Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I just saved myself $50 a month!

Today I went through all my bills to see which ones I could possibly lower. At first I felt overwhelmed looking over everything... and suddenly thought to myself baby steps-Meaning SLOW down! I don't know about you but sometimes I get in the habit of trying to do so much all at once that I never get anything done.

I made a promise to myself- Focus on trying to lower 2 bills today. Did I accomplish this?!?
Well look below and see for yourself.

My husband and I have T-Mobile as our Cell Phone provider. We signed one of those lovely 2 year contracts and so at this point we aren't able to go look for a lower plan elsewhere. Anyway I called T-Mobile customer care and talked with a nice lady. I basically told her that were a military family living on a tight budget. I added that we have 3 kiddos and with Christmas coming up this time of year is rather difficult for us. I asked if there was anyway she could lower our cell phone bill. At first she acted as if there was not much she could do. After explaining further about wanted to stretch our hard earned dollar she put me on hold to see what could be done. Well to make a long story short she was able to lower my phone bill $30 without even changing the plan!

Moral of the story-It NEVER hurts to ask... nicely of course!

I also called my cable company and got rid of all our movie channels. That was a luxury we can afford to live without. Now are cable bill is $20 less per month!

Today I lowered two bills and managed to save myself $50 per month!

I challenge you to start going over your bills.
Do you have anything you can lower or get rid of completely?!?
Let me know in the comment section below!


Anonymous said...

Hi, there: Sure like your cost-saving ideas. We live in a rural area but have wireless high-speed Internet service. Thanks to this service, we purchased a MagicJack Internet phone device - five years for $100. This includes all phone costs (service, long distance, etc.). The service has been mostly wonderful, and I highly recommend if you want a bargain. Check it out at magicjack.com Ho! Ho! Ho!

Unknown said...

After reading your blog, I called Tmobile to see what they could do about my insanely high bill. After about 20 minutes of trying to ask the right questions, he reduced the cost of my text messaging plan by $5 dollars. Not much for someone who has been a customer for over 6 years, but better than nothing! Thanks for all the great advice! Keep it coming!