Target has the Wonka Gummy Candy bags regularly priced at just $1.59! Use the $1/1 manufacturer coupon from here: IE or Firefox (Thanks, Mo!). Plus, use the $1/1 Target coupon from Coupons.com! Final cost FREE + a $0.41 moneymaker! Hand the manufacturer coupon over before the Target coupon to avoid any beepage!:)
Also, Emily emailed about finding MY Little Pony toys on clearance at Target for just $5.48--down from $10+. She found these on an endcap in the toy section. She was also able to sweeten this deal by using the $5 off $20 coupon from Coupons.com! Hopefully other readers will be able to find these too!
**Check out the rest of the Target Weekly deals here.
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
That brinks link won't work for me. :( Does anybody have a different one?
What zip code do I use for the Target wonka candy coupon?
free cheese with coupon from organicgrocerydeals.com with the 1.50 off coupon for cheese it's o sale for 1.50 this week
Try 90210!:)
Anon 7:36 -
YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Hi! I'm new here, and I'm having trouble finding any Target coupons on coupons.com. What am I doing wrong??? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I dont see the cheese coupon on that site?
I can't find the Target candy coupon using 90210 or my own 78735. Any suggestions??
I tried to print the Target Gummy coupon but didn't print out. So I went back to try again and the coupon was gone( Couldn't find it anymore.) I wonder they took the coupon down.
try 60504
Nope that zip doesn't work either. Thanks
Hmmmm...I used 90210 for 2 computers, but by the time I tried it on the 3rd, the coupon was gone :(. Any other zip code suggestions?
target coupons you can find on target.com, scroll down to the bottom and click on grocery coupons, they will pop up, these are taget web coupons which you can use with a manufacturer coupon
no coupon for me either:(
To Anon 7:36 - The cheese on sale is the Market Pantry blocks or shredded cheese, the coupon you're referring to is for the Archer Farms deli cheese. This coupon will not work for the cheese on sale.
looks like no more wonka on coupons.com or taget.com
Darn, I just used my Target ones last night. Oh well.
I was just able to print one of the manufacterer's link. Tried to print 2 and it said I had already printed the # allowable.
I do have the coupons.com one printed already so ...sweet!
I used 4 coupons yesterday and they did not beep I did not realize they were not the same thing both are target cheese, and the cashier was being trained by the front end supervisor neither one said anything about it being wrong sorry.
Target doesn't give overages for coupons. They will change the cost of the coupon instead. still a great deal.
I just went to target and these were on price cut for $1.39 making them 39 cents each!!!
Anon 11:40! I always get overage at Target every time I've used coupons worth more. I did this deal there on sale for &1.39 used both coupons, both worked and got overage of .61c that went towards another item! =]
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