Not ONLY that, but pair up this "rolling" deal with all the awesome LeapFrog clearance and coupons available below and well, you've got yourself some fantastic deals and I'm guessing quite a few FREE LeapFrog products!
LeapFrog Coupons Available:
Save $10 on the TAG Reading System
Save $5 on the TAG Junior Book Pal
Save $3/1 LeapFrog TAG Book: IE or Firefox
Save $10 on Zippity Learning System
Save $5 on Tag Junior
Save $3 on any of the following LeapFrog toys: My Pal Scout, Text & Learn, Scribble & Write and Alphabet Explorer
Save $3 on any Tag Junior Board Book
Save $10 on the Leapster 2 Learning System
Save $5 when you purchase any Leapster Learning Game
Save $5 on any Zippity Game
I don't know about you, but I'm seeing lots of LeapFrog toys in my future! These will also make for lots of inexpensive Birthday and Christmas presents! I'm planning on heading over to Kmart tomorrow to check out this deal.
For more Kmart Deals and Kmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
I bought a Leapster 2 on Saturday, but no Catalina printed. Is there a way to contact Kmart? I mentioned it to the cashier, but she just shrugged, so i put back the game I was going to buy.Oh well, I'll go buy it at another Kmart tomorrow...
Are the Leapster's on Clearance?
I've been searching for any Tag items on clearance and haven't found any. Everything is at regular price for me in San Antonio, TX. And, I'm visiting in St. George, UT right now, and now luck here either. Major bummer! :(
This one's YMMV--I made four Leapfrog purchases at three different Kmarts and received the Cat twice. The two times I received it was when I purchased multiple items (the other two times were single-item Leapfrog purchases). And the Cat clearly states that it must be used on a purchase of $5 or more and can't be combined with any other coupon. Good luck!
I've heard that some people snagged Leapsters on clearance, but I didn't see any at the three Kmarts I went to. There were a ton at WalMart, though. If $30 sounds like a clearance price. It was the old Leapster, and the coupon's only on Leapster 2.
I went to 2 kmarts last Saturday and at the first I got a leapster 2 and a game and no catalina but at the 2nd store I got some clearance leapster games and books and got the catalina - so I am not sure what triggered it at one store and not the other (I shopped at them within an hour of each other).
I haven't done this deal at all, but from past experience at KMart with catalinas, they ONLY print if you do NOT check out at the service desk. Maybe that's what happened to some of you? I plan to hit Kmart tomorrow...who knows what will happen there! :-)
For me, I checked out at one Kmart at the Jewelry counter with two clearance items, used coupons, and it printed the catalina. Went to another store in the same area, bought the Leapster 2, on sale for $49-$10MFQ-$5 catalina, no other catalina printed (on the previous one it printed as soon as the Leapfrog item scanned). No rhyme or reason???Anywho, LOVE this site and all the awesome tips and great freebies and deals!!!
I checked out at the service desk today and it printed the 5.00 cat.
Picked up a Leapster system today at my Kmart on clearence for $28.80 used the $10 coupon and with tax got it for $21.04 - no catalina though.
A few weeks ago it was the Tag books that were producing the $5 cats. Not sure if that has changed or not. I bought a Leapster game in a second transaction & the cat did not print.
Did this last week with Leapfrog books. For the first book I used the $3 q, paid $1.80 and received $5 cat. Then I did 6 separate transactions for LF books priced at $4.80 used a small filler to get 6 free books.
Anyone know if there are any Clickstart system coupons? They are clearanced for $16.
I found 2 TAG books today on clearance for $4.80 and used 2 $3 off coupons making them only $1.80! I was quite excited as they are still selling for $13.99 at Target. I already snagged our daughter the TAG system at Target on clearance for $20 and used a $10 off coupon! Yay for early Christmas presents! Thanks for the heads up at Kmart!
I am excited to look for these at Kmart....I saw them in our Target Friday night...unfortunately ... they were all in ONE ladies shopping cart (waah!, I know) ... I saw another lady ask them if she could have just one, and she said she needed them all, so I didn't even bother. . . sometimes I wish that these deals had a limit to them so more people could get in on them, but I guess you win some you loose some...maybe I will get lucky at Kmart, lol!!thanks for the info!!
This deal is against me. I went tonight and did it twice without problems. I found a Clickstart coupon and went back. The cats wouldn't scan. It said reward not met. Even on the items I purchased the first time. Of course it's Kmart and they have no clue what's going on. So, we blamed the lightening. Has anyone else had problems with it scanning tonight?
i had the cat not work either. Said reward not met cause they are clearance for 4.80 and it states on a $5.00 leapfrog purchase. Beth
My purchase was over $5. I was buying the Clickstart system.
I have a Tag reader I'd trade for a few books. We already have:
Foster's Golden Paddleball
Kung Fu Panda, Poe's Tasty Treat
I Spy! Imagine That
Cars Tractor Tipping
The Cat in the Hat
I'm interested in some of the titles people have been finding on clearance at Walmart: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Click Clack Moo, Olivia, etc.
I bought a tag jr. book today and no catalina printed. Do you think the catalina deal is over?
I bought 2 Tag books tonight and it printed. The cat still won't scan and they have to manually enter it.
Has anyone tried using the $3 coupon on the my pal scout, Text & Learn, Scribble & Write, AlphaPet Explorerer? When I printed the coupon it has ToysRUs in the top right hand corner, so I am assuming this is only a coupon they will accept?
Does anyone know if the coupon for $10 off will work for the old leapster system? I know that it says for the leapster 2, but just wondered if anyone had tried it for the other. Thanks
I purchased 3 tag books at K-mart and got one for .80 cents one for 1.80 and one for 4.80. Love it.
But I did not receive a Catalina coupon? How do I get that? Thanks
I did it! I found a Leapster and snagged it for 13 bucks! I had a $5 catalina left over from double days, so I used that, and only spent $8 out of pocket!! My K-mart let me use the ten dollar off on it, plus they pushed the 5 dollar off any toy purchase thru, even though it's expired. I did end up with a 5 dollar catalina too!!
I bought 4 of the tag books and 2 leapster games and did 3 different transactions and receive NO CATS!! I was sad. I wonder if you can call the Catalina place and get them from them. I did that last year when the glade didnt print out and they mailed them to me. What do you all think? Yeah or Nah.
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