(Lots of Great Freebies This Month!)
Revlon Age Defying Spa Concealer or Foundation $9.99
$9.99 EasySaver Rebate
Plus use $2 coupon from the 1/11SS or the $1 coupon from the 10/12 or 11/16SS
Final cost as low as FREE plus a $2 moneymaker!
Revlon Creme Lip Gloss $9.99
$9.99 EasySaver Rebate
Plus use $2 coupon from the 1/11SS or use $1 coupon from the 10/12 or 11/16SS
Final cost as low as FREE plus a $2 moneymaker!
Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Hair Care $3.99
$3.99 EasySaver Rebate
Plus use $1 coupon from the 11/9 or 1/4RP
Final cost FREE plus a $1 moneymaker!
ThermaCare Heat Wrap $2.49
$2.49 EasySaver Rebate
Plus use $2 coupon from Feb. All You Mag.
Final cost as low as FREE plus a $2 moneymaker!
Walgreen's Multi-Purpose Solution $1.99
$1.99 EasySaver Rebate
Final cost FREE!
Zucol ColdCare $7.99
$7.99 EasySaver Rebate
Plus use $2 coupon from here or the 2/1SS
Final cost FREE plus a $2 moneymaker!
Theraflu 2 for $10
$6 EasySaver Rebate (on 2)
Use two $2 coupons from here
Final cost two for FREE!
The Best EasySaver Rebates
(That go along with the weekly sales)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal 2/$5
$1 EasySaver Rebate (on 2)
Plus use $1 blinkie coupon or .70 coupon from the 1/4RP
Final cost as low as $1 per box!
Please Note: The EasySaver Rebates for the SC Johnson products below is $1 per item, up to $4.00 total, so you can choose two deals below to qualify for the $4 in rebates!
Scrubbing Bubble Wipes 2/$5
$2 EasySaver Rebate (on 2)
Plus use $3/2 coupon
Final cost 2 for FREE!
Windex Wipes 28 pk 2/$5
$2 EasySaver Rebate (on 2)
Plus use 2 $1.50 coupons
AND submit for the manuf. rebate from the 1/11SS
Final cost FREE plus a $2.50 moneymaker!
Pledge Wipes (18-24 pk) 2/$7
$2 EasySaver Rebate (on 2)
Plus use $3/2 coupon from here
Final cost $1 each!
Register Reward Deals
Venus Embrace or Spa Razor, or Gillette Fusion Gamer razor $8.99
Buy 1=$6 RR
Purchase the Gillette use the $4 coupon from the 2/8PG
Final cost FREE plus a $1 moneymaker!
Colgate Wave toothbrush or 6.5 oz toothpaste 2/$3
Buy 2=$1 RR
Plus use two .75 coupons or the $1/2 coupon from the 2/1SS or from here
Final cost as low as .25 each!
Select General Mills cereal 3/$7
Buy 3=$1R
Use .75 coupons from here or .55 coupons from here, here and here
Final cost as low as 3/$3.75, just $1.25 per box!
Soda 2 Lt, Dr. Pepper, Sunkist, 7 up and Canada dry 4/$5
Buy 4=$2RR
Look for the FREE Dr. Pepper coupons found in various Magazines!
Other Great Deals
Sobe Life Water 3/$3 with in ad coupon
Plus use $1/2 EasySaver Coupon
Remember you can purchase just one and the coupons above will still take off the correct amount.
Final cost .50 each!
Fuze 3 for $3 with in ad coupon
Use .25 coupon from the 1/4SS
Final cost .75 each
Ensure Nutritional Drinks $6.99
Submit for the Try Me Free Rebate Offer
Final cost Free!
Halls Cough Drops .99 with in ad coupon
Use the .50 coupon from the 12/7 or 1/11SS
Final cost .49!
Axe Body & Haircare products 25% off
Purchase 4 Axe products and get 2 FREE Movie Tickets!
Progresso Soup 4/$5 with in ad coupon
Use $1.10 coupon-IE, Firefox or $1/2 and $2/4 from here
Final cost as low as 4/.60, ONLY .15 per can!
Hershey's Candy Bars 4-5 oz $1.99
Purchase 2 for $3.98
Use the buy one get one free coupon from the 1/25SS
Will deduct $1.99
Then use the 2/$2 in ad coupon
(make sure you hand the coupons over in this order)
Will deduct an additional $1.99
Final cost 2 Hershey's Bars for FREE!
Wonka Candy Box $1
Purchase 2 and use the $1/2 coupon from the 2/1SS
Final cost .50 each!
Bounty Basic Paper Towel Roll .89 with in ad coupon
Use the .25 coupon from the 2/8PG
Final cost .64 per roll!
Altoids buy one at $1.99 get one free with in ad coupon
Look for $1 peelie coupons found on select packages
Final cost as low as FREE!
Schick Disposable Razors $4.99
Use $2 EasySaver coupon
Plus use $2 coupon from the 1/11SS
Final price .99!
L'Oreal Nail or Lip Buy one get one free
Use two $2 coupons from the 2/1RP
Final cost ?
$3 off Select Revlon Cosmetics
Purchase the Revlon Matte eye shadow price at $4.99
Minus the $3 off sale=$1.99
Then use the $2 coupon from the 1/11SS
Final cost FREE!
Maybelline Cosmetics buy one get one free
Use the $1 & $2 coupons from the 2/8RP
Final cost?
Colgate Toothpaste 4.6 oz. Cavity Protection .99
Use .75 coupon or the $1/2 coupon from the 2/1SS or from here
Final cost as low as .24 each!
Joy Dish Liquid .99 with in ad coupon
Use .30 coupon from the 1/18PG
Final cost .69!
Check out all the current Monthly Register Reward deals here.
New to Walgreen's shopping?!?
Check out these posts here and here.
Still have questions?!?
Check out this Walgreen's Q&A post!
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I believe the Hefty coupon is for waste bags... could I use them for this WG offer?
I just looked and you are correct. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I will go ahead and remove that deal, thanks!
Iam new to The coupon game,I use internet coupon,but when I use the coupon they are hard to scan Is this nornal. Debbie
Iam new to The coupon game,I use internet coupon,but when I use the coupon they are hard to scan Is this nornal. Debbie
You may want to check your printer settings. I actually had to buy another printer because with my previous printer the coupons wouldn't even scan. With the printer I have now, though, they scan great!
The Scrubbing Bubbles are actually 2/7 but the ad says 2/5 because after the rebate they are then 2/5 so at the end, they are not free, but $2 for both
The ads a little confusing because there are actually Scrubbing Bubbles products that are 2/$7 and 2/$5. If you look at the 2/$5 cleaning supplies the Scrubbing Bubbles isn't pictured, but look below and you will see 28 pack Scrubbing Bubbles Wipes written. That is the scrubbing bubbles item I am talking about that is 2/$5. If you look at my Walgreen's buys pictured from the other day you will be able to see the Scrubbing Bubbles wipes I purchased that were 2/$5.
Hop this helps!
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