If you're a fan of Krispy Kreme, then you'll probably be excited about this new calendar they're offering up! They have a new 2010 Krispy Kreme Wall Calendar priced at just $5. Each calendar includes more than $75 worth of money-saving coupons! Click here to check out more details and find a participating store near you.
These calendars would make great stocking stuffers or a fantastic addition to a Christmas gift! Krispy Kreme doughnuts are definitely my weakness, so I think I may have to stay away from this calendar!;)
(Thanks, MySweetSavings!)
Aaagh! No -- get away from me delicious and evil doughnuts!
I live close to a KKreme I love, Love,them......
That "Hot Doughnuts" sign is just way to tempting!
I heard Obama was implementing a fat tax on doughnuts, meaning each doughnut will now cost $1 more.
Off topic but just to give everyone a heads up, you can redeem a $5 alice.com e-gift card at Swagbucks for just 12 SB!
Definitely don't need ANOTHER reason to go to KK. I agree with Cherilyn! Soooo good. So bad.
Great there goes my hopes of loosing weight before the holidays...lol - J/K Thanks!! Going to get mine today!
I love KK. It is so delicious.
LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!! Too bad I don't live close to one....maybe not too bad. ;-)
I hope I get a chance to go get one. My stepson would lose his mind. They are his ABSOLUTE fave thing. I would love to put one in his stocking. May have to make a special side trip this weekend.
Sorry to say Ladies, we had a new one open up right around then corner. The parent company went out of business. It was gone. We mourned.
Viola, two building away a KK Mega Plant opened this week. Lucky or Cursed?
Yeah...I'm not going near that place...I've got enough problems w/the left over Halloween candy "haunting" me!
I am so thankful that the one by us closed down!
I love Krispy Kreme! Mine even gives FREE doughnuts for A's on my kid's report cards. Elementary grades only. One A = one FREE doughnut!
I wonder if the coupons are like a bogo coupon, or purchase a dozen and get $2 off... I don't want to get coupons that I have to spend $20 to get something for free... even though I love KK!
Our calender was $10, but still has a lot of savings!
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