Thanks to an anonymous reader for this tip, here's yet another great Target freebie! The travel size Vaseline Aloe Fresh lotion is .97. Use the $1.25 coupon from the 5/17RP (does not exclude travel size)to get this lotion FREE + make some possible overage! Yay!
There is a $1 printable coupon available too. This coupon also doesn't exclude travel size products. You can print this coupon in
IE or
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
OH, loving these freebies!
My coupon says 200 ml or larger... does this matter?
Our Family-
mine doesnt have that on there.
Our Family,
There were 2 different Vaseline coupons available in the 5/17RP.
One says:
Vaseline lotion product 200ml or larger
and the other says:
Vaseline Aloe Fresh Lotion product
This is the one you will want to use!
I'm always afraid that Target won't let me use a coupon that is more than the price of the product.
I only have the 200ml coupon. must be regional. :(
Its hitting the 100's here in texas, here are some ice cream coupons
$1 starbucks ice cream:
$1 off blue bell ice cream:
thanks Laura -- I am in Dallas -- getting SUPER hot out there!
My target ALWAYS gives me problems about coupons. Mostly, because they dont know their own policy. I called corporate and they sent me a letter to carry with me. Whenever I have a problem I whip out the paper. Most of the time they call over a manager, but they HAVE to honor it.
awww man..i pulled out these coupons to see if i could get some freebies/good deal and i totally forgot to check..then i come on here and VIOLA..the deal is posted here...well another reason to run back to target..lol
I received an email with Target's coupon policy. All you have to do is email them at guest.relations@target.com. I would be happy to forward a copy to anyone who needs it if you don't prefer to get your own copy with your name on it. You can email me at avonproducts4me at yahoo dot com
Great find - thanks for sharing! (Now I have another excuse to go back to Target too!)
Oh & CVS has their half gallon Blue Bell ice cream for 4.99. Walmart has it for $5.
5/17RP what does this mean???
5/17RP means the Red Plum coupon insert that came in 5/17's newspaper.
Hello there all,
Out of this topic but could you tell me what is a good price for Cottonelle 12pc double roll?
Target has it in the weekly add with big "WOW". Is it really a good price?
Thank you in advance!
Thanks great freebies !
cheapest I have paid is 4.99 (sale price @ CVS a few weeks back) -$1/1 mfg= 3.99/12ct double roll
I believe Walmart carries the 4pk for $1.
im not sure if my walmart has the cottonelle for $1 but at walgreens ive seen a blinkie for 75 cents of purchase of 2... it doesnt say any minimum size requirements on it... so combine that w/ the walmart deal to get 8 rolls for 1.25!
Yea my coupons also have the 200ml on them, I am in Chicago, IL. Definitely a regional thing! Thanks anyway!
thank you!! i used my coupon at walmart today!
It's a go. I just came back from Walmart and I got that deal including the overage. Love when it works out that way!
The Johnson's and Johnson's Adult Skin Care Lotion is at Wal-mart for .97 It is a small bottle but there is no limitations on the coupon.
I want to thank you for the email address for targets coupon policy. I got a very quick response and they are going to contact my store about the abusive team leader. We'll see. Does this mean I must show my letter when ever I shop?
FYI - Target wouldn't let me use since coupon value exceeded product value ($1.00 off of $.97 item).
I went to the Rite Aid here in my area and the lotions were only .79 and I had 2 $1/1 coupons that i printed on-line so I got my lotions for free with .42 overage. Yay!!
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