Buy 3 Blue Bunny Pints priced at .99 each
Pay $2.97
Get back a $3 Catalina
Final cost FREE!
Or with coupons:
Buy 3 Blue Bunny Champ Cones priced at $2.50 per box
Use 3 $1.50 coupons from here
(You'll need to register or login)
Pay $3
Get back a $3 Catalina
Final cost FREE!
**Remember that you can keep "rolling" this deal using the $3 Catalina's you earn! Definitely make some room in your freezer!
Would love to have a shoprite in so cal!!!
Would love to have a shoprite in so cal!!!
For those in the N.J. area...I went to Shop Rite last night, and the RRs weren't printing. I had to go to customer service to get the RRs, which they gave me in a gift card, with an extra $.99, because you should also get a RR for a free shopping bag. I had 3 $1.00 coupons for any Blue Bunny, so I made $3.99. There are other pretty good deals to be had this week.
wish we could get in on some of these deals in So. Cal
Catalina coupons, not RRs (RRs are Walgreens). I always called Catalina coupons "check out coupons".
I miss Shop Rite!
How long is the catalina deal good for?
...:(no Shoprite for me:( Maybe that's for the better...I would get very big:)
Until Saturday.
i did the deal in pa and they printed. i used 3 1.00 coupons as well and so i got paid 3.00 plus a shopping bag to buy more ice cream! there were also .75 mfc in all you mag.. i forget which one ...and that would double to 1.00 so that would work too :)
Another good deal, if you use cooking wine, is the Pompeian cooking wine 4/$5.00...get $5.00 Catalina and shopping with the purchase of 5...so it's like you are paying $1.25 for 5 bottles.
Also, on the Post deal, buy 5, get $5.00...the Post Trail Mix Crunch is included in that deal...there were $2.00 coupons.
That's shopping "bag" with the purchase...but I'm sure you knew what I meant.
3 awesome coupons for print at cooking with kraft dot com. I seen this on Iheartpublix blog.I see free dressing!!
Thanks for letting us know.
fran i def did the cookin wine deal too, there were slim pickins though
wow, i wish I were as lucky. I'm in south jersey, and the first shoprite wouldn't accept the 1.50 coupons for the cones. I went to other one, and they would only take one of the 3. I must be going to the stingy shoprites.:(
I got 6 pints and 3 packages of cones for only $3.00 - oh yeah, plus the bag. Amazing deal - I told all my friends :)
I still have another $3 catalina, may go back tomorrow and get more! Have to make room in my freezer!
Where in South Jersey are you? I am in Marlton and had no problem at my Shop Rite doing the deal with the (3) $1.50 cone coupons.
Mt Laurel is a waste. Nixon dr has these "vultures" at the u-scan. Whenever they see a coupon printed online, they snatch it from you hands and inspect it... even had them take it to a manager multiple times. They refused to accept any of them. Go there if you don't believe me... you will see the "vultures". Union Mill Rd takes your coupons and she read that it said "can only use one per purchase".(so I was only able to use one of the 3 there.) Now I know Marlton is the way to go... I'm moving that way soon anyway.
I would like to add that I did get one of my $1.50 coupons scanned before the vulture swooped, and it took it off. Then she told me they wouldn't accept it. So she proceeded to fight with the u-scan machine for about 5 mins just to get the $1.50 back ON my bill... crazy. Then she had to pop the machine open and dig out the coupon I inserted... along with checking over every other previous coupon that I had used.
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