What a great freebie! Just call this number: 1-800-490-9198 and request item number EPA420-K-07-001 to get a FREE copy of The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up. You can check out more info on this offer here.
**Limit one request per household. Allow 7-10 business days for delivery.
(Thanks, Coupon Saving Game!)
This book is another example of liberals shoving there green agenda down our kids throats...no thanks.
Well, I think it's a great freebie! Thanks for everything you do, Collin!
Thanks so much! A great way to help our kids learn that cleaning can be fun. This can work not only for the environment, but for their rooms, etc. Thanks!!
I have so much to say in response to Ginny's comment above but since I think it's only right to post POSITIVE comments here I'll keep it to myself.
Thanks so much for posting this, this is a great freebie!
Great book to TEACH children about taking care of their environment. Can't understand why someone would be so against getting factual information in a fun way for kids.
Ginny, you aren't serious, are you? Are you really against living more "green"? I don't care what political view a person takes...we all should be living as green as possible for the sake of our planet!
Excellent freebie! Thanks Collin!
Thanks for the FREE book my son will love it. To Ginny keep your narrow minded opinions to your self. Next time just skip over what you don't want like the rest of us. Thanks Collin for all you do. Love your site Becky
I keep trying, but it is busy. I will keep trying. I think this is a great way to teach children to take care of their planet.
You guys may agree or disagree with Ginny, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. It is propaganda as far as I am concerned and will have to pass up on this freebie :) Thanks anyway, Collin!
Just got through. Thanks a lot Collin!
You guys are so wierd. Jeez, I guess you don't care if your great grandchildren have clean drinking water. Shame on you.
Green is fine but the government indoctrinating our kids is not ok.
I do not my 7 year old coming home telling me my SUV is evil. How many kids and how much equipment can you fit into your prius?
I'm hoping I can get through this line later...still busy. :( For those that don't like the freebie, why not just skip it and move onto the next awesome one that this site has? No need for negativity.
LOVE your site, by the way. My family has benefited in innumerous ways from it!
Oh please. So you say "honey we need an SUV because we have so much to tote around" I have an SUV. I have alot to tote around too. But I'm green in other ways. And yes, green is better. Your kid is going to have to live in this planet when your gone. AND there kids as well. We need to be as green as POSSIBLE. Get a clue!
It only took a few tries and I got through. I figured it may be a little young for my child but I thought we could read it and then donate it to her school or library. Recycle it, if you will, lol.
Global Warming is a fraud. Google "sun spots" for the truth.
Wow....global warming is a fraud? Propaganda? Really?!?! I guess ignorance is bliss...
to the last anon. who commented 'ignorance is bliss' Why be rude when people are trying to think for themselves? Just because it's on Good Morning America doesn't mean it's a fact! Read and think for yourself and let others do the same!
You guys fell right into Ginny's trap,she makes a comment and you all start arguing about it.Please all just thank Collin for all her hard work and let Ginny's comment fall by the wayside where it belongs.
peggy - i like you!
Thanks for the freebie :)
/sigh you can't even get on a coupon website now without people bickering...
Thanks. With a little patience I was able to get thru and order a copy. By the way, I agree with the person who said this is a coupon website. If you don't like something, move on. Collin, thanks for the site. You do a great job!
Thank you Collin after waiting for only a few minutes I was able to get through and request this book for my children! I appreciate everything you do! and love your coupon site
I personally think this is a great freebie! I also liked Magic School Bus as a kid and I think the message is positive overall :) Thanks again Collin! You're awesome!
I don't care if Global Warming is a fraud or not. We all expect our kids to clean up their rooms, scrub behind their ears, and rinse their plates off before putting it in the dishwasher. Why not clean up after ourselves when we're in "God's room"? If you rinse out the jelly or baby food jars for re-use you are recyling. Why? Because it makes cents (I didn't misspell that) not because it is politically correct. Does it really matter why we're doing it?
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