UPDATE: Deal is now DEAD!
Uncle Matt's is offering up a coupon for a FREE 59 oz. bottle of organic orange juice! All you need to do is go on over here and scroll down to the bottom of their site where it states, "Take a Survey, Get Free Juice." Click on that link and fill out the short survey (it's only 7 questions). After doing so, you'll have access to a printable coupon good for a FREE 59 oz. bottle of Uncle Matt's organic orange juice, valid thru 9/30/09.
Uncle Matt's Orange juice is sold at Shoprite, Whole Foods, and other health food stores. If you go on over to Whole Foods, then don't forget to snag the other freebies available here.
UPDATE: I just heard from the company and this is where they stated you can buy their products: Whole Foods Midwest and East Coast regions, Publix, Kroger, HEB, Earthfare, and most Natural Food stores on the East Coast. They will be in the West Coast, Southwest, and Rocky Mountain Whole Foods beginning in October.
(Thanks, Jane!)
This is great! Thanks!!!
I feel bad for these companies that post PDF coupons. They are going to get rolled once word gets around about this. Atleast their website says one per family...but a lot of people will ignore that...
thanks..cannot wait to try this...going to check out whole foods tomorrow!
I was thinking the same thing as the first person to comment. My advice would be to go get yours quick before they stop honoring them.
Another fantastic freebie! My husband loves OJ and anything organic so I'm sure he will enjoy this! Thanks!
Can I get them in PA?
oh man, I was so excited about this but when mine printed the bar code was cut off, the coupon to wide for the paper. mine wasn't in pdf form maybe I printed from the wrong page? Too late now all it says it that I already took the survey. bummmer!
Do we get these in Trader's Joe?
Matts OJ is really good. Publix carries it! I only printed one, I don't want to goodies to stop coming!
well, it states 1 per family, so even if you print 50, you can only use 1 at a time, well, that is is the cashier notices that fact,...hopefully this company does not get taken advantage of.
STL Mama,
I haven't printed mine yet...if you'd like, I could email it to you, and you can see if it prints any better...let me know.
Survey is now closed- bummer!
Arg, STL Mama-- same thing happened to me. I literally cried when it didn't print off properly, and now I can't take the survey again. Coupon self-sabotage!
awe i missed this one...makes me sad! i have wanted to try this oj but always opt out bc its too expensive!
Can not find "take survey, get free juice" on the page.
their website says they survey is over but they'll run another one at another time. Oh well - I was too late!
Its over now DARN! Thats what I get for cleaning my kitchen LOL
Not valid at the Whole Foods in Wheaton, IL - they don't carry this product line! BUMMER!!!
I am going to Whole Foods tomorrow. Glad I got in on this in time. THANKS Hip to Save!!!!! You are the best!!!
My husband printed this coupon for me and it cut the UPC off also...does anyone know how to print this with the UPC in tact? I emailed it to myself.
I took a screen-print of the coupon after it didn't print correctly. You could also try changing the page setup to landscape and looking at the print preview....that is if the coupon comes back.
Thanks Jennie...I'll have my husband try this...he's better at this than I am.
Mine also printed off messed up. If anyone still have the PDF file could you please e-mail it to me. So, that I can try and adjust it or if you have a spare one let me know.
Calshondra W.
Could someone please send me PDF of this uncle matt's orange juice coupon i am greatful to her.
I messed up with this coupon.
Could someone please send me PDF of this uncle matt's orange juice coupon i am greatful to her.
I messed up with this coupon.
Could someone please send me PDF of this uncle matt's orange juice coupon i am greatful to her.
I messed up with this coupon.
I picked my free OJ up this morning from Publix. It went great with the BOGO/coupon blueberry pancake deal. Thanks so much!
My Kroger would not honor the coupon. Boo!
Thanks again...I tried it on my computer and did the landscape, like you advised, and it worked...the coupon is huge:) I appreciate it.
I went to Whole Foods yesterday to get the orange juice but they don't carry this brand. Can someone please tell me another store that may carry it? Thanks!
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