Anyway, I'd love to hear if you got your free tank top too!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
I Got My Free JCPenney Tank Top Today!
Anyway, I'd love to hear if you got your free tank top too!
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Mine came today too.
If you wished, you could wear it like a tunic over leggings with another tank top under it. It looks cute on you!
I was just wondering if you knew, I went to Target today and was taxed on my total before coupons. Is this normal?
I was a little too late for the deal! :( Looks very cute though!
I got mine...
I got mine last week. Not what I was hoping for but its free so not complaining. They acctually sent me 2 so I gave one to a friend. Not sure if I'll wear it b/c its really big. My husband said it would make a good wax rag. LOL. It looks cuteier on you than it did me.
Hello Ash -- that is normal. You can eliminate tax, to a point, using coupons with overage if your total gets to $0.00 and the store allows it (many don't). But you are generally taxed the pre-coupon amount.
Oh, and one could sew a ribbon or a string of lace around it under the bustline to make an emperor-waist that ties in back (with such a low neckline, i'd imagine the tank underneath, or a tighter tee, is still necessary though). Man, i wish i hadn't skipped reading your posts that day.... :)
Mine came last week also. I didn't realize it was so big...didn't try it on yet!
I got mine and gave it to my friend who's pregnant to wear to bed!
I got mine 2 weeks ago. Not my style, but our teenaged babysitter LOVED it! Thanks for finding it!
Colin, I think it looks cute on you!
I got mine 2 weeks ago, and works great as sleepwear.
Wish I knew about this site on August 1st! LOL! My daughter would've loved the tank top. It's cute.
No tank top, but a good laugh from your post. Too funny.
I got mine last week and I have worn it to bed. I love it!
would be a perfect preganacy night shirt!! Too bad I was too late :(
Mine came on the 14th! :) Gotta love free!!!!!! :) I wear it to sleep or bumming around the house with yoga pants :)
Mine came today. I'm not great with sewing...but, I took up about 2 inches off each strap of the tank and hand sewed each side. It made for a cute nightshirt for my 9 year old daughter and she absolutely loved it. I'll send you a picture if I can figure out how to send it to you!
I gave mine to my daughter to use as a swimsuit coverup. can't beat free!!
I think it looks cute on you. :)
Yep, I got mine a few days ago. I'm wearing it as a night shirt, as I agree, a bit long to wear out around town!
I got mine a couple of weeks ago, and it makes a great swim suit coverup!
Ha ha! I got mine last week. My husband suggested I use mine as a nightshirt, too!
i got mine too :)
well i am sorry that i did not get in in this . they are not giving them away now. i was late on this deal ....
I messed up when I ordered and had it delivered to the store. They called me today to say my free tank top was waiting for me. Now I have to drive to the mall UGH
received 2 weeks back. thanks
Mine came about 1-2 weeks ago, and I am swimming in it!
I got mine about two weeks ago. SOOOOO long and low. But I was excited too because it was free!!!
I received mine about a week or so ago. I think that the style now is long tanks-my older daughter wears tons of longer tops. I was surprised at how thin the tank was, I would have never paid the $15 retail for it.....but glad I received it for free!
I actually got mine about 1 1/2 weeks ago!
I got mine a couple weeks is definitely long, but will make a cute swimsuit cover up!
I got mine I think almost a week or two ago and its very long going to use it as a night shirt I suppose
Hey ...add a belt, and I think you got yourself a hot new little dress!! (jk - of course - lol) It kind of reminds me of the way Julia Roberts dressed pre-sugar daddy in Pretty Woman.
Got mine too ... free is always fun! cute pic!
I got mine two weeks ago; and I use it as a night shirt
I just love the expresstion on your face! Thanks for all the work you do... I've really enjoyed the site! You gotta love it when people ask you what you do for a living, and you must smile from ear to ear when you tell them! It shows in your pictures! :)
thanks oodles!
I got two as well, but I must be bigger than you girls! mine is a little baggy, but not any more than some other tanks that I wear. I also love wearing it with yoga pants! so comfy for my work around the house days.
I got mine yesterday, it is very long but it was free so no comments on it . want to njoy it as night shirt.
Bummer, I totally missed this freebee!
Anyway, I didn't know if anyone was still doing this, I just decided to try because I'm broke as a joke and my daughter needs jeans for cold weather school time.
Its 4:35 pm pacific and OLD NAVY WEEKLY just put on the "hiding coupons" page :)
I got mine last week. My daughter has been wearing it to sleep in. She said the same thing about wearing it as a swimsuit cover-up.
Mine came last week! I love free stuff! Thanks for all the leads:)
I got mine today. I thought the same thing about using it as a swim cover-up!!
Your right FREE is FREE!! I think its cute. Wish i would have gotten one.
I got mine!!
I missed this one. Looks cute on you - would have looked goofy on ME!!! :-)
I received mine and I agree it will
make a good swim coverup or a sleep
shirt. I wasn't expecting a designer top and I thank Penneys for the top................I like it............
I got mine last week! LOL
The style is me thank God! I wear it when I have to take the bus as that's my coolest shirt! LOL
I love it the material is not HOT!
You are adorable!!!!
I got mine last wed!!
Mine came last Friday
I got mine a couple weeks ago. :) It's really cute, maybe not for out, but it's super comfy for home wearing.
haven't got mine yet but looking foward to it! i'm very big busted so hoping it will be a good fit. tanks tend to be short so..crossing fingers, maybe tomorrow... if not for me then it gets wrapped up for DDs b-day next week :) oh.. and i think its cute on you!!! another tank under and jeans or leggingy/yogaish pants would be CUTE!
I'm wearing mine right now as a night-tee!!
I got mine last week. Will be using it as a night shirt!
I received mine and my mom also got one. I gave mine to my daughter and my mom gave hers to my niece. They absolutely love them and the best part was..... they were free.... yipeeeee!!!
how did you guys get that free tank?
please email me...estherblogger at gmail ...thanks
Esther, it was a promo JC Penney had going on a few weeks ago.
It's now over.
wear it as a dress, add a belt as indicated, and take another picture! Hot hip2save!
Hehe!!!!! Love the picture!!!!! At least you have a sense of humor about it!!!! you Go GIRL!!!!
You look banging
I got mine yesterday too! So did my mom and my sisters! I plan on using it as a nightshirt too.
I got mine a couple weeks ago. I'll wear it to bed but never out in public!
I love that everyone had the same idea about it! Definitely a night shirt--could be great if I get pregnant again. Hubby wasn't thrilled about it either ;)
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