking around on the computer and decided to try and find the head office and managed to get this address for the Old Navy World Headquarters in California. I wonder if this is the person we need to call in regards to his pest on Ebay.

Old Navy Locations
Location Type: Headquarters
2 Folsom St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Phone: 650-952-4400
Toll Free: 800-653-6289

Anonymous said...

I emailed toad224 and asked him/her how the coupons are acquired---that I don't want to sell them, just know if they are legal/ethical. He said he can't tell me how he got them---that "they" worked long and hard to get them and that they guarantee that they will work. I'm guessing that I am not very computer savvy and that toad224 and his/her cohorts have found some sort of computer loophole that allows them to get so many. I'm also guessing that this problem is easily solvable if ON wants it to be. If I were ON, I'd be ticked that someone was making thousands each week off of this promo.

Anonymous said...

O.K. so check this out, I emailed this seller toad123 and gave him the following scenario, which by the way is 100% true of what I do.

Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I'll pay you for your time and all but want to know if you can tell me how you are able to get so many of these coupons. I work for a charity and could really use a bunch of these, unfortuately the clients I work with are mentally retarded adults who don't have much money. Almost every dollar they receive is spent on their housing and personal needs with the rest being covered by the state. I can pay you $100 of my own money to help them out so that they can get some new clothes at a reasonable price after the coupons. I oversee 63 clients in my area and can't afford to buy a 20.00 coupon for each and every one of them to use but if you could see it in your heart to teach me how to acquire these coupons I would be very grateful and so would they, extemely grateful. There isn't much of anything in this world better than seeing disadvantaged people who have been that way all their life getting new things. Please let me know

Here is the response I received from him

Unfortunately, we cannot divulge any further information about obtaining these coupons other than that they were legitimately obtained through the Old Navy Weekly promotion. We spend a lot more time and effort than you may think.
I can provide them to you at a bulk discount

...and then his follow up comment when I asked him how many of these he would sell me for 100

If you want to buy this week's coupons (expiring 5/7), Since they are expiring soon, I can give you 15 of them for $100.

Next week 5/8 - 5/14 there will be no $75 off $100 coupon available (the best will be $60 off $100). After this week, I don't know when they'll have $75 off $100's again.

Now how in the world does he already know how much the values will be next week? That has not been released to the general public has it?

I have forwarded these emails to old navy but suggest everyone else do the same. Please do the same.

jeffradick said...

I wish you'd post the last comment made about the Toad123 guy on your blog along with ON email and phone number so your readers could call and email ON with this problem. There is strength in numbers and numbers do solve problems.

Anonymous said...

does this guy even sell them all? if not, that is so wrong when we all could use that coupon. darn him.

Anonymous said...

Yes he has sold over 300 this week and has lots more.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired..really tired lol. I don't know if I should just give up on the hunt for the big fish.

Does anyone have any clue what time they might reset? Is anyone on right now waiting and waiting and waiting? Or are they done until Thursday? I just don't know what to think about this hunt anymore. I think its just too much of a hassle anymore.

Anonymous said...

people actually buy those coupons for $20 or more?

Anonymous said...

maybe they reset when all the other coupons are gone??? who knows..

David said...

Hip2Save did you get one of the $75 off coupons?

David said...

M80 Newsroom just updated their blog


I'm already getting excited!

Anonymous said...

David, is this your little girl? How cute is she. And the baby that was posted before?
Nice to see you are here this week. Don't know that I will follow this week. Too much drama last week, not really worth the time to sit here for hours on end and then attempt getting the coupons when you know the same guy (toad) will get most and sell them on ebay anyway. I personally think it is an inside person who knows way too much about it, not giving the rest a fighting chance. I think it is a way for ON to make some money back (by selling them on ebay) because of the money they are losing by giving out these type of coupons. The whole experience last week put a sour taste in my mouth about them as a company. It's just not worth my time away from my family for that many hours, to not even have an inkling of a chance at anything. My four kids and husband are just too precious to me. Not to mention how horrible I treated you last week over this. For that I deeply apologize. That just is not me as a person. Especially over a damn coupon.
But, who knows, maybe I will peak in on the blog off and on just to see what's going on tonight. I did have fun with everyone during the whole experience, especially your riddles, thanx! But, I will not spend that many hours sitting in front of my computer like that again. Unless, of course, I thought there might be a chance, but as of now, ON would have to do some drastic changes with how they are going to handle the situation that is going on.
Have fun tonight!! Maybe I will chat with you later.

David said...

M80 just posted this weeks new ON video!
Find the post above to get the link.

Hey Charity good to hear from you.
Yes, the girl in the picture is my first daughter. My wife just had our second daughter on 5/5/09. I don't know if I'll be hunting Q's tonight either.
I've been going back and forth to the hospital to check on momma and the baby. Either way good luck to ya'll.

Anonymous said...

David, CONGRATULATIONS!!! There is nothing like a new baby and the joy and unconditional love that is between a parent and baby. Trust me I know (4 kids of my own). Plus I see it every day at my job (NICU nurse). It's why I enjoy my job so very much. You will have to let us know all of the details about the baby. Post a pic or something!!

Anonymous said...

David, I looked at that M80 site. Also read through some of the comments. VERY interesting. I think everyone will enjoy this one.
I copied it and quoted it straight from that site.

"Hackers Says:
May 7th, 2009 at 12:20 pm

What may not be known to some is that Old Navy’s system has been hacked. Someone figured out their system for the high value coupons. It involves html, and a tester something or other but nonetheless, they figured it out. All they had to do was type in a number and email it to themselves. By doing this, they had access to ALL the 75 coupons of the week.

This is why people who honestly went on the website and got their coupon and who went to the store to redeem it, got turned down. The hackers had your same coupon with the same code, via different means. As someone said on the previous week’s comments, this WAS reported on Slickdeals, but has since been taken down.

I am outraged. Myself and numerous others have called, emailed and complained to old navy and they have done absolutely NOTHING. It is almost not even worth staying up to find a coupon, if the hackers can access them with a simple click.

It would be greatly appreciated if Old Navy would say SOMETHING about this, and change their system so other honest people will be able to redeem their hard earned coupons."

So it sounds like even if you get one, someone else probably has the same number and if you don't redeem yours immediately, there will be problems redeeming it.
Who knows. But, we all did know there is something just not right about this whole promotion. And what is sad is ON knows about it and is doing nothing about it. Again, my personal opinion, they are in on it to get back some money they are losing on this promotion, hard economic times right now, ya know.