Wow! Check out this awesome deal:
First, it requires you to become a ShopAtHome member. You can sign up here if you aren't already a member. ShopAtHome is a fantastic site where you'll get cash back for online purchases. It's similar to Cashbaq and Ebates. ...AND all new members will get a $5 sign up bonus! Yay!
Once you're registered, search for photo stamps and you should see a link to click on. Click there and then click on the link. You will then be redirected to the site. On the top middle of the site you should see a spot that says "Current customer? click here"--click there. You should then see, on the upper third tab over "Online store"--click on it. Finally, scroll down and under custom products click on PhotoStamps. You will then be able to click on "Photo Stamps" again and start creating your very own custom photo stamps. Just start uploading your photos and personalizing them. Once you're finished, you'll be taken to the checkout page. Change the quantity to 2 sets of 20 sheets and click "Update Subtotal"--this will deduct an additional $2 from each sheet--making each one just $16.99.
In the Promotional & Gift codes box use code thirtyoff and click apply. This will take an additional 30% off your order. You can also stack that code with this code cutekid12 to score FREE shipping too! Your final cost for 40 personalized photo stamps shipped---ONLY $23.79! Plus, you'll get back an $8 cash back rebate in Your ShopAtHome Account within the next 30 days, bringing your final cost down to just $15.79. That equals out to just $0.39 per stamp--which is LESS than the cost of a stamp! Woo-hoo!
(Thanks so much, MoneySavingMom!)
the $8 rebate that comes back-is it added to your credit card or to be used on future purchases? thanks!
If I search on shopathome I cannot find I only get and they want me to sign up for a free trial. But if i just google I get a link where I can buy photostamps (with the same pic as your post) and it does not require me to do the trial? Help?!
I'm having the same problem as Ashley. Cant seem to find the right link?
click on "shop" at the site and scroll to the bottom...I found a photostamp link.
These look so cute, would be great for Xmas cards!!! I am off to search the link... thanks!
Hi guys,
Sorry about the confusion. I got confused too! I just update the post with the correct directions.
Here's how to start creating your own custom photo stamps:
Once you're registered, search for photo stamps and you should see a link to click on. Click there and then click on the link. You will then be redirected to the site. On the top middle of the site you should see a spot that says "Current customer? click here"--click there. You should then see, on the upper third tab over "Online store"--click on it. Finally, scroll down and under custom products click on PhotoStamps. You will then be able to click on "Photo Stamps" again and start creating your very own custom photo stamps. Just start uploading your photos and personalizing them.
Hope you can figure it out!:)
mine came out to 16.80, still a great deal! also, I just created the shop at home account so I will get an additional $5 for signing up, right?
yes, you will get an additional $5 sign up bonus--on top of the $8 back from your order! Great deal!:)
I just want to apologize for my lack of directions earlier. I have since updated the post with detailed directions. Follow them exactly and everything should go smoothly!
It worked for me. Thanks so much for your directions; it made it easy to do!
Awesome deal! Thanks so much!
I had to sign up for the service in order to complete my order..$16.99 a month, BUT I called (to cancel the service), and was told I could use the service for the next month as a risk free trial and get $5 free and not be charged if I cancel the service by next month! I would never continue the service as I don't use that much postage, and I told the woman I spoke to that, but she said go ahead and try the service and cancel later if I that's what I'll do! I do wish I could have completed my order without going through that though!
Is anyone else getting:
An error occured while attempting to process your order. Please try again later.
Did you guys have to download the software too? I never got a confirmation of my order they had me pay & then it made me download the software. Do you have to pay for
Just to clarify the above post, there is a $5 sign-up bonus for Shop at Home, but there was also a $5 free as part of signing up for service.
Yes, I had to download, then go back and sign in and complete my order. Yes, it does sign you up for monthly service, but you can use the $5 they give you first to print stampss at home, then cancel!
If you did this deal twice, would it give you another $8 in your shopathome account?
Is there a way to just order the stamps without signing up for the stamps service?
So I guess it works better to create a Account first because when I went & signed back in they had no record of the order & I had to start all over. I hope I don't get charged twice though.
If you follow my directions--you will NOT have to sign up for any sort of service.
Just follow the steps and you will be able to place your order.
I didn't have to sign up for any additional services.
I'm still getting an error messare after I create my stamp when I try to go to the screen to place my order. Any siggestions?
I did have to sign up to place my order. If there is a way to bypass it, I didn't find it because after my order was ready for payment it only gave the option to sign in or if new to the site, download their software. I looked for a way around it but couldn't find one!
I started to do this deal, then realized that I'm paying $0.59 out of pocket with no guarantee that I'm getting the $8 back from and I really don't care if I have personalized stamps. I've read about other sites like Ebates and such that many times if you use coupon codes that aren't listed on their site they don't have to give you the rebate so you're taking a chance. I also did a search on slickdeals and people are warning you NOT TO SIGN UP w/ STAMPS.COM for any trials or anything because they have so much trouble canceling the service. Here's a thread:
You're only saving $0.05 per stamp (or $2 for 40 stamps). I think I'm just going to buy some Forever stamps and save any hassle.
I am very, very happy for everyone if it works as planned but I don't want to be potentially stuck with $0.44 cent stamps that actually cost $0.59 ... just to put a different perspective on things.
Julie, I didn't have a problem w/this and have ordered from both and shopathome and haven't had any add'l fees or anything like that.
I have been VERY happy w/ and its a GREAT discount! I didn't have to sign up for anything monthly or anything like if its asking for that, start over again b/c something is not right!
I just want to say THANK YOU so much H2S!! I LOVE this deal and am so happy with Christmas cards right around the corner to mail out..this is a HUGE helper in saving money!!!
Thank you again!!!
I'm not seeing a way to not sign up. Maybe this is because you were already a customer and I wasn't?
Well I didn't see how to get past it, but I called and they canceled it for me and said I didn't have to sign up for it. No $5 bonus from of it. I did get the one from shopathome though. Now I just have to spend more money through shopathome to get that money! =\ lol
so, do you have to wait until you spend $20 shopping through shop at home to see the $8.00 back? If so, it's may be a while before I see that savings. And, I'd have to purchase more in order to get the savaing eventually, right? I'm so confused. :)
So I followed these instructions perfectly...and didn't feel like I had signed up for anything addition on but then I just happened to click on my account to look at something and it said I was on the 15.99/month plan!!! And I NEVER selected that or agreed to it so PLEASE everyone be careful and go back and look and make sure you were not signed up.
Also, you have to have $20 in your account before you can get a it could be a while before we see the $8
I see the $5 rebate on the shop at home account, but not the $8 rebate. Anyone else having that problem?
I have followed instructions exactly - but cant find a way to pay without signing up
When I went to register at ShopAtHome, my email was already in use....but my password didn't work.
they sent the password, and it was my email. How odd..
So I went to register with my other email, and it, too, was already in use -- and again the password was my email.. I believe someone has used my emails to log in to get the sign up bonus. :o(
It was odd, because even if I had forgot that I had registered, MY password should have worked -- and the passwords given for my accounts were repeats of the email.
This happen to anyone else???
I missed this deal (after I just created the accounts and created the stamps and everything!) ughhh. Is there another offer for photo stamps out there?!?!?! thanks!
Just tried to apply the thrityoff coupon code. Said it was expired. Anyone know of a similar yet current coupon code?
I just checked my credit card statement & I was billed today twice for $15.99 from I didn't sign up for a service order. The only way I can find to cancel is calling them at 1-888-434-0055, Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Time.
Heads up to anyone...check your credit card statement if you did this deal!
I was billed $15.99 without realize it also! I called & cancelled my account, but they said they needed to charge my account again for $4.00 before I closed it because it was too far into the month & they bill monthly. This was an expensive mistake & I didn't even sign up for the service, just the "cheap photo stamps"!
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