Albertsons has 3 overlapping General Mills Catalina deals:
#1: Buy $25 in participating General Mills Products and get back a $10 Catalina coupon to use like cash on your next purchase.
#2: Pillsbury Refrigerated Baked Goods
Purchase between 10/5/09 and 11/1/09 (crescents, cookies, sweet rolls, grands biscuits, grands cinnamon rolls, pie crusts, dinner rolls, loaves, breadsticks or pizza crust):
Buy 3, get $2
Buy 4, get $2.50
Buy 5 or more get $3
#3: Betty Crocker Fruit Shapes, Fruit By The Foot, Fruit Gushers, Fruit roll-Ups, or Fruit Roll-Ups Fruit Stickerz
Purchase between 10/9/09 and 11/1/09:
Buy 3, get $1.50
Buy 4, get $2.50
buy 5 or more get $3.50
Deal Scenario:
Buy 5 boxes of Betty Crocker Fruit snacks (any varieties listed above) $2.50 each=$12.50
Buy 3 Pillsbury Grands Cinnamon Rolls $1.67 each=$5.01
Buy 2 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls $1.67 each=$3.34
Buy 2 Yoplait Fiber One Yogurt Multi-Packs $2.50 each=$5
Use 2 $0.50/2 coupons from here or from the 9/13SS
Use 3 $1/1 Pillsbury Grand Cinnamon Rolls coupons from here: IE or Firefox
Use 1 $0.50/2 Pillsbury Crescent Rolls coupon from here or from the 9/13 or 10/4SS
Use 2 $1.25/1 Fiber One coupons from here: IE or Firefox
Pay $18.85
BUT then get back a total of $16.50 in Catalina coupons (from the above promotions) to use on future purchases! That's like getting all the above for just $2.35! If you cook up any other great deal scenarios, then please let us know in the comment section!
(Thanks, SaveWithLouise & Kelley!)
My Albertson's ad says that your total must be above $25 after all manufacturer's coupons. I'm not sure if they're all putting that restriction on. Just something to watch for.
It is past 10/9 and 10/11, so it would be stupid to do the deal that won't work.
Check the dates first!
Anyway, it would have been great.
To Anon 6:27 - she said the deals are good through 11/1/09 not 10/11. There is no need to be rude when she spending her free time to HELP us.
Thanks Collin!
maybe anon 6:27 would like to get their dates straight before they make a fool of themselves!! Some people are so ungrateful.. Thank you Colin for all you do.. and even though the mistake wasn't yours we forgive you if you ever do slip up.. you are human!!
Thanks Collin.
My flyer doesn't say $25 after all manufacturer's coupons so this might be a regional thing. Also, the spend $25 get 10 doesn't start until tomorrow, 10/15....just want to make sure everyone knows this :)
My flier doesn't say after coupons, either. so this will be an awesome deal. thanks.
I just love your site!
Another Anon. being rude, sheese....Anyway, can't wait to do this!!! Thanks Collin.
P.S., we know your not stupid:) That cracks me up really, "stupid" how old are we?
I can't understand why people feel the need to comment on things that either, "don't pertain to them" or "they don't like" or whatever else. Read the posts you want and ignore the others and if you feel the need to be rude and think the people who take their personal time to put these deals out for us are "stupid" maybe you should not be reading this blog at all. I am so sorry Collin. People are SO RUDE!
Just like the old saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!"
Thanks Colin for pointing out the triple dip for these products. I live in IL and generally how these deals work at Albertsons (Jewel here in IL) you must hit the $25 before preferred savings. So use your in store scanner to check for sale prices (the price before preferred savings) on these items to make sure you hit $25. Mashupmom.com explains this better than me and hilights some double dips ( or overallaping) deals that will pay out $14 in catalinas. She also has a deal scenario she did today that paid her $14 in cats to use for her next shopping trip.
I'm trying the triple dip tomorrow. Thanks again for all you do Colin.
Hi: Looks good to me, my flier in So. Calif. has a $25 minimum after Q's but with these other add ons this will be great. Thanks so m uch, Blessings JANARIE8
Kroger's (TX) has a Catalina Deal going on for Pillsbury and Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks. Plus..there are downloadable coupons and MQ you can use to make it even better.
In Washington, these totals can be before all coupons. Albertsons has been pretty coupon friendly in the past, one of my favorite places to shop. As long as it rings up to $25 before they start scanning coupons, you should get the catalina.
On a side note, our promo started today!
My sister already did this deal today and she got her $3 cat, plus her $10 cat - twice. AND she used coupons - so it's working fine, but she said they're already running out of stock on things.
My SoCal Albertsons ad says "Minimum purchase requirement excludes manufacturer and store coupons." Does anyone understand what exactly that means? I'm not sure if "exclude" means that the total has to be before coupons or after!
My Albertsons has nature valley granola bars as part of the deal...anyone know if the clusters are included...I still have those $1.60 off coupons.
I just got back from Jewel in IL. I ended up with $19.50 in Catalinas. I received $3.50 from GM, $3 from Dial, Kimberely-Clark, and Johnson and Johnson, $10 from GM, and $3 from Pillsbury. According to my CATS, the Pillsbury deal goes from 10/5-11/1 buy 4 get $2 buy 5 get $3 or buy 6 or more and get $4 and the GM (Betty Crocker fruit snacks) deal goes from 10/9-11/1 buy 3 get $1.50 buy 4 get $2.50 or buy 5 get $3.50
Is this advertised in the weekly ad? It didn't say anything about these catalinas here in Arizona! Bummer!
they usually don't advertise these in the ads.
I bought seven of the Pillsbury Simply cookies. They rang at $3.95 which is calculated towards the total so I bought 7 to get up to the $25. But they are on sale for $2.50 (preferred price - Jewel is albertsons here in IL). So I paid $17.50. There are printables for $1.25/1 and $1/1. So I had $8 in coupons. Final total? $9.50. And I got the $10 catalina and the $4 catalina. Made money, and the cookies are awesome!!! I baked some tonight!
Emily - I would just try the deal as if you have to meet the total before coupons. It sounds like exclude could mean that. If it doesn't work, you could step over to customer service, get your order refunded and start again. :)
I didn't get the 10.00 from GM. I'm in Phoenix, Az. Where can I get the info. for this, the dates it runs from and to? My Albies knew nothing about it and without that this is not a good deal for me at all. I asked to return the items and they didn't know how to do it and their front end mang. wouldn't be in for another 2 hours. Anyone help me out please, TIA
Called Albertsons' Customer Care 1-877-932-7948 to ask if these Catalina Promotions are available for my Phx, Az. friend. They couldn't tell me. They have referred the question to their "marketing" dept. and will call back in 24-72 hours. Sorry I can't help more. It is so frustrating that these promotions are not easy to find out about. Many catalina promotions don't work in Phx. the way they do elsewhere, ie. on Kmart double coupon days BOGO under $2 don't double as in other parts of the country. Thanks to Hip to Save for all the info. She can't know everything. We are here to help.
I'm in Phoenix, and the Pillsbury catalina deal worked for me! I'm not sure about the other catalina deals, though. (I went to the Albertson's on 51st Ave. and Cactus).
I went to CC and UH store, received the $3.00 for the Pillsbury and the $3.50 for the cresent rolls but not the $10.00 on spend $25.00 or more. Any ideas where I can locate this at? TIA
I am in San Diego, and just did the deal exactly as Collin said it worked perfectly!!! I may go back and do it again!
I just did this deal in Portland, OR. My Albertsons didn't have the fiber one yogurt so I used the yoplus yogurt instead and my total was just a little higher, I then got the CAT's and rolled into 2 more transactions.
Total spent in 3 transactions= $35.00
total saved = $85
still have 2 CATs = $12.50 off my next order
Thanks Collin!!!
Are the CATs to use on anything, or are they for specific items?
Has anyone tried this in Colorado? I didn't see any signs posted in the store or anything in the weekly flyer...but thought it may still work. Anyone already had the guts to try it?
How did you get the coupon to print? I made the exact same purchase & it did not come out. I was told that
the $25 total has to be AFTER preferred card savings.
They treated me like a criminal at Albertsons when asked to return my purchase. Was anyone else able to get the $10 coupon with prices totaling $25 BEFORE preferred card savings?
They told me I can't use coupons either b/c that would void the offer. They also refused to return my coupons to me after I returned the merchandise. I called corporate and they said they would get back to me in 48hrs. Did anyone else encounter such problems with this deal?
Anonymous, are you on the west coast? Usually on the west coast the $25 has to be AFTER preferred card but BEFORE coupons. On the east coast, where my sister lives, she can do these deals before preferred savings. Don't I wish I lived there! ;)
I'm located on the west coast in California =( Yes you're correct I received confirmation today from the marketing manager. For west coast Albertsons the deal is AFTER preferred card savings but BEFORE coupons.
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