UPDATE AGAIN: To get the $60 off $100 coupon rub the dog from his nose to his head back and forth for a little bit. The coconut will suddenly fall and you'll need to click on it. The bad part is that the coconut is SUPER fast, so practice now before the coupons reset!
(Thanks, JoAnne for this tip!)
If anyone has a tip for clicking on the Coconut, then please let us know!:)
UPDATE: Here is the recap of coupon locations:
(Thanks, Kathy!)
Red umbrella
Click "Download PDF"
Move the orange striped bag to Michelle's hand (in the pink suit)
Drag flag from Owen's shirt (boy in red flag tank) to Christopher's hand (gray flag shirt)
$10 off
50 - 16 seconds into the video, click the light above Heather and Josh
Alright, so this is the post dedicated to finding the Old Navy coupons, discussing how to get them and any other great tips! Off topic chat will be in the post below! I hope this works!
For more Old Navy Deals and Old Navy Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
1 – 200 of 343 Newer› Newest»Does anyone have an approximate time frame...for when the coupons reset.
In the past it has been anywhere from 8PM till 3:30AM EST time
Let's just say I'm ready! I need a good one! I have gift cards I'm waiting to use to get a good one!!!! AHHHHHHH
Dumb question. How do you all refresh this comment page? When I click refresh it goes back to Hip-2-Save's front page. Is there a way to only refresh this comment section?
Susan.... there must be a way to change it because on my desktop computer when I refresh it refreshes and takes me right back to the newest comments... but on my laptop it does what your does... I have tried to figure it out and haven't yet...but in the meantime instead of hitting refresh you can click preview for comments when you haven't typed anything and that should do it.
What happens if you right click and say reload or refresh?
Ok, try this to reload for quick answers without bringing up hip2 home page.
Left click on THIS post.
Go down to "This Frame" and at the next box click "Show only this frame." After that hit the left click and select "Refresh."
This has allowed me to view new posts. When you navigate away to another website, you will have to repeat the above to set it again. Hope it helps.
Excuse my last post. I meant RIGHT click to change setting and to be able to refresh. Sorry bout that.
didnt work for me.. Vista user
Susan-mine does the same thing, but I figured out that when the comments get up in the higher numbers, so there is more than one page, you can click oldest and then newest(at the bottom of the page) and it refreshes for you.
Does oldnavyweekly refresh automatically when they push up a new scene? Or should I keep hitting refresh!
Susan the way I get the comment page to refresh is...
*get on the comment page
*right click on "Old Navy Weekly:Where are the coupons"
*click on open in new tab
* then on the new tab, click on the comment page again
* then I can just hit 'F5' to keep refreshing...until the page gets full then have to go to new page
there probably is an easier way but I don't know it.
Go to this link:
Scroll down just a little until you see:
"Links to this post"
It's directly below:
"13 Viewer clicked here to comment. Add your comment."
Click "Links to this post"
Scroll down to the last post, then when your ready to refresh hit refresh or F5.
The page will completely reload then take you to the last place on the page you were viewing.
Wait for it to finish reloading.
Let me know if this works.
Does anyone else find it odd that the m80im.com/newsroom website literally reposted the exact same thing as last week? I mean, it's the same video and everything....even the comments....
They usually do a new post w/clues as to where the new coupons will be
Yeah, I could not find any clues out there either. Any clues guys??
There should be a live chat where it's like a chatroom for this!
I noticed that too Bargin
I am using Vista, have the comments open on a tab of their own and can refresh just fine.
No $75 off this week?
its ME!
Ok - I think I'm up for it again this week! Would love to do some shopping....
Good luck everyone!
So I dont know if this has anything to do with the Q's tonight but Old Navy just updated their info on facebook with new pics of the supermodelquins hitting the beach!!
Try this link and tell me if you can view it..
old navy has added supermoldequins hit the beach pictures on facebook...maybe a clue?
I like how the ON page now takes you right to the ad instead of having to click the "start searching" button
Do you have to refresh the old navy page?
Two weeks ago when there was a quiz to answer, how did you know where to find the answers?
Everyone should check out the pictures on Facebook. Not sure if these are clues but here are the captions:
Natalie & Rita - prepare for a sand castle contest
Chris & Wesley - have never actually been swimming but they love their boardshorts
Kelly & Michelle - look ab-solutely stunning in swim trends
Emily - relaxes in the shade of a pair of inflatable palm trees
Owen, Rita & Christoper - think they see a dolphin in the store
Amy - doesn't tan, but she leaves an impression on anyone who walks by.
Michelle, Kimmy & Wesley pose with a starfish.
Michelle, Kimmy & Wesley sport the latest eyewear craze.
Kelly & Michelle rock the tankini.
I'm still kind of new to this. Are the comments under the pictures on Facebook clues?
how long does it take for the hunting to begin... right now it says ON is updating their page!!!
sweet! no all nighters!
how long does it usually take them to update?
Oops! I guess I should refreshed before I posted!
how long does it take to update?
anybody have any info from twitter today?
why does it say its only hiding up to 30% off
twitter didn't have any new info.
its up
I am so glad I don't have to stay up!
not up for me...
me neither.
me either
where did you get that on is only hiding 30% q's?
me either...
SF, not up for me either
sorry, i meant updating. just nerveous
btw shopping frugal thanx for the Q!!! I saved a ton of money today!
I noticed that too. It says "hint: check back later our $50 and $75 coupons again"
they said that last time and it didn't mean anything
YAY! Tacoma!
mine says we are updating and hiding coupons up to 30% off is that just mine?
how long does it usually take to update?
i can't believe they are putting them up this early! woo hoo!
mine doesn't say that!
mama-what are you talking about "hiding 30%" ??
I havent seen anythign from them on twitter this week at all
ya, they still had the big ones even though it said 30% off.
Mine doesn't say anything about 30%
thats weird
Mine doesn't say anything about 30%
why does mine?
Is it up on some peoples?
Mine says they are hiding 30% off...
I hear we need to pass an ON IQ test.
ack I am getting confused which post I am posting on LOL!
oh i see it. its on the check back later hiding coupons page. it says coupons up to 30% off..but that don't mean nothing. they still had the big ones
yeah she's weirdo
does everyone have to hip2 blogs open and going back and forth like me lol
can someone please tell me how long it takes to update? do i need to keep hitting refresh?
yup I've got both going on!
yeah keep hitting refrest
yes keep hitting refresh it takes about 20 minutes
I am so nervous, I just don't seem to be able to figure out where to find them as quickly as all you people :)
Its up baby! Quiz, Qiuz Quiz.
at least we get to go to bed early tonite
thank you!!!
i dont have anything up???
There is a message up right now saying they are updating the site.
Mine is not up!
Carla's mad as she/he doesn't have that long of a time to mess with us
mine says that their updating and hiding coupons now, right?
Okay-- obviously late. Sorry
30% for picking up the dog poop and putting in the trash.
Yes, I have both Hip2Save comment sections up too - plus Old Navy - it's getting quite confusing!
Yes, but it says they are updating coupons up to 30% off and to check back later for the $50 and $75 off.
This is the blog to click on for info where the Qs are hiding, right?? tired of going back and forth, lol
This double blogging is way to confusing! haha
Wouldn't it be nice if we all got big ones tonight and BEFORE 10 o'clock EST!!! :)
its up
where does the flag go?!??!
ah! up
Ack! $45 off $100 if you click on the red umbrella and collapse it!
goes in boys hand...umbrella closes
the $45 is the umbrella
I did the umbrella, but no coupon showed up...do you have to wait awhile?!
the flag goes in the hand of the little boy for 15%
Dang, where is the 60%?!?!
what do i do between her legs?
Yay!! I got the 45
red umbrella is gone already!
click on the tree a lot of times until the coconut drops, then quickly follow it and click on it for 60 off 100 hurrrry
do you click the star for 60?
what is with those flashing yellow stars underneath the old navy logo? i can't click on any of them when they pop up!
What? My counter says their gone already!
between umbrella ladys legs for 40 off 100
what about the panel with the dog and frisbee? anything there>?
no coconut
tree not working for me
me either!
click on the trunk of the tree a lot of times
red door on building behind umbrella guys arm 45 off 100
Aww what they're gone for me!!
mistisdesk at gmail dot com!! i lost my 45 off 100 by hitting refresh GAAAAAAH!!! help someone no coconut for me
20% off if you drag the orange stipped bag to replace the other one in the lady's hand.
tree still isnt working... im confused!
all the good ones are gone already!!!!
i couldn't get the coconut, either!
Are you serious? I missed out AGAIN!?
Check back later for a current coupon?? What is that about??!
click download the pdf for swim issue for 25% off
I think they are gone. It tells me to check back later for current coupon.
i lost mine too by refreshing. What do i do??????
if i found a coupon, and sent itto my e-mail, and then refresed the page, did i loos it?? :-( -Brianne
what did the dog and shirts do?
The tree didn't work for me. Anyone else have luck?
Now it's saying "check back for current coupon". Hum...was that a little teaser?
There is no way all the coupons are gone already
I got a 45 but the 60 no
How do you look for these coupons? I don't understand it.
right in front of umbrella guys face is also 45 off 100
For 20% off you move the handbag to the lady holding the handbag.
at the bottom of the page it says retrieve coupon. I entered my email address and it says OOPS!! Your email address doesn't match or some bull like that.
Ahhh!!! My first big one ever and i lost it from refreshing!!
What can i do??
I think their site crashed
what was that about? Do you see the 2 little tiny pebbles that are in the light sand? I clicked both and they say SCANDAL. Were they coupons?
Anyone not going to use their coupon?? Can you give these away by email? I have been trying so hard for weeks now and have had no luck! I'm really bad at this!
well...that was disappointing to say the least LOL!
I had a $45. off.....and lost it.....this is rediculous...i dont like this anymore!!!!!!
I hit refresh and lost my coupon, arrrggg...i have been doing this for weeks and have not got a big one yet.
wheres the 25%
Where is the 60??? Even though it says coupons are gone... there are still some available...
Switch the woman's bag
Move the flag to Christopher's hand
Click "download PDF"
tiffany - yeah i got it. 10 off 50, if someone wants it they can have it
those tiny pebbles are 45 off 100 for me
the counter is back but I can't click on anything. That was stinky for sure.
That was so not cool!
I think their site crashed as well
YOu have click on the tree trunk like 30-50 times! I got the coconut to fall, but could never click on it in time!! AUGH!!
ok you can refresh, then drag the orange bag from the lower right up to cover the blue n white bag for 20%..better than nothing if you just want an item or two...
I had the 45, and lost it, too. Darn, my first big one..such a dissappointment. arggg....
I am SOOOOO bummed. I had the $45 off $100 and lost it b/c I refreshed. WAAAAH
Lesson learned :(
All the way in the right corner with the family with the flags on their shirts- if you click on the little girls arm a little flag appears and you can drag it. I thought maybe it should go on top of the castle, but I can't seem to drag it out of that little frame
Well, that sucked!
Well at least we will get a good nights sleep 2nite
Has anyone seen $75 off 100??
click the starfish for 10%
star fish in girls hand is 10$ off
Where exactly was the $60. off??? I am disappointed to say the least!!!!
The flag goes in the other girls hand
I went to the site, found a $45 dollar off $100, typed in my name and email, saved it, tried to make a coupon and it didn't work... and this was within a few seconds of the site updating. Oh well. More frustrating than fun.
drag the flag of the the little girl on the right to the yound boys hand for 15%
i got a 45 off 100!! my first semi-big one. YAY!
60 and 45 are gone
drag the flag to the little boys hand for 15% off
put the flag in her brothers hand. But I can't get anything else to pop up
it goes in the little boys hand
okay, so maybe he ain't her brother. but in the boys hand in the same frame lol
i can't view the site!!!!
I am still getting 45 off 100 all over the umbrella picture...pebbles in sand, behind guy...everywhere
clicked the tree like 100 times and no coconut
Still puzzled about the 60... is the coconut thing true??
It said there would be $75 off coupons. You think coconuts will fall from the tree later???
Okay! I struggle - New to this and I lost the 45 and the 60:(
he might be her brother...blended families ya know :)
i was clicking on the trunk of the tree... holding the mouse button down and moving the mouse like i was shkaing the tree and the coconut fell!
drag orange bag at bottom to cover blue bag for 20% off
video = 25% off click on light at top of screen
so nothing happens with the dog or the shirts?
Click on download PDF at the bottom right for 25%
There is something wrong with the site it seems! I got the $45 off $100, then it "locked up" and I can't print!!!!!!
is anyone else getting an updating site?
if Christina has the 45 coupon saved in her in store coupon but has not "made" the coupon yet, then it will continue to pop that up...unless like me she messes up and hits refresh...DUH misti! lol!
I thought it might be bogus... didn't see any reputable people writing about coconuts :)
you're right you had to shake the tree
anyone know where 30% off is
same here you have to shake the tree then catch it
I am telling the truth :)
I have the 60 off 100 saved...so maybe that has something to do with why I am able to still get the 45 off 100 to come up for me...I don't know...just trying to help..sorry :)
I got 25% by clicking "download pdf" (for swim issue, bottom right hand corner). It wouldn't let me email it, but allowed me to save it via download.
I got a 60 off 100. I did click on the palm tree like a thousand times and the coconut does fall but super quick. Good Luck
sorry about the "reputable" comment... thanks for the shaking tip!
yeah, I screwed up and refreshed also (after I locked up) and lost my $45 off. Oh well.
no coconut for me WTF?
how is it possible that I was right there doing everything and they're all gone so fast?!
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