There's a new coupon on Coupons.com:
Save $1.50 on ANY one Pond's product
This high value coupon will make for some sweet deals when paired with a sale! The Ponds Towelettes are also on sale for $3 at Kmart! Use the $1.50 coupon from above to snag them for FREE (when the coupon is doubled)!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
What about Target? Don't they have travel size packs of Ponds? The coupon doesn't exclude travel size - it says any ONE ponds product.
Great Idea! Do you know how much the travel size Ponds products are?
I think they are $.97 at my store.
I was in Kmart yesterday looking for these, and they were wiped out. They are on sale for 2/5.00
I bought these this week at CVS. Turned out to be a good buy...$6.79 with $5 ECB back. Used the $1.50/1 and came out to be $.029 each!
Nice product too.
Did u buy two or just 1 b/c $5 EBC is on the purchase of $15 worth ponds, degree, dove.
If this is the same coupon as last time it will be for the 30 count or larger I think... I tried to use the last one at Kmart this weekend for the doubles and it would not work for the one they had on sale for $3... It was for one that was around $5 I think.... Anyone know if this one comes without size restrictions? I don't want to waste paper and ink if it is for the 30 count ;)
No size restrictions on the one I printed.
I just used this $1.50 coupon at Kmart with the 2/$5 15 count ponds no problem at at all. thanks!
I've gotten SEVERAL packages of the Ponds 15 count towelettes. They work really well! They are actually $2.50 at my store this week.
You can get additional copies of this coupon at
(that is where I got mine before I saw this on coupons.com last night)
Forgot to specify above ^^, I mean I've gotten these at Kmart.
Thanks Savings Cravings for the additional link!
I also noticed last night that the Ajax/Palmolive coupon has reset for me.
A friend has also infomed me that the Speed Stick ($1.50 off) coupon has reset for him.
what zip code for ajax & speedstick?
This one doesn't specify size? WOO HOO!
Ponds has NO count size at all.
Thank you!
Ajax/Palmolive zip 85712
Speedstick zip 33907
More thanks to Savings Cravings for the heads up on the palmolive / ajax coupon and the speed stick coupon. They reset for me too!
Any tips on using the Ajax/Palmolive coupon? What is a normal price for those dishsoaps?
Ajax is about $1.99 at Kmart--free when $1 Q is doubled!
thanks savings cravings!!!
I noticed Ajax will be on sale for $.88 at CVS beginning Sunday.
Anon, usually the 88¢ Ajax/Palmolive is a 10oz bottle. The coupon specifically states that it is $1 off 21oz or more.
the big bottle of AJAX at Kmart was 1.99, so free after coupons. The Ponds were on sale 2 for $5....also free after coupons.
speedstick (24/7) was on sale 2 for $5, making those free too.
Thanks Savings Cravings for telling us about the speed stick and ajax coupons resetting. I love getting those for free when paired with a sale!
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