Becky emailed to let me know about a great coupon code available to use on gDiapers! Through July 31st, you can snag the
everyday g's six-pack for ONLY $40. This pack comes with three pairs of great orange and three pairs of genuine vanilla bean little gPants. This pack retails for $70, but you can use this coupon code: g1006Hsieh to get an additional $30 off!
If you're unfamiliar with gDiapers, they're green diapers and consist of a washable, cotton outer little gPant and a plastic-free biodegradable diaper gRefill. They are made of breathable material just like sports clothing--which make it far less likely for babies to get diaper rash.
Have any of you used gDiapers?
I'd love to hear your thoughts on them!
I used these when my son was an infant. I loved them for a little while. I wanted to love them longer. Once his urine increased he would soak the liner and it would draw up (since boys wet in front) and soak the cover. Once I started having to wash the cover with every change I figured there was no advantage to these over cloth and switched to BumGenius which I still use (18 months) and still love. The gDiapers may work better with little girls who wet in the middle and hence wouldn't draw up the entire liner?? If you have a really little one at that price you may want to give it a try, even if you use it short term it would save over disposables.
You can also use a cloth insert with these instead of the disposable insert. They sell a gcloth insert, or you can use infant or premie sized prefold diapers
I use these with my daughter. They leak quite a bit and my liners seem to lose their water resistance even though I wash with Seventh Generation and line dry.
I've used these dipes too with my first son. They worked great for the moms that only want to use cloth part-time. A great plastic free biodegradable insert or a cloth prefold can be up in the liner. I liked the versatility. We had some leaks but once I was able to get the proper fit...we used them right up until he was potty trained!!
We used these until I went back to work full time. I loved them and the baby butt looks adorable in them!
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