If you're a fan of Aveeno products, then you'll want to head on over here (IE or Firefox) and print this $2/1 Aveeno Positively Radiant coupon! Also, the print limit is way more than two, so if you use these products--print off a few!
On the Walgreens site, the Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Exfoliating Body Wash retails for just $5.99. Pair with the $2/1 coupon to get it for just $3.99... or better yet wait for a sale to get an even sweeter deal. I'm also guessing that Walmart, Kmart and various other stores may have these products priced even less!
(Thanks, IHeartCouponDeals!)
Great q for Kmart doubles next week...
From 11/1-11/8, nearly all Aveeno products (except the 2.3oz lotion, body care, or trial size) are 25% off at Walgreens. This promotion is the same one that Walgreens had back in late May. If we buy 3 products, we can get the travel kit valued at $9.99 for free. These coupons will definitely come in handy next week. Thank you for the post.
I printed 6 coupons so far!! YOu can jus thit the back button and refresh to get more than 2
I called Kmart (800 number) and they arent doubling next week.
Ive done 8, but I think I am done. Wanna save some for others :)
Yeah, I stopped at my 6 to save for others too. :)
WHAT !!! did someone say Kmart doubles...
I stopped at 3.
No Kmart doubles next week!
Expire 11-28-09. Looks like these will be good for one great promotional, maybe CVS or Walgreens with a buy x amount of Aveeno get 10 in RR or ECBs. Let us hope! CVS had an Aveeno deal like this earlier this year.
Do you think Walgreen's will let me use this for any Aveeno product? Or does it have to be the Positively Radiant line?
I think the coupons can only be applied to the Positively Radiant line. My Walgreens cashiers usually inspect coupons if the register beeps. I don't think they would push the coupon through if the item isn't in the Positively Radiant line.
So, what's the deal....is KMart really dont with doubles or are they having them next week? Anyone know for sure?
Meant DONE with coupons. Oops
Rite Aid has Video Values Q for Aveeno maybe we can use it with those. There's $3 off any aveeno facial care product and a $2 aveeno haircare Q.
Nicky, I found the $2 video for Aveeno haircare but not for facial
- San
Tried to print and said I had reached the limit ... even though I never got any. sigh...!
I got Sorry! You have already printed this coupon the number of times allowed...but I didn't get any =( Maybe they just reached the overall print limit already...
all the coupons are gone.,....bummer!
I couldn't print one either, even though I hadn't gotten a single one! Maybe those who are printing 8or 10 of them should leave a few for us. Just a thought.
yeah... so many of you got 8 and so many other got NONE. How thoughtful :)
looks like the print limit was reached...My guess is that they will be back in a few days with a print limit of two.
Bummer. I think the print limit's been reached. I got the message that I printed the coupon, but I know I haven't.
I also received a $2 coupon via email from Aveeno (not sure if it's the same link). I had only printed 3 to use for next week's Wags promotion on Aveeno. Hopefully this link will work for those who weren't able to print any.
all gone:( I had to run out this evening and get more ink but looks like I was to late. Oh well maybe next time.
Sigh. None for me either. All I wanted was one coupon so I could buy just one bottle of facial cleanser that I can barely afford when it's regular price not 8 or 10. Who uses 8 bottles of Aveeno in a month anyway? I understand wanting to stockpile, but some of this is quite obsessive.
I tried to print and it told me I printed already, and the last time i printed was months ago. I tried from the link someone posted as well and nothing. If anyone has any extra coupons they will not be using, please email me. My daughter has sensitive skin and we use this brand, works great..but expensive.
I received an Aveeno newsletter with a link to a coupon that when I clicked on said the campaign has ended. I emailed customer service and they are sending me coupons in the mail! Yay!
Wow. Pretty sad that some are printing 8+ and the rest of us are left with none. Lets share the coupon love.
They're gone!!! Too bad people take more than they will ever actually need!
I think it's a litle bit amusing that people are so upset that they missed the printing and are bitter at others for printing the max allowed. First honestly ask yourself if you have ever reached the print limit on other items. And second, we are not entitled to a coupon, they are more or less a gift. I got to the link when they were gone and find it silly there is bitterness instead of grattitude for other discounts we received and will receive.
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