Remember the Babies R Us promo I posted previously -- purchase $30 in P&G products and get a FREE pink kitchenware set after rebate? Well, you can also snag this FREE kitchenware set by purchasing just $25 in P&G products at Target, Walmart, Kmart, Walgreens and RiteAid (to name a few)! You can print this rebate form here or they'll accept a handwritten one. Just include your name, address, phone number, participating retailer and include ONE single receipt with items totally $25 circled (copy is OK if necessary, but would prefer original). Mail to P&G BCA - Good Cooks Kitchenware Offer, P.O. Box 49221, Strongsville, OH, 44149-0221 - any questions call 1-877-733-5849.
Combine this FREE Kitchenware rebate with all the promotions and deals at Rite Aid to really come out ahead! First, Rite Aid is offering up a $10 Single Check Rebate #77 when you purchase $30 in P&G products! Plus, there is also a $20 Olay Regenerist Eye Roller/Pantene rebate (these are also P&G products)... And finally you can get a FREE Pink Kitchenware set (includes: a 10" saute, 4 measuring cups, rubber spatula, and pink ribbon timer) with any $25 P&G purchase made in one transaction on one receipt!
To combine all these deals above, just follow the deal scenario I posted in the Rite Aid weekly deals post:
Buy 1 Regenerist Eye Roller $21.99
Buy 1 Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner $3.50
Buy 2 Herbal Essences Hair Products $2.50 each=$5
Use the $5 off $25 Rite Aid coupon
Us the $1/1 Olay Facial coupon from the 9/27 or 10/11PG
Use the buy one get one FREE Herbal Essences coupon from the 10/11PG
Plus, use the $1/1 Herbal Essences coupon from the 10/11PG
Pay $20.99
Then submit for the $20 Olay/Pantene rebate and enter your receipt online to get the FREE $10 Rite Aid gift card! Final cost all FREE + a $9 moneymaker!... And also submit the rebate form or write your own to snag the FREE Pink Kitchenware Set ($40 value)! Now that's what I call a very sweet deal!
(Thanks, MavinOfSavin!)
For more Rite Aid Deals and Rite Aid Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
This is so awesome! I just did the Rite Aid deal this week, and copied my receipt before sending in for the $20 rebate. Now I can just use the copy to get the cookware too. Thanks, Collin!
Which rebate form says it's ok to send a copy of your receipt? Don't they both say you have to have the original?
I was under the impression that this was only for participating stores, ie Publix. I thought that Target and Walmart were not participating. Not sure abt RA though.
Does anyone know if CVS is a participating retailer?
I called P&G and Walmart, CVS and Walgreens were not on the list of participating retailers.
I could have sworn I saw the picture rebate form in an insert but now I can't find it. Does anyone know if it was in an insert?
Im wondering if they will still qualify it as a $25 purchase with the coupons bringing the actual total below that. I know Rite Aid does, but will they do the same?
Just called the info number listed and they said a copy would be just fine.
I just called and they said Rite Aid is not one of the retailers. :(
Just called Publix is a participating retailer.
We need a list of participating retailers. How about Kmart? I probably have $25 worth of P&G that I bought on 1 receipt during doubles.
Looking at the comments.... Does this work at riteaid or not? Do you need the original receipt for both or can you use a copy?
the olay pantene one does not say reciept at all it asks for proof of purchase which is the bar codes.
it alsxo does not say anything b aout specific stores
That is what i thought but people are saying you can't use Rite Aid...I was just confused.
FYI, you have to fill a Rx , then when you pay at the pharmacy counter they have a coupon for 20 percent off all non RX purchases when you pay for your RX(only good at time of RX pickup).....the cashier said this is new this week up from 10 percent.
also the one dollar herbel essences coupon is form 9/13 RP
Does this P & G kitchenware deal work with coupons? Is it retail total of $25 or is it $25 after all coupons have been deducted?
I called the number and asked specifically about Rite-Aid and the rep said yes it was included.
All have to be on one receipt its in the fine print. still pretty nice though...
Most deals usually go by the selling price, especially if you have some other items on the receipt. just my .02
I'm new to all of this and a little confused, which is easy for me. Anyway, you said "enter your receipt online to get the FREE $10 Rite Aid gift card!" How/where do I do this?
Awesome deal! Thanks so much! My Rite-Aid charges $4.49 for Herbal Essenses and $4.99 for Pantene, but I did have a Pantene coupon that they accepted! Still a money maker of $3.65 after tax! Again thanks!
Also, I forgot, if your products are a little higher (over $25) you get a $5 rebate from the Fall Gift of Savings too! Wahoo!
Hey Everyone - Just wanted you to know that I called the phone number and spoke to a VERY NICE woman who verified that YES, Rite Aid is participating and Walgreens is the only other drug store (so no CVS). She did not tell me all the stores, but said there were many including Target, Walmart and Kmart. There should be tear pad forms in all the stores (I am guessing we will see them soon). If you do not have a form, she said hand written was OK since people are having a hard time finding the forms. I explained I needed my original receipt for something else and she said they would take a copy, but send an original if you can. The Olay rebate requires original so I am sending a copy for the kitchenware. I will update you when I get my rebate - I am mailing it off tomorrow! Call the number if you have any doubts. I am not sure why one reader got info that said no Rite Aid, my rep said it definately was. GOOD LUCK!
This is amazing!!! Collin, THANK YOU & your sources for finding these deals, and especially for putting together the scenarios. I keep trying to tell my extended family how many companies give things away and will pay you to buy their products, and just get strange looks. Don't care . . . what a great hobby!
Mary Beth - When people get into discussions of where is the best place to shop or the most expensive, who has the cheapest diapers etc, I try to add my two cents about couponing and shopping promos and most of the time their eyes cross. :) It definitely takes the right person to open their mind a little bit.
Maven of Savin - Thanks for taking the time to write everything out for us, big help!
Does anyone know if Rite Aid can print a duplicate receipt?
$1/1 Herbal Essences coupon from the 10/11PG - I can not find this coupon in the 10/11 insert...I only saw the Buy 1, Get 1...
I already did the Olay deal earlier. Does anyone have any other scenarios I could do?
Jackie- I did not have the $1 off HE coupon either, but I typed it into coupontom.com and found it in the 9/13 R2 insert. HTH
Jackie - I didnt get the $1 off Herbal Essences in my insert either. There is $1 off Pantene if you do the Rite Aid Video Values. Also, I used the $3 off Olay coupon from the 10/11 insert for the eye roller and it worked. My total before tax 18.99!
Woohoo!!! Just in the last month or so I've started saving all of my receipts and I went digging through them and found a Target receipt with qualifying products!
Anon - Thanks for confirming you did not have that coupon either. I see the $3.00 OOO one. Did you use it at Rite Aid? Any beeps?
Thanks to you too, Jannel...
Amanda- GREAT IDEA - you are right, Rite Aid can print out duplicate receipts!! I totally forgot!
I called the number on the rebate form 2 minutes ago for this offer and spoke with a consumer specialist and she said a COPY of the receipt is fine as they are aware that other rebates are out there and the original may have already been used for them.
LEESA.... got to ritreaid.com and sign up for Single Check Rebates. IT IS SO EASY. Enter your transaction number, register number, store number and date of purchase in the required fields and that is it. You will receive an email almost immediately stating that they have received your SCR submission and a few days later you will receive an email with a link to your SCR account with the items credited. The $10 gift card will be one of them.
***Note, do not click to request your SCR until the month has passed as you are only issued ONE check per monthly activity period and this would mean that any other SCR items you purchase in the monthly program would be forfeit. You have a few weeks into the next month to request it.
Also, as a NOTE to everyone out there. It is a good idea to make a copy of your receipts before submitting them for rebates. This offer is a prime example. Another would be product return. Target had accepted my copies before as the barcode scanned. I had to have a manager approve it though, as the item I was returning was not a consumable good( grocery, toiletry) rather clothing.
As always, hope this helps someone, and COLLIN, YOU ARE THE BOMB!
Jackie - used it at Rite Aid, no beeps!
Just wanted people to know that in the marie claire with drew barrymore on the cover has walgreens coupons with proctor and gamble products ont hem i.e. secret, cover girl mascara, pantene...etc.
Collin, you always, have the BEST deals! I never would have thought I could get this much "mileage" from a single purchase. Thanks!!
Collin, you always have the best deals. Who would have thought a person could get so much "mileage" out of a single purchase. Thanks!!
I asked for a duplicate receipt and the cashier said that she couldn't print one. Do you guys do delivery confirmation or anything like that to make sure that they get your submissions? I'd be really upset if it got "lost" in the mail.
I just sent mine in today. With a copy of the receipt and a copy of the deal. I wrote a little explanation about using a copy and handwritng the rebate. I figure if it works thats great and if not, I am only out the cost of a stamp :)
Of Course My Rite Aid isn't carrying the eye roller...:-(
So im still kinda a newbie on coupons and was wondering for this deal (kitchenware set) Does the $25 P&G have to be after all coupons were used, or the actual total before the coupons? And on some store reciepts it doesnt show the total before the coupons it shows the new total once the coupons were used??
Any answers would really help out. Really want to get this offer =]
DO you have to buy the eye roller or can you purchase any regenerist product? TIA
The rebate is specific for the regenerist eye roller plus one pantene shampoo or conditioner. Thanks for all the leg work in finding this deal... it's a good one!!
hi. today i bought 1 olay regenerist eye roller $21.99, 1 pantene shampoo 12.6 oz $3.50, 1 trial size pantene shampoo $1.29, 2herbal essences 2/$5. all together $34.60 ($31.78+tax $2.82). i used total $11 in coupon ($5 off $25, bogo herbal essences q $2.50, $1 pantene q when u buy 2 & $3 q for olay age definity P&G 10/11).i forgot to use my $1 pantene rite aid video value q which i found after came into my house. those who r willing to do this deal, try to use $3 q for play. i showed both of them to the cashier & she took $3 q as it is saying age definity.
I went to Rite Aid tonight to cash in on this awesome deal, but the Herbal Essence & Pantene shampoos did not have tags indicating they were on sale. Not wanting to pay full price for them, I walked away. I didn't see the "sale" prices in the weekly circular, am I confused about the dates?? Is it not a national deal? Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!
I'm going to try this tomorrow. Hopefully things are still in stock. I'd like to add this total to my rewards.
Don't forget, anyone who is still looking to do the deal, there is also a $1 Video Value coupon for Pantene!
deal is dead. Dates for rebate #77expired
re the free pink kitchenware I was at albertsons today and saw it for the first time. They have the form there at albertson Pantene is also on sale with doubles it comes out to $1
The $10 rebate from Rite-aid is dead, the cut-off date for #77 was 10/17 however, it is still a great deal. Thanks for telling us about it.
Ok–I just couldn’t stand the thought of missing out on the P&G cookware deal…so I called the 1-877-733-5849 that was listed on the pic I posted. Linda in the promo department was so helpful! YOU GUYS DO NOT NEED A MIR FORM!!
All you have to do is send the following:
Full Address
Phone Number
Name of retailer where you purchased your products
List the last 5 digits of the UPC of all products your purchased
A copy of your receipt. Original not needed she stated that a copy was fine–but make sure all products are on one receipt!
Send all requirements to this address:
P&G Cancer Awareness Promotion
P.O. Box 49221
Strongsville, OH 44149
BTW–I did ask if coupons could be used and Linda replied of course!
Has anyone received their set yet? Just wondering, I sent off for mine about a month ago, and haven't received yet! Willl post a message when I do! ;)
I am curious to know how many of us are going to get the same letter I just received today. From P &G.....
Unfortantely, the receipt you enclosed (rite aid) was from a non-participating drug store so we are unable to fulfill your request based on the terms of the promotion. It also goes on to say it will extend the offer until 1/15/10 as long as I get the required P&G products from a participating grocery store (although they do not tell me which ones)
Disppointing because I called a CS rep back in October and checked to see if RA was on the list and she said it was! When I get back home I am going to call the cs number to see what is up!
Tricia S.
Tricia, I also purchased from Rite Aid & received the same letter today.
I just called & spoke to a woman @ P&G promotions who explained that RA was originally supposed to be part of the promotion, but they (RA) never actually signed up for it. (UUGH!! How is any of this my fault!!??)
The letter didn't explain any of this, which I told her would have been very helpful.
She said Target & WalMart are definitely in - and we just need to send back the letter & receipt by the Jan date on the letter.
I did see om the letter that we won't get our stuff unitl June 2010! I'm on the fence about buying agin. We'll see!
I just got the same letter today...I am not going to bother at this point. The original deal was so good anyway...$20 back from olay which I got, a $5 rebate for the fall rewards program at riteaid, and a $10 gift card from rite aid for the P&G products purchased. Overall it was a $14 money maker! Thanks hip!!
CAUTION...!!!! I received the letter and called several times (just to make sure...a little paranoid now). They said that Target and Walmart are now not allowed either. They have to be local grocery stores. I mentioned what I read above and they said that this morning Target was okay, now it's not. SO BEWARE... They did say we could use copied receipts though, if you have that many P&G purchases on another receipt. Also, they said I could send one in from months ago from Albertson's, so you could give that a whirl.
I'm so disappointed that they aren't going to stand by what their customer service reps stated before we all sent in their receipts when everyone called in, I think I will write a strongly worded email to their customer service. And I encourage everyone else to do the same.
I hate when company's do things like this.
I got a letter today too telling me that my non-particpating drug store (i.e. RiteAid) purchases were not eligible.
I called the number on the letter and spoke to a very nice, apologetic lady who gave me the customer relations number (1-800-609-3039).
CSR apologized and understood that not many people would want to spend another $25 just to have "terms of the promotion" changed again so that they won't qualify again. She seemed confused about P&G's handling of this matter. I was offered a $40 check (value of the cookset) and many coupons for the brands of their products that I use (she actually asked what some of the main brands were).
Both phone calls took about 10 minutes total. I think it was well worth my time and I can actually use the check more than the cookset (especially since I would have waited for over 6 months for the set anyway).
I got the same letter in the mail today. Called the number in the letter and the woman apologized. She said that any "not big box stores" would be eligible. So Walmart, Target, Costco, Walgreens, Rite Aid...don't count.
I also went through Rite Aid to do the deal but I called first and asked if they were one of the stores, if I could copy the form off the internet, and if I could send a copy of the cash register tape instead of the original.(since I did use a copy I sent the UPCs off of the items). The answer was yes to all, but now the letter says wrong store and wrong form-it was supposed to be one from the store not printed from the internet.
I think we should all contact them and protest-they were unclear about everything and should not make offers they(P&G) cannot fulfill. If they had a limited number of cookware sets it should say on the rebate "while supplies last". I don't know about prices where everyone else lives but the grocery store is the most expensive place to buy the products where I live.
I was also counting on this for a Christmas present for a breast cancer survivor I work with because she would have loved it. P&G knows that most people won't buy $25 worth of stuff again especially at the grocery store at one time and don't want to wait until June for the cookware, so they got a bunch of people to buy $25 of their brands for no reason. Did they even give any money from this to fight breast cancer?
UPDATE from 1:09PM Monday:
I called the 877-733-5849 number again today to express my discontent w/ having to repurchase after I followed all the rules.
They moust have gotten a good amount of complaints b/c the CSR told me they are sending another letter in the mail to the Rite Aid customers saying they are going to process the rebate. I won't get the cookware until June, but at least I'm going to get it eventually!! :)
@ Lisa...I want the same customer service rep you spoke with. I could definitely use the $40 check over the cookset.
Her name was Rose.
I called the number Lisa posted and talked to a rep, Patty. She was extremely nice. She did some research and confirmed that there is a mix up with RiteAid being a participating store. She said P&G contacted their supplier to make more of the cook sets to send it to everyone from RiteAid who met the requirements. We'd be getting it in June. I suggest if you want to be sure, to call the number yourself. She promised me some high value coupons while i wait until June for the cook set. Good luck!
I too have called CS (Diane) and she confirmed that there was a mixup in the beginning of the offer. RA was supposed to participate and that is why they told up that they were a particating store. Then, apparently they did not so thusly we got the letters.
Diane at P&G said that they WILL be honoring all the requests but the cookware will not be available until June. We all should be getting a new letter (mailed out this week) to inform us of the update and confirm that we will be getting the cookware after all.
I got my second letter in the mail today, stating that they will be sending me a set but not until June 2010. Better late than never!!
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