Register on and you'll get $20 in printable Slim-Fast coupons! After registering you'll receive an email with a link to activate your account. Once your account is activated you will be able to download a $2 off coupon, good on one multi-pack and two $3 off coupons, each good on two multi-packs. Press the browser back button to print additional coupons. I was actually able to print WAY more then two... so keep pressing that back button!:) Be on the lookout for another email that should come within the next 2-3 weeks to print out your next set of coupons, worth up to $12.00 in savings.
UPDATE: After you confirm your registration click on "Looking for our TV offer?", in the lower right hand corner. Then click on the bottom middle where it says, "Already a Slim-Fast member? You can save $20 too!". You will then be able to login and download the coupons. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks so much! I buy this stuff on a regular basis. I think the bars packs are priced around $4.99 at Kmart. After the $2 coupon doubled they would only be .99!
I can't find the coupons, I signed up but I am not sure where to go! :-)
You will receive an email shortly to confirm your account. I signed up a month ago and the email was sent pretty quickly.
Once your account is activated you'll be able to download the coupons.
I got the email confirmation and confirmed, but I don't see where I print the coupons?
I'm having the same problem Lisa. I received the email as well but don't know where to find the coupon.
hmmm... I'm not quite sure what the deal is. You may want to see if you've received another email from them with the coupon links.
Sorry for the confusion. They have changed how to download the coupons since I've signed up.
Anyway I've updated the post with directions on how to download the coupons. Let me know if you're still having trouble.
I just wanted to say I love your blog! Thanks for posting so many great deals daily! I am curious, how do you save money on printer ink. I have noticed that a lot of coupons print extra stuff with the coupon and it takes up a lot of my color ink. Do you buy the refillable ink cartridges or is there something I can do to my printer to not make it print the extra stuff?
I wish I could say that there is something you could do to your printer, but there isn't really anything I know of.
I will also be doing a post about saving money on printer ink soon.
Thanks for the update - I printed the coupons just fine!
I have a Canon MF5750 black/white printer and I buy my toner cartridges from the seller: discount_inkjet on ebay. It's a remanufactured cartridge, but they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I paid 28.90 w/free shipping and it was shipped immediately and works perfectly! It's the second one I've bought from them. The first one lasted me 6 months!
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