Get ready to snag another FREE sample from Total Beauty! They will be offering up another beauty freebie (not sure what it is) today, October 15th around 12:00 pm PST! If you don't have an account with them yet, then I would suggest setting one up now. That way you'll be already to request your sample.
(Thanks, MojoSavings!)
Hi guys... i am almost running out of printer ink. (so many coupons to print out everyday!) Anybody knows any deal on printer ink (I have a Lexmark printer).
Thank you.
Office Max has generic Lexmark ink that's pretty inexpensive and Walgreens has $10 refills.
Hope this helps
you're on FIRE today- thanks for all the great posts! :)
thanks a lot, #1 saver!
walgreens printer ink refills only last me a few weeks at most. It ends up being a lot more expensive to use the refills than buying a cartridge.
Try Office Max refills...they're inexpensive and they refill the cartridges right in front of you.
Thank you all for the printer-ink deals. My hubby was complaining about how I was using up all the ink to print coupons. But now I can get some inexpensive ink and put an end to his complaints. :)
If you have a "ink in a blink" nearby...its where I get the generic lexmark of what walmart sells. same price...twice the ink. I think they have a website 2.
Got my sample from Total Beauty ... YSL Parisian fragrance! Thanks!
Ink grabber.com, has the best ink deals anywhere!
Sample is Up.. Runn Girls...
Got mine!!!
Everybody get on there now for your Sample YSL's NEW PARISIENNE!!!!
i dont see a submit button!
Don't forget that you can turn in up to 10 cartridges a month @ Staples for $3/cartridge in store credit! We save up our home cartridges & my husband's work cartridges to earn money towards new ones (we can't refill our Canon ones). It does take about a month from the last calendar day of the month that you take them in to actually get your voucher in the mail...
I can't even get the page to load now. :(
Got it! Thanks!
i just got it. it does take a bit to load and there is not a "submit" button. Click enter after typing the secret code in the box. Good Luck!!
Thanks Patti for the hit enter tip! In for 1!
Thanks Collin!
thanks patti! got mine
No Submit button for me either was coming here to see what everyone else did!
Thanks Patti!
Got it! Thanks, girl!
I got my sample of Parisienne. I did pre register with the web site as suggested. There's a tab at the top of the page that says samples/offers so if you can't find it, try there. Thanks!
We're shipping it to the address below. Sit tight - it'll arrive in a few weeks!
Nice :)
Thanks! I look forward to trying this sample.
Success! after loading the page multiple times, I was able to get through and request the sample...can't wait to get it!
got my free sample...hopefully its a small tester sprayer (Rather than a scented card) but either way thanks Collin!!!!!!!!!!
Free is the best scent!
20 minutes later...... (LOL!)
It finally went thru and I got my sample! :) I am thrilled! I almost gave up trying. Glad I didn't!!!
Thanks sooooo much!
off the subject: going to Walgreens tonight and was going to buy the BOGO laundry detergent. Can I use 2 of my RR's (one for the free item too?) or do I have to only use 1?
thanks!i got mine.
They are out now...must have just missed it!
thanks for the info on inkgrabber, great prices! Also, I print a lot of coupons in draft form (go under preferences) when I can, this saves on ink too!
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