Here is what I just received:
Hello Hip 2 Save,
Just wanted to let you know that this week at OldNavyWeekly.com we’ll be hiding coupons worth up to $60 off $100 and releasing them at different times so more of you, our stylish shoppers, have a chance at finding them!
You’ll be asked to enter your email address when you discover your first coupon. This helps to keep your coupon safe, while you keep hunting for a better one. So take your time, snoop like the coupon-hunting pro we know you are and when you’ve found the most fabulous coupon you can find, hit “Make Coupon.” Once you click the button, that fabulous deal is yours for the week—and each email address only gets one coupon per week, so choose wisely!Also, we’ve got some exciting things coming up next week so stay tuned for OldNavyWeekly.com to get even more fabulous!
Good luck and happy hunting!
Please visit our newsroom:
This week I'm changing it up a little because of all the requests I've received. There will now be 2 Old Navy Posts. One will be off topic chat and I've actually found it to be quite entertaining! So if your bored waiting for wonderful Old Navy Weekly coupons to reset, then you may just want to go chat! This will be the chat post.
Now for the rest of you serious Old Navy coupon hunters there will be a separate post above this post! It will just be for discussing Old Navy Weekly. Any tips you may have or coupon finds! This will be nice for the readers who don't stay up, but want a recap in the morning without having to scroll through 2,000+ comments!
I hope this pleases most of you!:)
For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
REALLY great idea! Thanks :)
you do an amazing job!
Wonderful! I think this will work well! Thanks!
I threw a roast in the oven this morning so I can be ready to ignore my family for a few hours this evening :) Bring it on!!!
Hi Ladies, If any of you gets bored, and I know you will, maybe someone knows the answer to this question: Is there a web site that when you enter an email address, it will tell you if the email address is legit or not?
I asked this on the Alaway post, but got no answers. Mara would also like to know the answer.
Thanks ladies. Good luck with ON...I will be watching the season finale of Greys Anatomy.
ok,i'm new to this site. what does this all mean?
Fran To avoid spam, if you come across a site that you think looks phishy, you can go to http://www.whois.net and type in the site address. See when the site was created, their contact info, their server info, etc. If a site was created yesterday and they're offering free stuff without any way to make a purchase, chances are they are a phishing site.
yeah..i am glad i didn't miss anything..I almost loathe thursday nights-because of the waiting game.
Anon, Thanks. I had something suspicious in my email the other day, so I just deleted it, but there is another thing in my email that I'd like to check. Thanks again.
Hey all...I'm not pulling the all nighters anymore for coupons. My son is in ISR survival swim lessons 5 days a week (10 min a day). I hope you all get the big coupons! Have fun!
You rock! Good idea Ana and thanks for doing it Hip2Save!
Oh Carla. So glad you're joining us. It's not a Thursday night without you!
I'm trying to get geared up for this. Might actually need some caffeine tonight...
Hey all. I was telling Shopping Frugal that I'm not staying up all night for these. Fridays are way to hard. : ) But I LOVE the conversation
My Tivo is rockin and I'll be on till 12:30AM then I am out. We'll see what happens!
Ashley! I thought you were going to leave us tonight for the straight laces! : )
Hey mamaof4... I been meaning to ask you. What name did you and your DH choose?
lol...about that...
I know! I am late, I was doing some thing people call cleaning ad laundry?
we dont have anything SET...I keep changing my mind. He likes everything i pick out, but they just haven't grabbed me like they did with the others. My oldest 2, Arianna and Malakai, I knew what their names would be and the order they'd be born in the a year before i got pregnant with Arianna. Then my baby, Arissa, Arianna picked out. Now I feel I gotta follow the begin with "a", end with "a" thing I have going for the girls. I really like (just not LOVE) Aniya. Plus all the names have biblical meanings and Aniya means "protected by God." So I don't know. Maybe it'll come to me when she's born. 2 1/2 weeks left tho so I'd like to have a strong feeling for a name.
Cleaning and laundry? I'm sorry, I dont speak Greek. : )
I also really like Alaina, Alonna, and Arlena. DH finally threw his hands up the other day and said "name her whatever you want!" : )
updating already!
Malakai is so pretty!
Totally off the subject, but HELP!! I have to get some new scripts filled (thinking CVS) don't they have a deal that has to do with filling new scripts there??? Anyone know??? Or would WAGS be better??
Thanks you!
Charity, if you take your new script to kmart you get a $10 gift card starting sunday
Damn, Sunday?!?! I need these filled tonight! 3 of them. That gift card would have been nice!!
Can't believe updating already
well i saw it on their new ad...COULD have possibly been the recent ad, so i'd say check when you get a chance.
Hey girls sorry I missed it last week I think I missed you all more than coupon hunting
Wow - they're updating already? That was freakin' fast! Except now they are probably going to make us wait....
AWWWW!! We missed you too!! : )
I dont know if I will be staying up either maybe if the coupon was a $75
'How exciting an early reset wahoo!! helloooo everyone!
I know...but does it always say hiding 30% coupons?
I know it may be a little late, but maybe for someone on the west coast. I have a 25% off that I didn't get around to using this week. Any takers?
here's something they posted on the other posting:
Everyone should check out the pictures on Facebook. Not sure if these are clues but here are the captions:
Natalie & Rita - prepare for a sand castle contest
Chris & Wesley - have never actually been swimming but they love their boardshorts
Kelly & Michelle - look ab-solutely stunning in swim trends
Emily - relaxes in the shade of a pair of inflatable palm trees
Owen, Rita & Christoper - think they see a dolphin in the store
Amy - doesn't tan, but she leaves an impression on anyone who walks by.
Michelle, Kimmy & Wesley pose with a starfish.
Michelle, Kimmy & Wesley sport the latest eyewear craze.
Kelly & Michelle rock the tankini.
BTW, thanks Shelley
wow speaking of not staying up
off subject but does anybody do swag bucks what are they and can you really get antthing?
right Mom2Miles.. I am so happy!
Woah how long has the updating page been up???? !!!!
yes miles, i am too. :)
I hope we get some goodies! I have yet to get anything big!
watch the other post have way more comments than this 1 when its all said and done. :) not that i dont LOVE this new setup
me either kaitlyn
So this is where everybody is...hehe
Thanks Mama for reposting that! I'm trying to type letters, watch a show, and keep this ON coupon thing going so I forgot to post in both forums.
I'll be glad not to have to stay up...if that's really the case.
It's going!!
np, sorry i spelled your name wrong
woops I guess I was commenting on the wrong post !
wooho its up
well that was a jip. i was clikcking like crazy on that darn tree!
will they update as the night goes on?
Ok - 10% is Kimmy's starfish.
15% is the flag from the little girl's hand to the little boy's (Rita and Owen I think are their names...)
I wonder if they are still working on gettin it up? What do you all think?
i think so... just to throw us off
Did anyone get a $60 off coupon? That was way fast I can't even believe they are gone! CRAZY
you had 2 hold and shake the trunk
Man - that coconut thing is FAST! Holy cow!
So, what's the deal with the sand? Anyone know?
stepped out and lucked out-was helping dearhubby....dang it.
I just had a feeling that was going to happen.
Mama - no problem on my name. There are a million plus one ways to spell it!
Ok 20% off is to move the orange bag from the bottom of the screen to the bag Michelle is holding.
is anyone having problems getting on the site? i keep getting an updating message
Anyone guessing they'll release more tonight?
60/100 - shake the tree (stay inside the box) and then a coconut falls, double click the coconut
45/100 - red umbrella, close it
25% - click "Download PDF"
20% - move the orange striped bag to Michelle's hand (in the pink suit)
15% - drag flag from Owen's shirt (boy in red flag tank) to Christopher's hand (gray flag shirt)
10% - click the starfish that Kimmy is holding (girl in pink goggle and bikini)
10 off 50 - 16 seconds into the video, click the light above Heather and Josh
15% - drag flag from Rita's shirt (GIRL in red flag tank) to Christopher's hand (gray flag shirt)
I didn't look close enough :)
coupons just reset
coupons just reset
not sure whats going on here, but i made that comment over an hour ago. sorry, don't mean to confuse anyone
Dear Mamaof4,
How about the name "ANESIA" I had a cousin with that name. She was killed in 95.
kathy thank you very much =)
Were you able to use it?
Kathy, you rock, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
hum, deee dum, dum....twiddling my thumbs...
Here's hoping another set drops tonight? Anyone else sticking around to try?
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I posted earlier I needed to take scripts in because after shopping at ON, I had to rush to meet my husband at a doc office, then a trip to the hospital. I came home to feed my kids, and settle my husband in. At that time is when the site reset the first time (which totally surprised the hell out of me, wasn't expecting that!!), so I did get to try that round tonight, but then I had to go back out to get the scripts. Been a CRAZY night!! Anyway, thank you so much. I got to get a couple of shirts and 1-2 pairs of shorts for each of my 4 kids. Then, I did buy myself a cute shirt also. Which is VERY rare. I usually hit 2nd hand stores or wear my husbands shirts. That shirt did put me about $10 over the $100 mark, oops. :) But, I will enjoy wearing it! Again, Thank you SO much!! My kids were pleasantly surprised with the NEW clothes!!
hello. click on the starfish the little girl is holding for a 10% off
Anon - if you check back here again and see this, thanks for the idea. I'll test it out on my tongue today to see if it works for us. It's a very pretty name.
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