UPDATE: Now it looks like these coupons may not have been reset!:(
Did anyone have any luck printing them?
Waaaaaaaaaaaahoooooooo! The $5 & $3 Huggies coupons on coupons.com have been reset!!! Just go on over here and print yours!
Stay tuned for Huggies deal scenarios...
Mine still say "print limit reached". Any suggestions?
Me too... I'd love a suggestion!
That is so weird. When I first went to coupons.com I was able to check the boxes for the Huggies coupons. I quickly, though, decided to post that they had been reset and when I went back to print my coupons it then said print limit reached. I guess I may be wrong!:( sorry!
previously mine said print limit had been reached, but when I tried a bit ago it didn't, so clicked to clip and then to print. It only printed the pineapple that I also wanted , but no huggies!! I tried again and it now says print limit reached again. What's up with that?! I clicked contact the company at the bottom of the screen and suposedly someone is suposed to contact me. We'll see.
i clicked on them and only the $3 one printed. boo.
my computer keeps acting like it is going to print but never does...and when i clicked back to the homepage it still showed them as clipped and not printed yet...hmmm
Sigh, was hoping for more $5!!! Oh well! Thanks anyway!
Everyone keeps saying that its reset.... I still keep getting "limit reached" Would like the Huggies and the Dry Idea..But looks like Im outta luck!!!
I also went in about 2 hours ago to print a Contessa coupons and saw that I could print the Huggies and Dry Idea that had earlier said print limit reached. When I cued them up to print, they sat at the last page foreeeeever and never did print. Then I saw your post and tried again without luck. I am so bummed.
I was able to print my Huggies - two more of each! And the Tree Top coupon I was able to print again when I had previously reached my print limit! Am I the only one that was able to print?
Not printing for me either.
I wonder why I WAS able to print them when nobody else is having any luck? Weird!
I was excited because I was able to print two more of each coupon! I am not sure why it wouldn't be working for anyone else...
mine definitely weren't reset :(
Nope, not working.
It worked for me!! Yayy! The Dry Idea worked again too!! Must be a good day for me!! :)
Same today - not working, print limit reached. Same with the Dole pineapple coupon. Boo hoo!
I printed two more of each yesterday.
I just printed both Huggies coupons twice. I guess I'm lucky - Happy St. Patrick's Day.
I didn't have any problems printing them.
Is it possible they only reset after a certain number of days since you last printed them? That would mean that as long as the coupon is still available each person would have a different reset date based on when they printed them last.... just a thought.
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