New Deals
Back to School Deals
Sharpie Accent Pocket highlighters (10 ct) $3.50
Use the $1 coupon from here
Final cost $2.50!
Bic #2 Mechanical Pencils 26 ct $3.50
Use the $1/2 manufacturer coupon
Plus, use the $1/2 Target coupon
Final cost $2.50 each!
Scotch Magic Tape $1.50
Use the .50 coupon from the 8/9RP
Final cost $1!
Mead 5 Star Portfolio .50
Kashi GoLean Crunch Cereal $2.74
Use the $1.50 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost $1.24!
Kashi TLC bars $2.74
Use the $1.50 coupon from here
(You'll have to join the Kashi community to access the coupon)
Final cost $1.24!
Select Bulk Apples on sale .99 per lb
Buy 1 1b and use the $1 Target coupon
Final cost 1 lb of FREE Apples!
Buy 2 Select Listerine Mouthwash Products $5.99 each=$5 Target gift card
Use the buy one get one free coupon (up to $5.05) from the 8/2SS
Plus, use the $1 coupon from the 6/14 or 8/2SS
Final cost just .47 per Mouthwash!
Irish Spring Body Wash $3.04
Use the $2 Coupons. som coupon
(Use zip 45435)
Plus, use the $1 Target coupon from the 8/2SS (regional coupon)
Final cost .04!
Softsoap Body Wash $2.99
Use the $2 coupon from Coupons.com
Final cost .99!
Buy 2 Burt's Bees Acne Spot treatment or 5-oz. purifying cleanser $9.99 each=$5 Target gift card
Final cost $7.49 each!
Revlon Nail Color $2.99
Use the $1 coupon from the 7/19SS
Plus, use the Target $1 coupon from the 7/19SS (regional coupon)
Final cost .99!
Air Wick iMotion air care $5.99
Use the $6 coupon from the 8/9SS
Final cost FREE!
Freshmatic starter kit air care $5.99
Use the $4 coupon from here
(scroll down and click on the "Money-Saving Coupons" link)
Final cost $1.99!
Renuzit 2 pack adjustables $1.79
Buy 3 for a total of $5.37
Use the buy 2 get 1 FREE coupon (up to $1.39) from the 7/19SS
Plus, use 3 $1 Target coupons
Final cost 3 2 packs for .98 total, just .33 each!
Purina Chef Michael's Dog Food $4.49
Buy 2 for a total of $8.98
Use 2 $3 printable coupons
(To access this $3 coupon go on over here and enter your zip code for a FREE pet insurance quote. Fill out your info and enter code B3KCA, then click on continue and choose one of the deductibles. Finally click on "save". Once finished, you should receive a coupon via email for $3 off ANY Purina Pet food item! Remember to press your browser back button to print a total of 2 coupons per computer)
Plus, use 2 $1.50 Target coupons
Final cost 2 bags of dog food FREE!
(Thanks, Mrs. Buys More and Saves A Lot!)
Paul Frank clothes
Use the $2 Target coupon
Final cost ?
Old Deals Still Available
Kellogg's Pop-Tarts (8 ct) $1.52
Use the $1/2 coupon from the 8/2RP
Or the .55 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Plus, use the .75 Target coupon
Final cost as low as .22 per box!
Del Monte Fruit Chillers $2
Use the $1 coupon from here
Final cost $1!
Jack Daniels (12-oz.) EZ Marinader $1.99
Use the $1 coupon from here, IE or Firefox
Final cost .99!
Kashi Waffles $1.85
Use the $1.50 coupon from here
Final cost .35!
Purell Hand Sanitizer (travel size) .97
Use the .60 coupon from here, IE or Firefox
Final cost .37!
Degree deodorant Arctic Edge or Intense Sport (3 oz.) $2.49
Use the $1.50 Target Coupon
Plus, use the .75 coupon from the 6/28 or 8/2RP
Final cost .24!
Degree Women Fine Fragrance Products
Buy Degree Fine Fragrance deodorant $3.29
Buy Degree Fine Fragrance body mist $3.29
Use the buy one get one free coupon from the 6/28RP
Plus, use the $1 coupon from the 6/28RP
(for the one you're not getting free)
Then use two $2 Target coupons from here
Final cost FREE + overage!
Coppertone Sun care Product (travel size) .99
Use the $1 coupon from here, IE or Firefox
Final cost FREE!
(Thanks, Gena!)
Vaseline Aloe Fresh lotion (travel size) .97
Use the $1 coupon from here, IE or Firefox
Final cost FREE!
Dove deodorant (travel size) $1
Use the $1 coupon from the 6/7RP
Final cost FREE!
Dove Face Wipes (5 ct) .99
Use the $1 Dove Face Care coupon from the 6/7RP
Final cost FREE!
(Thanks, Sarah!)
Reach Toothbrush (select varieties) .97
Use the $1 coupon from the 3/15 or 6/14SS
Final cost FREE!
(Thanks, Lynne!)
Dove Go Fresh Deodorant Travel size .97
Use the $1 coupon from the 6/7RP
Final cost FREE!
Johnson & Johnson Red Cross First Aid kit (travel size) .99
Use the $1 coupon from the 5/17RP
Final cost FREE!
Nexcare Bandages (Travel size-8 ct).97
Use the $1 coupon from here
Final cost FREE!
Renu Contact solution (trial size) $1.49
Use the $2 coupon from here
Or Use the $1 coupon from here
Final cost as low as FREE + overage!
(Thanks, Deb!)
Rayovac Alkaline Batteries (2 pks) $1
Use the $1 coupon from the 6/21SS (regional coupon)
Final cost FREE!
(Thanks, Who Said Nothing in Life is Free!)
Bounty Basic Paper towels .99
Use the .25 coupon from the 8/2PG
Plus, use the .50 Target coupon from the 6/21SS (regional)
Final cost .24!
(Thanks, Kim!)
All small & mighty 2-load trial size bottle $1
Use the $1 coupon from the 6/28RP
Or use the $1 coupon from here
Final cost FREE!
(Thanks, Jennifer & Lynne!)
Kotex (16 count) .99
Use the $1 coupon from the 6/14SS
Or the $1 coupon from here: IE or Firefox
Final cost FREE!
Buy 1 Charmin To Go roll .99 & 1 bounty Basic Paper Towel .99
Then use the $1.50 off Charmin and Bounty Target coupon from 6/21SS
(Regional coupon)
Plus, use the .25 Bounty & .25 Charmin coupons from the 8/2PG
Final cost both items for FREE!!
**Click here and scroll down to check out all the Target printable coupons available!
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Our ad had a good razor deal too. Buy 2 Schick products at 8.99 get a $5 giftcard I think? I didn't see it on your list, so I thought I would throw that out there!
I just did the following at target:
Bought 10 boxes of Poptarts at 1.52 each. = 15.20 Plus tax
Used (10) .75 off any 8 ct poptarts TARGET COUPON = -$7.50
(5) $1.00 off any 2 boxes of Poptarts 8ct or larger. = -$5.00
Paid: $2.70 for 10 boxes of Poptarts
PLUS....this Qualifies for the $10 Kellogg's Fuel for School Rebate.
About the Small Bags of Pepperidge Farms Cookies $1, The coupon says 3oz or larger and the small bags in target are NOT. So it won't work on them.
Thanks Diana
Diana, The Pepperidge Farm coupons available at the VERY beginning of the month stated "any" But, you're right...the newest ones (they've already reset at least once this month) say 3oz or greater.
So, if you printed the original ones, you're golden.
Shopping at my Target has gotten to be such a hassle that I've just about given up on it. I've left alot of stuff sit and walked away lately.
Has anyone been able to find the 2oz Galde soy candle for "free" coupon from today?
Yes, todays paper (in Indianapolis) has 1 smartsource, 1 redplum, and 1 Bonus Boxtops book.
The very first page of the Smartsource should have a huge ad showing the candles and saying free, at the bottem their is a coup for a free (up o 3.49) and a coup for 3.00 off 2.
Also, I wanted to mention that there is a $1/2 coup from target here http://www.organicgrocerydeals.com/forums/view.php?pg=coupon_generator
and the second page of this weekends smart source also has a $1/2 coup for bic. Thats a total of $1.00 per pack and the packs of 8 mechanical pencils only costed $1.24 at my target a few days ago, I picked up 6 packs for like a dollar fifty!
Hi Hip - Thanks for all your work, great vacation pic, we're glad to have you back!
I wanted to tell you about my experience and ask if there was any other way we could get that Target policy written down.
I printed up your page and headed to Target, since I've had the using a MF combined with a Target store coupon issue.
The Mgr told me that a printed up webpage is not very reliable and may be fake, incorrect, etc, therefore they were not going to honor it even WITH that write up in front of them.
Unfortunately, I forgot to have the cust serv. # in with me and dial right away, but frankly I'm just so tired of the time and frustration it's taking to get any shopping with coupons done at that Target.
Sooo, I was wondering if you had that policy on an email that could be scanned in or any other way to make it look more official. I just think it may help others as well who are having the same issues.
Please let us know,
Thanks so much,
Lisa Cooper
I went to target today and in the school supply section they had crayola crayons for .25 a box. I thought it was a great deal so I stocked up. I think I was a little late getting there though cause the rest of the section was very picked over.
Lisa/Anon -
I have an email from Target corporate with their coupon policy stated. I don't know if that would suffice but I would be happy to forward it if you email me. suzyqpon at yahoo dot com
This email is from an ongoing battle over their cashier shorting me a $4 Electrasol coupon and me wanting my $ or coupon back! HA HA...
Just a note -
Many bloggers are pulling the Cookie magazine coupons because they are in fact illegitimate scans of an actual magazine and will not be accepted at many stores. You may want to alert your readers:
The link to the $3 coupons for Purina Chef Michael dog food are good only in certain states, and Florida is not one of them :( !!!
I am so mad right now. I went to get the freshmatic airwick today and the cashier told me I couldn't use the $6.00 coupon because it's priced for $5.99. GRRR I am going back in the morning to see if I can't get it.
I tried using the $6 off for the $5.99 AirWick, but they told me I couldn't use it since the coupons says imotion and the one on sale is for Ultra. I didn't see any labeled w/ imotion. anyone else have this problem?
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