There are 2 new CVS Glade manufacturer coupons available: save $3/1 Glade Sense & Spray starter kit and save $3/1 Glade Lasting Impressions Starter Kit.
As I mentioned in the CVS weekly deals, the Glade Sense & Spray and Lasting Impressions Kits are on sale for $5 each. Combine this sale with the coupons and rebates available to maximize your savings and score FREE products!
Deal Scenario:
Buy 3 Glade Sense & Spray Starter Kit $5 each=$15
Buy 2 Glade Lasting Impressions Starter Kits $5 each=$10
Use the $5 off $25 coupons for taking the CVS Flu Quiz
Use 3 $4/1 Glade Sense & Spray coupons from here or from the 10/18SS (or use the $3/1 coupon from here)
Plus, use 2 $3/1 Lasting Impressions coupons from here
Pay $2
...Then submit for the $5 SC Johnson Rebate! Final cost all FREE + a $3 moneymaker!
(Thanks, DC!)
For more CVS Deals and CVS Coupons visit the new
Thanks for posting this GREAT scenario. You are helping me sooo much with Christmas!
wow! Thank you for the scenario :)
Great deal!! Thanks!
I think the coupon link from Right @ Home is expired? At least, that is what it is telling me, and I KNOW that I have never printed it before for it to be gone for me only!?
Anyone else know?
These say CVS/Pharmacy Coupon, so can't I use both the manufacturer and the CVS?
You should also be able to use those CVS coupons stacked on stop of the regular manufacturer coupons for OVERAGE I'm assuming. Plus weren't there Lasting Impressions Qs in this weeks newspaper (or 9-20)?
3 Sense & Spray = $15
2 Lasting Impressions = $10
Total: $25
- $5 off $25 (flu quiz)
- $4 Sense & Spray (Manufacturer Q)
- $4 Sense & Spray (Manufacturer Q)
- $4 Sense & Spray (Manufacturer Q)
- $3 Sense & Spray (CVS Q)
- $3 Sense & Spray (CVS Q)
- $3 Lasting Impressions (M Q)
- $3 Lasting Impressions (M Q)
- $2 Lasting Impressions (CVS Q)
- $2 Lasting Impressions (CVS Q)
can someone confirm and check my logic?
Even w/o that flu quiz you'd still have $3 overage.
This is great!
Everyone, do I need to use fillers for this transaction? Also, is this a multiple transaction deal?
Sorry--I usually only use coupons at Wal-Mart and the supermarket!
Mei, if my logic is correct you'd only have to have fillers to get your balance up (they won't give you money back LOL).
And you should be able to do this in one transaction; but you can repeat if you've got enough coupons. (and product stock available)
Q's were in the 10/18 S
The coupons have the CVS logo but it is a manufacturer coupon. You can't stack them.
Thanks, Samantha! I don't think I'll be able to do the deal more than once--not enough coupons.
Also, on the topic of stock, I noticed that these WERE selling really briskly right now!
The Cvs flu quiz link is not working for me...I get a blank page. :(
It says on the 5/25 coupon that it cannot be combine with other coupon. Can anyone verify this for me. Thank you!
~ Thu
Where can you get the CVS coupon?
The Glade coupons do say 'CVSPharmacy Coupon' and NOT 'Manufacturer Coupon'.
@ Samantha: Thanks for posting this scenario. I will check my paper for Qs and also work up a plan!
Your math/logic IS correct:)
If someone heads to the store and gives it a shot, could you report back? I'd rather not be a guinea pig after a horrible day at Wal-Mart yesterday!
Oh, I hadn't noticed that. If someone tries it out, let us know if it works. What an amazing deal that would be!
I just used the CVS AND manufacturer coupon on a Lasting Impressions and was able to use both - no questions asked.
Thanks for the deal!
I have all the manufacturer's Q's but where were the CVS Q's from?
Even though it says CVS coupon, it is my opinion that these are manufacturer coupons. See barcode starting with a "5" and also has address for the retailer to to submit the coupon to get reimbursed.
Nevermind...Duh...Just re-read the post and found them. :)
Thank you for posting this great deal. These are listed in the unnecessary column on my budget, so it's a treat to get them for almost free.
I agree that this looks like a Manufacturers Q. Why would S.C. Johnson reimburse CVS for a CVS store coupon? Store coupons are NOT sent in to the manufacturer for reimbursement.
I just ran over to my local CVS and was able to do this deal with no problems. Here is what my receipt looked like.
3 Hershey Take 5 Bag - $2.50 ea
3 Hershey Cookie & Cream - $2.50 ea
1 Wonka Candy Bag - $5.99
2 Glade Sense & Spray - $5.00 ea
1 Glade Lasting Impress. - $5.00
2 Neosporin Lip - $2.89 ea
Total: $41.77
-$5.00 CVS $25 Purchase Q
-$2.00 Wonka Candy Q
-$2.50 Buy 3 Get 1 Free Hershey
-$2.00 Hershey Q
-$3.00 Glade Q
-$4.00 Glade Q
-$4.00 Glade Q
-$3.00 Neosporin Lip Q
-$3.00 Neosporin Lip Q
-$3.00 CVS Glade Q
-$3.00 CVS Glade Q
-$3.00 CVS Glade Q
-$3.00 CVS Glade Q
= $1.27 + tax = $3.04
**Received a $5.00 ECB, making this a $1.94 money maker :)**
Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Where can you get the $2 Lasting Impressions (CVS Q)?
I have a question for the person that shared their transaction... you have 3 glade products, but used 4 CVS Glade Qs, is that a typo or did they let you use a fourth??
I was able to use both the $3 CVS Coupon and a $4 manufacturers coupon tonight on the Glade Lasting Impression. Unfortunately they only had 2 left. I bought the last 2 Lasting Impressions, a gallon of milk and four 12 packs of diet coke for $7.91!! And even got a $3RR for my next visit. Woot!!
I was able to use both CVS coupon and manufacturer coupon with no problem. I bought the 5 Glades, 4 12pk coke, 2 boxes of cheerios, a gallon of milk, and a neosporin lip health. Total was $5.53 and I got back $6.00 Ecb
($3.00 for the 4 12pk Coke and $3.00 for two boxes of Cheerios).
Wow, what a deal!
Where would I find the $2 lasting impressions coupons? Please help.
I was able to use the Manufacturer coupon and the CVS coupon at the store! At first the cashier wasn't going to scan the CVS coupon cause she said there will be overage but she tried it anyway and it didn't beep. Anyways, I also purchased the candies. I spent $5.51 OOP and got back $5 extra bucks!
Thanks again for all you do for us! Collin, could you do another segment on gifting these items for Christmas, birthdays, etc? I want to do gift baskets this year. What are some really great, inexpensive ideas? Thanks!
I'm glad I found this on yesterday. I went to the store last night - no Sense & Spray! I got a raincheck, though. The Glade Impressions had a $2 peelie on them. So, this was FREE! With all of my stuff last night (too much to list), I had a -$1.13. I bought the cashier a candy bar and soda!!!
Thanks, HIP!
I did the 5/25 first, the man q, then the cvs coupon and the register rejected the cvs q stating there was no items to match it with. the cashier pushed it through but didnt want to.
I did this today (except the $5 off). I used my overage to absorb the cost of 2 refills.
I ended up with:
2 Glade Sense & Spray
4 Glade Lasting Impressions Fans
2 Sense & Spray Refills
3 Neosporin Lip Balm
1 Travel size Act
1 Travel size Secret deodorant
for only about 50¢!
I wish I would have remembered to use filler items (I am new to this). I bought two Lasting Impressions and used one CVS and two manufacturer coupons for a coupon total of $9 and paid $1.52 Because of the overage of $2 if I had used 2 CVS Q and 2 MQ, she would only let me use 3 so I paid the extra. If I had remembered to use fillers, I think it would have gone through just fine using 4 Qs. Lori
I got 1 Glade S&S, 1 Glade Impression, 1 small Glade Candle, 1 Glade Reed Diffuser, 2 box Mom's best Oatmeal, one green bag tag, 2 can Lindsays Olive's. I used 1 x $3.50 Glade for Reed Diffuser (6.99 CVS Bucks) $3 q on the small candle, both CVS qs, and the $4 Glade and $$ Glade q on the air freshners, 0.75 q x 2 on the oatmeal, $1 off q for Olives and the $5 CVS Flus q - total before tax negative 0.29cents.
How do you plan to do the rebates when you may have six SC Johnson items on one receipt. The rebate form requires 1. the original receipt; 2. three items to qualify for a $5 rebate; and 3. each rebate needs to be sent in separately. How do you get credit for the extra three items on one receipt? Do you have to do your transactions in bunches of threes? Lori
Anon (Lori). You would only be able to use the receipt for 1 mail in rebate since each one has to be mailed separately.
Also, on some of the Lasting Impressions boxes there is a "Save $2 Now" manufacturer's coupon. I only had the save $3/1 CVS store coupon for the Lasting Impressions so I was able to stack the $3 off along with the $2 off coupon from the product box to get the product for free! (I also saw the $2 off manufacturers coupons on the Lasting Impressions as Wal-Mart. You might be able to snag a few there to use with your purchase at CVS : ) .)
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