There's a new Huggies Diaper coupon available: save $2/1 Huggies Diapers box: IE or Firefox. This coupon should come in hand for the gift cards deals Target always has available on the Diaper boxes.
(Thanks, CouponersUnited!)
Other new coupons:
Save $1 on 2 Packages of Murray Sugar Free Cookie: IE or Firefox
Three Lance Sandwich Cracker coupons
Scroll down and you'll see the coupons listed under "Tasty Savings"
These are perfect for school lunches and snacks!
Save $1 on any size/variety Pillsbury Grands Biscuits
Just click on the Pillsbury banner image at the top
This is a great--high value coupon!
(Thanks, PrintableCouponsAndDeals!)
FYI - the Pillsbury Grands Biscuit coupon doesn't appear to be a new link - it's just available again. If you printed it before, you won't be able to now. But, if you missed it before, now's your chance!
I got mine again I have gotten them all thanks I just sent you an invite for Beach Nut and if you scroll to the bottom of the offers their is a link for .50 off any cake mate numeral candle it's good till 12/31/09 hth
I only see a $.30/2 Q for Grands. Am I missing something?
Diapers at Walgreens on sale for 6.99
6.99 * 6 jumbo packs = 41.94
$2.00 off Q's = -12.00
Walgreens 5/25 = -5.00
Total: 24.94 (.08 per diaper)
Seems like a good deal if my math/logic is right?
Anon @ 10:59 - What brand of diapers?
Nevermind Lisa...they are 8.99 then minus 2.00 q so..I'll have to re-check...trying to determine if Target 10.00 GC or Walgreen with 5.00/25 is better deal this week on Huggies? Any thoughts?
Can you use the Huggies $2/1 Diaper Box coupon on Huggies jumbo packs? has a 2.00/1 I also get a second set from which gives me 4...
sorry 2/1 jumbo pack...just noticed different than the one Collin was just posting (it is for a box)
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