A new rebate is available:
You can get one six pack of pediaSure FREE (up to $12.99) after rebate! All you need to do is fill in your info here and then print the rebate form. You will then need to mail the rebate submission form and your original dated cash register receipt with the PediaSure purchase price circled and the original UPC symbol from the PediaSure product.
To make this rebate go further, there is a $1 coupon available in the 6/26 All You magazine. It's found on page 150. You can also sign up to receive special offers from Pediasure--which could mean a coupon sent via email. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
(Thanks, Freebies4Mom!)
There also "might" be coupons inside the packages. Last time I bought these, there was a buy one get one free coupon inside. That would really sweeten this deal! I love these, especially when one of my kiddos is sick ~ thanks for the info!!
If anyone has a Kroger card, I just recieved a coupon book from them and it has a 2.00 coupon. I used it @ Kmart making them 6.00.
How do you get a coupon book if you have a Kroger Card? I see people get their coupons all the time but I get nothing. Boo. Do you know?
Wonderful! These will go great in their lunchboxes next month when school starts. Thanks for the heads up on a really useful deal!
Hmm, looks like the rebate goes to the same place as the one that was in the inserts a couple weeks ago and this isn't a separate rebate, do you think that is good logic? It would be awesome if there were two free rebates for this, but I'm guessing not :D
I never signed up anywhere. I just always assumed they sent it because I have a Kroger savings card. It may be based on how much you shop there..etc. I am not sure. I would ask the service desk at Kroger and see what they say. I get them quite often. The upside to them is that the coupons all say manufacturer on them unless it's a Kroger brand. I use them all the time at other stores.
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