Wahoo... Another great coupon!
Submit a photo here of anything that is wrinkled and you'll get a coupon via email for a FREE Downy Wrinkle Releaser($2.99 value for 3 0z travel size)!
**Walmart and Target both carry this product!
(Thanks, Freebies 4 Mom!)
holy crap pdf???
To bad I don't have a pug puppy :) That would make a cute photo to send in :)
has anyone ever seen these anywhere? Just wondering where you can buy them at.
this coupon prints out odd, do I cut it out, give them both, or just hand them the whole paper? looks like it's susposed to be front and back? I was just wondering what everyone else is doing.
I predict this coupon won't last long. Why haven't manufacturers figured out that they can't provide coupons for FREE items by PDF. Get yours while it lasts, this will be called fraudulent once people realize they can print a million copies.
Yup, what Amy said. I didn't even bother printing it. I did write them a note and ask for it do be sent to my home. I also told them they need to wise up and either mail coupons like this or use Bricks/SmartSource. Dumb.
Umm, so let me get this straight. You won't print the coupon at all and you wrote a letter to them? Why are you being so wierd about a coupon? You won't go to jail for using one coupon. I am going to use my one coupon. Some people need to get a life. It is not their fault anyway that people print a million of them. Wow!
You are right it is not our fault, but if we want good coupons like this in the future we need to do things like call out the company and try to fix it.
I agree, the company is not being very smart in issuing this coupon as a PDF, and I think it's a great idea to email them and let them know. Because if not, then people will definitely try to use multiples, and that just makes all couponers look bad.
I can't get it to take my photo. Anyone else having trouble?
it took like forever
When I click on the link, it just says "Error." So maybe they've listened to your e-mails and are going to put up a new coupon link?
M, I don't know how much coupon experience you have, but these PDF coupons generally get deemed fraudulent by the manufacturer when they realize the potential for abuse. Also, many retailers won't accept internet coupons for free products. Personally, it's not worth my ink/paper/time. And for the record, I do have a life. :)
Database Error for me.... :(
I agree with the previous posters that this coupon is a waste of time. Before I can even head out to the store to get it I'm sure they'll will be wiped clean by the dishonest couponer who prints 50. It shocks me that companies are either so trusting or clueless. Thanks anyways for the info Hip!
This coupon is completely worthless. The coupon states free up to 2.99, but when i used it today it only took of 1.00. The coupon is coded for 1.00, not a free item. I know that all free item coupons end in 01, not 76. 79 is the code for 1.00. It will be a surprise to all of those people who printed 50 of them when they end up paying for the item instead of getting it free.
I used it at Target yesterday and it only took $1 off..so I ended up paying .97 for it which wasn't bad.
All you have to do is point it out to the cashier it does state value of up to $2.99 regardless of the coding they are supposed to go by the wording - but that brings me to why I logged in, what am I supposed to do give them the whole page? It's obviously designed to be a double sided coupon which doesn't work when you print off a pdf.
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