Mars Candy is also on sale at Walgreens for .49 with in ad coupon. To avoid beeping hand over the $1/2 manufacturer coupon FIRST, then hand over the in ad coupon. Final cost-- 2 candy bars FREE!
I was looking on eBay to see how much these coupons were going for. I was hoping that I could link to a great deal for those of you that didn't receive the coupons. Well, I'm sorry to say that I didn't come across any deals, BUT did get a laugh out of how much they were going for. Go here and check out this lot of 20 $1/2 Mars candy coupons. Right now they are going for $7... yes, $7! Does anyone else think that is a bit ridiculous?
For more Walgreens Deals and Walgreens Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Yea, its pretty crazy, but if you had a reason to buy 40 candy bars, then 40 for $7 might not seem so bad. I on the other hand would not pay that much, and sure do not need that many candy bars! lol
They are pretty crazy. But I think it might be because of the deal going on at CVS the week of 8/9. If you buy $15 worth of candy, you get a $5 ECB. And the mars candies will be on sale 2/$1.
I was lucky, and had been cruising the ads at AFC, and got mine off of ebay before prices went crazy. I paid a little more than I usually do for Ebay Qs - $4 for 20 Qs. But me and DH use these candies in place of Movie Theatre candy. So, I'm ok with that.
It is crazy I didn't buy as many papers Sunday as I should have because I was planning on just ordering some, Coupon Dede has them out of stock & Coupon Clippers doesn't even offer them & then I saw how much they were on eBay I was shocked! What's up with that?!
Ok UPDATE!!! Go check out http://www.couponsthingsbydede.com she sells the snickers coupon for $.15 a piece with a maximum order of 10 per 7 days.
This is off the topic but there is a $ 1.50 coupon for kraft salad dressing,,,, I know walmart has them for $1.58 which will make them just .8 cents. Here is the link http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=qg2genh62357795&bt=vi&o=58099&c=KR&p=2Kio63Da
Sorry doesn't cost me $7 to cut clip and sort 20 coupons. Its already not legal to "sell" coupons on ebay, for gods sake drawing attention to it by price gouging. Its just a shame!
For heaven's sake! I'm just amazed that after buying, collating, clipping, organizing, advertising, filling orders for, and mailing coupons, people still have time to track the sales in order to jack the prices!!
I just got some different Q's off ebay for the first time. I'll see how it goes. I figured if I'm going to be saving a significant amount more than I'm spending on ebay then it's worth a try.
auctioned Qs on eBay really rub me the wrong way. I would rather deal with a reputable clipper who charges a set fee per coupon
I would have to agree with you ladies and what really has me stirring is the fact that some of these folks are aquiring 50+ q's from ONW this is for the 75/100 &50/100 and posting on ebay for $20 and up.How in the world one person can auire that many q's legally.I know this had nothing to do with candy.(sorry I vented)
I hate old navy weekly. It makes me never want to shop at their site again with how much they tolerate hackers and opportunists using their site to obtain the best coupons and then resell them. Old navy should be able to give out nice coupons to everyone or not at all. The times and places they put them are enough to drive anyone crazy. Another rant. Sorry, piggybacking on the previous person.
I will have to admit I did pay $6.00 for the coupons but my husband loves candy bars and for
.17 it is a good deal for me.
its just supply and demand. if someone's gonna pay $7, its obviously worth it to them, and if the sellers see the bids going up that high, they'll make the buy it now that high. Its just one of the "joys" of living in a free market.
there are new listing for candy bars on ebay right now 15 coupons for $3.99. I think this is reasonable
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