Alright... I just had to do a little bragging! Over Memorial Day Weekend AAFES (military shopping site) had some awesome deals on select appliances. Well, I was able to get a sweet deal on a Kenmore Elite 20.6 cu. ft. (it's HUGE!) Upright Freezer shipped FREE to my door and with NO tax! One of the many perks of being in the military!
Anyway, I just had to show it off! I have been wanting a freezer for quite some time and the waiting finally paid off! I am super excited and can't wait to start stockpiling like crazy! Yay!
It's ok... I know I'm a total dork!

that's nice!!
Can't wait to hear about all the frozen deals you will share with us! Your upbeat personality is infectious, keep up the good work.
I love it and I would be excited too.
I got that excited over a free candy bar and free hotdogs. You should have seen me last night over 2 real inexpensive hairdryers for the girls. Can't imagine what I would do if I got a beautiful black right in style freezer.
VERY NICE!!! I want one!! :)
I'm a dork too. Did a whole scrapbook layout when I got my cherry red high efficiency front loading washer and dryer! You deserve it. Hooray for great appliances!
I am jealous!!! My extra freezer is much smaller and packed - I mean jam packed. You will love having all of the extra freezer space. Enjoy!
Thats nice!!! You sound like me....a Dork all the way!!! :D
Yay for you! We are pricing 20.6 uprights also. Soon I will be as excited as you :)
LOVE IT! I want one! Enjoy!
She's a bute! Enjoy! :)
I just deleted my "Freezer Face" photo off my camera yesterday or I would send it to you!!! I was SO happy to get one a couple of months ago. I purchased it from Sears through shopathome.com and got a sweet deal by combining the Sears VIP sale, a rebate for entire delivery costs and the cash back for going through shopathome!
Good luck with your new freezer...and have fun filling it.
AWESOME!!! you deserve it!
i am so jealous :)
I too LOVE my new freezer I got 2 months ago and it is almost packed full!
oh, I am so coveting your freezer... I've been praying for a good deal and God's timing on when/if we get one. Congratulations though! Happy stockpiling!! :)
you could fit three bodies in there.
HILARIOUS! Love that shocked freezer face... can't wait for another BBQ so we can dig all the meat out of that GIANT freezer of yours! Love you! (It's Amy.. I know, I need a Blogger name..)
I love it!
I think I have freezer envy!:D
totally jealous!
Love it! LOL Great post!
we got that same exact freezer a couple months ago and we loooove it!! you probably got a way better deal though. i'm almost ready for a second one , they fill up so fast!! have fun filling it!
I want one!
You're definitely not dorky.... I'm jealous!
I am SO jealous! I've been harassing my dear husband for months about buying a freezer for the garage. With so many good grocery deals out there I need more room to store! Enjoy it.
it's a good investment! we just bought one too but we live in an apartment so we went with a very small chest freezer. i was sick of having to pass up great sales for lack of freezer space! we stockpiled the same day we bought it to start filling it! when we get a house in a few years we will definitely need to upgrade! i'm jealous and i love the fact that yours is black not white!
We have the exact same freezer but white. We got it at lowes in the dented section for just under $300. it has a tiny dent by the handle you can barely see. I LOVE that freezer. The best is the door ajar alarm. With 2 toddlers and a DH it is a must!
As my son would say, "SSSAAAWWWEEEETTT DOGGIE!" Yay for you!
I am in the military too and i have been wanting one too. How much was it? is it still on sale?
I'm jealous! I've been wanting a Freezer for stockpiling but we simply don't have the room!
Congrats on your freezer!
Perfect for those SmartOnes on sale at Target!! I stashed some in mine this week.
How great to have an upright freezer...you won't have to be hanging over and leaning down into a big chest freezer like I do! lol
I can't complain though, since my parents gave it to us for free. :)
Yeah!!! You will love it! I couldn't live without mine!
I'm so super jealous! Good for you! Enjoy it!
That's cool way to go! I had a nice little upright freezer in my garage that I used to use to stockpile and then about 1 month ago now it just quit. :( I have no idea why and I lost all my food cause I didn't know :( Keeping my eyes open for another good deal again ;)
Let me know when you get it organized. I have two and they are stocked full. Right now, I have two teen daughters both working this summer and we have enjoyed the bogo deals lately and now enjoying the smartone deals from Target. I do have a question. Do you know sites for the West Coast, specifically California. I am flying out there next week and want friends to enjoy the grocery contacts,etc. Love the input!
You're not a dork!! Not long after I started couponing and visiting your site I ran out of room in my refrigerator freezer. I mentioned to my dad the dilemma I was having scoring all these great deals and not having room to store them so this past Christmas he got my family a big chest freezer. I was sooo excited and have had a blast filling it up!! So congratulations to you and your family!! I love yours. It will be so convenient to hunt things without being bent over digging around. But I'm not complaining by no means, I just don't have the space for an upright. I am very grateful, like you, to have a freezer.
Very nice, but once you have fun filling it, you will be saying, I think I need a bigger freezer. LOL
Awesome! It looks like mine but in black (mine is white) and I have LOVED having it. My sisinlaw and I split a cow each year and it's WONDERFUL to be able to stockpile it at under $2lb including those awesome steaks and tips and roasts. Mine isn't full now, just has waffles and bacon while waiting on this year's side of beef. Happy Stockpiling!!
(And please tell hubby or whoever is military that we say Thank you!!)
I'm happy for you, Collin!! :) I love it! I'm saving for one! Enjoy!
I am so jealous. I wish I had one. I want an extra freezer so badly!
YEAH! Congratulations on your new freezer! Happy for you!
You're not a dork - you're AWESOME! Love your site (and the cute photo)!
You are too cute!! Love it!! And, I don't consider that bragging... I love to share stories of great deals!!! Way to go... military perks are great!! We are a navy fam.. enjoy your freezer!!! and..thanks for sharing. -April
I got a frost free GE model that looks like yours this past December. You cannot imagine how much easier it makes life. I froze all of my holiday cookies, meals and stuff for company and I was a "guest" for the 1st time in 19 years!
You may want to share my bargain - I traded in my airline points (50,000 miles worth for a $500 giftcard to Home Depot. The freezer went on sale Thanksgiving weekend and with shipping and tax was $592. I scored a shipping rebate for $75, so I was out of pocket only $17 for the freezer, which is alot better than trying to find airline tickets when it seems like everything is always blacked out and you can get a better deal online.
We're all coupon dorks! :) I'm excited for you. You'll have that thing stocked to the hilt in no time!
Wow, you are really pretty! Nice freezer, too
That's awesome! I can't wait to get a freezer - just waiting for a good deal :)
congratulations!!! have fun with her =)
Cute picture - and everyone here understands WHY a freezer is so exciting...more room for deals!
Woo-hoo! Lucky!
Have had a freezer for quite some time, and I regularly pat it and thank it for being such a good, faithful, patient freezer. (I'm prone to adding more stuff to it, then stand gazing in joy!) Completely get your excitement. Hope you enjoy your freezer for many years!!!
Love it! I have been wanting a freezer too, so I am totally jealous! The picture of you is great, too... lol! :) YAY!
You're not a dork. In fact you just made me feel a little better about how excited and dorky I was when we got our new freezer. :) It's the same one you got & I LOVE IT! so much better than "climbing" into the chest freezer to get things.
Glad to see I am not the only one that gets excited over stuff like that. Enjoy it is great!
That is the EXACT freezer I have except mine is white. I was so excited and it fills up FAST! Enjoy!!
this is awsome, i love having an extra freezer, i got mine used of craigslist. This way i can stock up when there is a great sale. I still have some steak left from the target deal. Thanks for that.
congrats :)
Life is good!!
Thanks for all you do here. You have gotten me back in to coupons and saving lots of money!
You're not a dork. I totally want a new freezer. My husband and I looked at some last week, but it might be a while until we get one, but boy, oh, boy do I want one.
Good for you!
My Kitchen Aid $800.00 dishwasher was deliver yesterday. Beautiful.
I won it on Coke Rewards Sweepstakes!
Hope the luck keeps rolling in.
We just had our upright freezer delivered last weekend, I was (still am) excited too!!!
very nice!
VERY COOL! lol ok I guess I should say very cold. and you are not a dork. lol it is something to be excited about I can't wait til I can brag too. Enjoy!!
Congratulations! I've had a freezer for over 10 years and it is the BEST way to save money. I buy up turkeys at Thanksgiving time (.50/lb) and have them all through the year. It is always stocked and I can help my kids when they come to visit by giving them some of my frozen meals and FREE goodies. Enjoy!
to the person who traded in airline miles for a $17 freezer.. THAT IS AMAZING!
and Collin, congrats on the new freezer. We have a really really old one that is NOT frost free, so once every four or five years, we have to plan to eat everything or take it out and xfer it to another freezer and DEFROST it.
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