Birds Eye released a high value coupon in the 10/18 SmartSource insert: Buy one Birds Eye Steamfresh Meals for two, get one FREE (up to $8.99 value). This coupon is only valid thru 11/28, so you'll want to remember to make use of it.
Also, to sweeten this coupon further, you can combine it with the $1.50/1 Steamfresh Meals coupon that is currently available on Coupons.com!
Walmart Deal Scenario:
Buy two Steamfresh Meals for two $4.98 each
Use the BOGO coupon=$4.98 for both
Plus, use the $1.50/1 coupon for the one you're not getting free
Final cost just $1.74 per meal!
**Also, if you shop at the Commissary, these are priced at just $4 per meal. After both coupons from above--ONLY $1.25 per meal! Great deal!
For more Walmart Deals and Walmart Coupons visit the new Hip2Save.com
Our Wal-Mart has them on rollback for $3.85 per meal! Woohoo!
i'm not sure my walmart will combine the coupons. Had bad luck last time.
I bought 4 bags of these when that coupon came out and was so disappointed in them. :( At least they were a great price and it served as 2 quick meals for my family when we needed it.
I tried using both coupons at the same time and the machine said one of the coupons didnt match the product, tried using b1g1 first, then using the 1.50 off first, no luck with using both at same time. Maybe if they manually typed it in it would work, but the cashiers hardly ever do that for me.
I, too, have not been able to combine coupons on these. (My Meijer store only let me use one coupon.)
But the B1G1 deal is still a pretty affordable meal!
I haven't tried these yet, but just got two meals and two packages of the veggies for 5.25. Got to use four coupons, including BOGO!
They wont let me do this deal at any store. The cashier always tells me you have to do one or the other.
My Walmart doesn't do the bogo coupon PLUS another coupon for the one that's not free. Bummer.
I did it BOGO at Walmart without the extra $1.50 off, mostly because I had just completely forgot about it! We tried the Asian one and it was really good!
I was able to use these at Publix last night who had them BOGO so with the BOGO q's and $1.50 q's. I got them free + $3.00 mm. Woohoo! The variety look yummy. I do have one more bogo q to use (bummed...I found it after I came back from the store). I will use it before it expires though.
I did this last week and didnt have a problem. the register beeped but the cashier put it through manually.
Yep, I can't do a coupon with a B1G1 either at Walmart. But under $2 per isn't bad for a frozen meal.
I actually used my coupons last week (both the BOGO and $1.50 together) and Publix. My wal-mart does not allow me to use a bogo + a regular coupon together.
just did this deal at wal-mart today with no problems!
I bought these last week at Food Maxx. They were $4.99 and I was able to use the BOGO and the $1.50 off coupon. I bought four. The Shrimp Alfredo is pretty tasty. The first time I ate it, it was kinda tasteless, but that was because the sauce pellets weren't in the part I ate.
Try doing the $ off first and then the BOGO. Thats how I do it on the self checkouts. the cashier still has to approve the BOGO one but they will do it.
I used my BOGO a couple of weeks ago when my Walmart had them marked down. Hubby loves them!! I had to buy more the next week using the $1.50 off coupons (I hadn't thought to use both at the same time). Thanks for all of your posts. They really have improved our lives.
These were part of Kroger's buy 10 get 5.00 off last week so I combined the two. I did learn something from the manager though. I had a lot of coupons and they said if the internet ones beep that they won't put them through but if the regular ones beep that they will force it, if you have that product. so I gave them my internet ones first and then the print ones. No problem.
Also if you are doing a bunch of coupons do not put coupons for like items right together. Usually they don't notice later in the transaction that you had two.
well the buy one get one coupon says "one coupon per purchase" so lets try to be honest
Stop and Shop in Long Island currently has Steamfresh Meals for two on sale for $5.50 each. Add the 1.50 off coupon and that comes to $4.00 per meal. I usually add pasta and vegetable to the meal to make it "Meals for Four"
I tried the b1g1 and the 1.50 off and was told I coudlnt' do it :( I do like these meals I went and go 40 of them as they make a perfect meal for my husabnd and I being I have diabetic restrictions and it right in those lines. They are quick and easy so the pregnant lady dosen't' have to slave over the stove.
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