Monday, October 26, 2009

JCPenney: Possibly FREE $10 Rewards Certificate!

Wow! Join JCPenney Rewards by registering a credit card... AND currently, just for doing so, they will credit you with a $10 Rewards Certificate! Please note it will state 0 points in your account, but if you look in the my account section you'll see the $10 reward. The certificate can be applied to almost anything, even clearance items. You can also pair it up with the $10 off $10 coupon code ( SWEETS4U )that I posted about earlier here. After signing up, just click the link to print your reward and then copy the reward code and serial number. When you are ready to checkout click on the "Checkout with Promotion Code" link. Combining the coupon code and rewards certificate will get you a total of $20 off a $20 purchase! Sweeeet!
(Thanks, Jennifer & Stephanie!)

The JCP Rewards program also gives you 1 point for every $1 you spend. Once you spend $125 you'll get a $10 Reward! They also offer lots of promotional bonus offers throughout the year. In my opinion this is definitely a rewards program worth signing up for, especially since its FREE! Still unsure? Go on over here and read more about it.

On a side note, I'm already a member of JCPenney Rewards, so I wasn't able to verify that this works! I'm assuming since I received emails from 2 readers regarding this that it will. Let us know!


Anonymous said...

I signed up for JCP rewards using a visa card. It did not give $10 instantly. I called the Customer service and they told me that it may take from 24 to 48 hrs to show up. I read the comments that it worked right away for some people.

Anonymous said...

Off sub : Here's a 10% off coupon code for : RUBCA7J (if anybody wants to order)
- San

ashley said...

It didnt work for me either.... maybe its a visa card thing

Anonymous said...

I used a Mastercard...didn't work me for either

beth said...

nope, didn't work. i see anon said 24hrs...i'll try tomorrow. you tihnk with the 20 off, it'll pay for some shipping or after shipping only?

Anonymous said...

Didn't work for me either. Hopefully it will show up within the next few days.

Anonymous said...

didnt work for me either, lets hope it takes 24 to 48 hrs to show up.

Anonymous said...

I used a Mastercard and it didn't work for me either. better show up tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Didn't work for me either.

Anonymous said...

me either =o(

Heather from jville said...

i used a mastercard as well i'll check tomorrow. :)

Rebecca said...

Do you think you ca use the $10 towards shipping?

dealskth said...

I signed up and used my visa checkcard. I was able to print the certificate right away. it gave me an online code, serial number and expiration date.

Anonymous said...

i didn't get anything either. Hopefully tomorrow. found 2 things for hubby and i would only have to pay shipping.

Megan said...

i used an american expresse and didn't get anything either. i guess i'll wait and see if it shows up before using the $10 code mentioned as well.

stephjo116 said...

I did receive mine - if you sign into your account, there are three sections, current points, available bonues and available rewards - it'll be on the right hand side under "available rewards". The one I have is good through 11/17 and can be used online or instore

Alyssa said...

Thanks, I just got 2 dress shirts and 2 ties for my son for only $10 shipped!

Anonymous said...

I signed up as well and was told that I should receive an email with code in 24 to 48 hours, ( operator said no one gets an instant code) and the is a code for 4.99 shipping but with this deal you get that anyway and only one code and one certificate code can be used. this info came directly from corporate where I called to ask.

dealskth said...

The code worked with the certificate, you just have to make sure your total is at least $20. 19.99 wouldn't work for me.

jenstevens555 said...

Worked for me with amex. I could print the certificate right away. Used both the reward and coupon on a $21.00 sale item, paid 5.99 for shipping. So 6.99 for a reg $32 top. Not bad.

Tara said...

didnt' work for me

Anonymous said...

Man, I hate JCP. I have one of these codes, but I can't order a Dallas Cowboy's shirt for my husband...even though it's not one of the restricted items. Grr.

Anonymous said...

it didnt work right away but then i checked my email 20 mins later and i recieved my rewards certificate in my email. Check your email!! And make sure it didnt go into your spam.

Anonymous said...

i used visa card and it's not working for me either. let's see if i can get it tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Its not showing up in my account either under "available rewards". I guess we'll see tommorrow.

Anonymous said...

Worked for me with my Visa! Can't wait to buy something for Christmas!!

Robin said...

Didn't work on an amex - got an email from JCP but nothing about reward points. Bummer.

Anonymous said...

I signed up and i am not seeing anything about a 10$ reward. I checked my email and got a welcome from them but nothing else. Nothing in my account where you pointed me to either. Maybe tomorrow but it isn't even mentioning anything about it.

Unknown said...

Worked for me immediately when I registered my american express! I got this email and was wary but after seeing this post I realized what a great program it is!

confessionsofashopaholicmom said...

It worked for me, it was there as soon as I signed up. Under the points (that said 0) There was a $10.00 earned under that. I just clicked on it and printed it out.

Rachael said...

worked for me... I just got my daughter 2 really cute sweaters for less than $16 shipped!

MamaMataUSMC said...

Worked for me! I was able to get a pair of toddler shoes on sale for $19.99, FREE I just paid the $5.95 shipping. Love it! I did have some trouble getting the SWEETS4U code to work on the stuff I wanted orginally, but in the end I got my son a great pair of shoes for free!

Niki said...

It worked for me. Got both ten dollars off but it says TBD with shipping. We will see.

Jennie said...

10/26/09 4:23p PST Just signed up and it worked beautifully! After you enter your credit card information, be sure to click "save" right below the box (before you go to the next page). My certificate showed up immediately! Awesome.

Jennie said...

Awesome. Another Christmas gift off my list. My shipping was $6.50 shipped to my local JC Penney or $8.25 shipped to my home. It was worth $1.75 not to use my gas...

Unknown said...

Two pairs of jeans for the hubby shipped to my home for $15. Thanks for the $20 off, H2S! You are the queen of deals!

Kimberly said...

I got 2 outfits for my 6 month old - saved $35 and paid %6.87 - will pick up in the store - great deals to be had here! :)

Anonymous said...

i did it through the email i got from jcpennys and it worked. but when i tried to sign up my husband through the link off of the blog it didnt give him a ten dollar coupon.

Roger and Amy Ann Deming Family said...

Worked right away for me! Awesome! My son needs a winter jacket. :) Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Just wante to say thank you for all the great deals. I recieved an email earlier for JC Penny for the rewards offer and then read your blog. It is really helpful to know what other people thought about the offer! I was able to get two bath towels and a "bride" dress up outfit for my 3 year old for just under $8 and that included shipping. That is great and I did not even have to leave the house which is a good thing because it is cold and rainy!

Keeleysmom said...

I just got a bracelet and three pairs of earrings for $6.99 shipped to my house. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

i used a mastercard and it show a place where i needed to click to print the coupon. Most of their coupons say that they are not valid on levi's. I am hoping to get $20 of a pair of levi's for my son.

Brenda said...

Make sure you look in My Account for other available bonuses:

Earn 50 bonus points on your first qualifying purchase of the following exclusive brands from October 1st to October 31st.

This is on St Johns Bay, east 5th, dining & tabletop, okie dokie and Worthington. Gets you well on your way to earning another bonus certificate!

Anonymous said...

No code after submitting it and no code after waiting 24 hours in my e-mail....bummer! I was looking forward to $20 free bucks at JCP! Maybe if I delete my account and open it again?

CJ said...

I was already a member but hadn't registered a credit card. I added my credit card today and haven't received the $10, Maybe it's just for new members?

Megan said...

this is so crazy...about half said they immediately got a code. the rest of us haven't gotten one at all. there seems to be no rhyme or reason to why it works one time and not another. bummer for us.....

Anonymous said...

After waiting a day I still have not gotten the coupon either. That is so strange that it works for some and not others.

hmb said...

I registered my mastercard debit, was able to use both codes. Two sweaters for 10$ shipped!!!

Melody said...

Thank you!!!!!!!!!

I got a pair of Nike Attest 9 sneakers (in a wide size, yay!) for my 5 year old, for $11 shipped!

Hooray for cheap sneakers that look supportive!

Unknown said...

I just tried and it didnt work for me either and I used a mastercard.

Unknown said...

I just tried and it didnt work for me either and I used a mastercard.

Kate said...

Just signed up and got it right away. I got it off the website, not in my email (though it may have shown up there, too - I haven't even looked yet). Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I never received my reward so I called them this morning and they added it to my account right then. If you registered and didn't receive your reward call the cust. service # and you should get one !!!