Through this week, Kmart is letting you take an additional 50% off all their already reduced clearance toys! Wahoo! Don't forget to combine these sweet toy deals with this $5 off $25 Toy coupon!
If you want some inspiration, then go check out the toy deals Lissa snagged over at Saving Your Cents! She has lots of great pictures showing off all the toy bargains she scored. I'm a visual person, so seeing those pictures gets me oh so motivated to go scour those deals! She managed to get $1,000 worth of toys for ONLY $150! Go Lissa!!!
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
im going to kmart ;)
im going to kmart ;)
I live in the Christiansburg, Va area. That one is not doing double coupons. haven't checked the other's close by.
OMG!!! My baby is sleeping and I can't take the kids to see wht's for Christmas!! AHHHHH!!! Will run out tonight, hopefully there is stuff left. Mine does not double now, but they have the toy clearance!!
Our Kmart was awesome...was able to get Elmo Live on clearance for $30 then an additional 50% off. I also got Hulk Operation for $7.99 (final price).Great deals...stocked up for Christmas. No the same experience at a Kmart in the next town...they didn't double coupons and they had a horrible clearance section. Their Hulk Operation was priced at $24.99 - not on sale.
I am so headed to Kmart when Hubby gets home from work... that way I can ditch the kids with him :)
Don't usually shop at KMart - is there a clearance section or are the clearance toys mixed in with the regular priced toys?
there is a section at my kmart, but most of it was gone, so a lot of stuff was mixed in aisles still.
I didn't even know about the toy clearance when I went into Kmart last night. I went for the Monopoly game (which was $29.99)and didn't get it. I did find a Leapster on clearance for $37.So I got that for $18.50 and some reg. priced playdo for $2.19. I used my $5 off coupon and a $4 Leapster one I had. So I got a Leapster for $9.50!!
ahhh! some of ya'll are sooo lucky! lol i went today and managed to get an elmo farm toy,playschool bath toy, and a lil tikes camcorder thing..? lol for 11.50! not bad! i thought i was going 2 have a heart attack looking at saving cents pics!!
For even cheaper savings. Buy $50 worth of Huggies Products use coupons and the $5/$50 coupon and get a $14 off your next shopping order Catalina. (check out the
Then buy $20 or more worth of 50% off clearance toys and use the $5/$20 coupon first and it took my $14 Catalina from buying Huggies andpay $1.00 for $20 worth of toys.
I also bought a full price $20+ toys for a mere $1 doing this deal.
scenario at http://thirteenandfrugal.blogpspot.com
Yea, the k-marts where I live don't have much clearance at all. I looked a couple days ago when I got my 4 pictureka games :). oh well, I guess I am not as lucky as that person on the saving cents blog.
I got mine! It was a great deal!!
Oh and I told my kids we were shopping for their cousins. They picked out toys for themselves and didn't even know it.
They wouldn't let me use the $5/$20 toy purchase unless it was a Hasbro toy. Is this true or can I use it on ANY toy product? The cashier gave me a bad time!
You can use it on any toy purchase. Tell them to put their specticals on and READ the coupon. I hate Kmart! That is horrible that you have to make multiple trips. I just tell them all about it while I am there. hehehe
coupon can be used on ANY toy. They should have took the time to READ it. I didnt do as good as lisa ;) I spent 96.XX but saved over 217.xx!
Just got back from K-mart and got 4 Pictureka Card Games and a few other toys. The cashier game me a hard time about the coupon stating I did not purchase enough in toys. i stood my ground and stated the card games are considered toys, so she and the supervisor game it to me. After getting home, I noticed she charged me for 5 card games and I only purchased 4 with all the $5.00 coupons. I got so many other items I did not notice.
They were not very nice at that Kmart, The toy selection was really good. Many were much cheaper than what the price tag stated. Even lover than 50% . This was in Phoenix, AZ.
got my dora playhouse for $11! No little tykes kitchen though :( Found tons of stuff though! We are good on xmas and bdays for my nephews and nieces for the year!
didn't get the Dora playhouse, but I got the Little Tykes KITCHEN!!! My son was so cute tonight after hubby set it up. He kept saying he was cooking us dinner. What a great deal! I'm still in shock it was only $16. The manager told us it was last years model. Umm, who cares!?
My KMart had a clearance aisle, but lots of yellow-tagged items also mixed into the other toy aisles. There isn't a print limit on the $5 coupon, so be sure to break up your transactions into multiple $20 increments to save even more! I'm covered for Christmas, birthdays, and parties for the next couple years!
Holy Moly, I got the kitchen, a Fisher price toy that was org. like 70 marked down to 17 and several other toys. I paid $42 and broke up into 3 transactions. I used a $14 RR from the diaper deal. I was totally psyched when I got home my husband laughed at me. There were a bunch of toys to choose from.
Thanks Collin for this site. I never go to Kmart since it is a 10 mile 1 way drive. But I have been there 3 times this week couponing AND just tonight buying toys! I saved SO MUCH money for toys for Christmas!
Thank you so very much!
Leslie (in Indianapolis)
My $5/$20 coupon was denied - they said it was a copy. :(
My Kmart usually has a whole wall dedicated to clearance toys. I am heading there Friday or Saturday to shop for my son, nieces & nephews. I hope I make out as good as a lot of you did. Wish me luck!!
I am so pumped about this.
I went last night - scored a bunch of toys. Barbie doll house, playdough 50 pack for 6 bucks - games and more. I found that they not only had a clearance aisle but as I walked through each aisle I found more goodies hidden within! Thank you!
I just got back from Kmart. This one looks like it is on its last leg. Not very much to choose from. More girly toys then boy toys.
I did manage to find a few things that my son can use when he is a little older so I'll save those for Christmas.
I was able to use the $5 off toy coupon and the $5 off $50 purchase. Not to shabby. :~)
I just got back from Kmart!!! I got $108.44 worth of toys for $31!!!! SWEEEEET DEAL! Thanks for the tips. Too bad my Kmart isn't doubling coupons!
Went to kmart tonight,got $122 worth for $21.I have to send my grandkids toys to U.K.so postage costs a lot.but i can afford it this time.thanks to all you guys for all the info. i just love this site.
I got some AWESOME deals and divided my transactions into 5 using a coupon each time. Fabulous there were no hiccups!!
Oh, wow, KMart here I come! :)
i went yesterday and noticed alot of small blue dots on price tags....checked a few and found that it was even more than 50% off! only wound up with 2 but instead of $15 only payed $3.75!
I scored on leapster games for my twin neices got two games for less ten $20 and they were the games they wanted too! I love being the fun aunt that gets them what the want and love evn more that I did not break the bank paying almost $30 a game for the sonic game even better I got one for each so they won't have to share Thanks
I just started using this site two weeks ago and hadn't been to KMART in years. I travelled to 2 out of Town KMARTs and in two transactions spent about $100. and came back with over 53 items! A years worth of toys for gifts, but also toiletries! The most I paid for a toy was $6 for an electronic game, most were .75 to $2.50 each! Thanks for the heads up!!!
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