According to reader, Christina, Target has the Quaker True Delights Banana Macadamia Nut bars priced at just $1.44 (only variety priced this low). Use the $1/1 manufacturer coupon from the 8/23RP and stack with the $0.50 Target coupon to snag each box FREE + make $0.06 in coupon overage! Make sure to hand the manufacturer coupon over before the Target coupon to avoid any beepage.
Let us know if you're able to find these at this price too!
(Thanks, Christina!)
For more Target Deals and Target Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
aww man! none of my targets sell this flavor...which is my favorite of the three. bummer!
went to target today...there were peelies for $3 off any 2 hilshire farms lunchmeats...combined that with the $1 coupon from a target coupon book i got in the mail...got 2 things of lunchmeat for $2.08...not to bad...
I got these during the summer at the commissary for 50¢ but I gotta tell ya, that flavor is horrible. That fakey banana flavor was just unpleasant to our palates and we eat everything, especially if cheap! I'm surprised this flavor made it out of the testing phase. Don't sweat it if you can't find it!
I just bought them. Thought they were good. Taste like banana bread. Niagara Falls, NY.
I think the flavor is really good. I crave these all the time, lol. Definitely has a banana bread flavor. To each his own I guess. :)
I've tried to submit manufacturer coupons before the Target Store coupons with each of my items and the Kentwood, MI store has their scanner programmed to not pay any overage to the consumer! They have to input the "discount" price as they like to call it! I've even tried to explain to the cashier that their store is getting the full refund for the face value of the coupon from the manfacturer, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to them! Something's not right with this picture!
Maybe they don't give the overage because it's a Target coupon? But I have noticed that it adjusts for the manufacturer Qs also.
I like the banana ones, but I do like the raspberry chocolate ones even better. Hoping my store has these marked down!
$3.34 here.
$2.84 in Wilsonville, OR. Boo, wanted to try them for free! Still, thanks for all the great deal posting!
My Target in Toledo has them. The last time I bought them the cashier would not let me use the Target coupon with the manufacturer coupon because it did not look like the picture. I was afraid that would happen but still at 44 cents I was happy with that.
They cost $2.84 here in oregon. :( Oh well!!!
They were around $2.84 here in Utah too. Sad day and no granola bars for my family...
Could not locate this item at my 3 of the local targets.
which aisle? or close to where did u find this item?
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